Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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And What A Monstrous Sight He Makes [Darth Carach]

Prakith was an unlikely location for the group of academy students to be in. There were only a handful of them here, roughly twenty students and a bunch of teachers were present. The planet was fairly unstable, and they were currently set up in a compound with a dormitory for the students. The headmaster of the Ryloth academy didn't really give them any details as to why they were here; which maybe proved how trusting a bunch of dark lord wannabes were.

After a full day's worth of training, and students beating each other up, the sky had dimmed on the volcanic planet. Many students were still hyper, and few actually settled down and behaved like good students. The lobby of the small building which was normally empty, save for maybe a few staff members, was now occupied by a group of students.

The majority of them were teenagers and gave off the vibe of normalcy. Despite the vast majority of them leaning towards the dark side, it was easy to question whether these kids actually belonged as sith. At the end of the day, they were just kids after all; and not many of them were here by choice.

Still, besides the adamant training sessions, they still very much wanted to have fun.

"You kriffing cheated, you drukking schutta." The young lad rose from his seat and started cursing at her. Tara wasn't quite sure if was impressed by this child's ability to use so many colorful words in a single sentence. Not that he was a child, the man in front of her was merely a few months ahead of her, however she found most men her age childish and annoying. She yawned and leaned forward.

"Sugar, it isn't my fault you suck at pazaak." She told him, watching his face redden. They were acquaintances in the academy. She found him to be the kind of person who couldn't take defeat; the very reason why she challenged him at a round of pazaak in the first place. They were betting credits, and she was particularly sure she overheard him talking to one of his friends about saving up to buy some narcotics. She cocked her head to the side, looks like he was going to be a few credits off from getting high off of spice. "Now cough up the credits."

"Whatever bugslut, you need them." He said, slammed them down on top of the table, the arrangement of cards moving into a slight disarray. He picked up his cards angrily and moved away, his posse tracing after him. She rolled her eyes and looked around. She wasn't the best pazaak player in the academy, but she was good enough to beat most people. She picked up on their strategies pretty easily and most people pretty much followed the same patterns. The trick to pazaak wasn't simply relying on your luck, but knowing how to use the cards in your hands properly. She knew how a player worked after a couple rounds with them, depending on the choices that they made.

"Okay, anyone else wanna play?" She called out. Not only was she on a winning streak, she also had an air of confidence about her that made many people intimidated. She was a young woman who didn't function well in crowds simply because she didn't trust people too easily; she had no problem beating them in a good game however, provided that they played fair. "Anybody?"

|[member="Darth Carach"]|
[member="Sitara Qin"]

‘What about the Qin girl?’ the question was posed, yet the sound was kept inside the thinly-lit cavity between the walls. Few really understood the true purpose of this little academy on Prakith, it wasn’t the true one, not the place where the future Sith were trained to become the Masters of the Universe.

No, this was simply an ‘in-between’ station. The good were weeded out from the bad, the weak were broken and the strong rose up to finally end up at the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, the real Academy that was located not in one place. Instead it was located everywhere the Sith held dominion.

One of its main sites was actually located on Prakith, within the folds and trenches of a hidden alcove. Difficult to find, impossible to travel to without proper guidance. It was there that the halls of sithly knowledge were located.

‘An interesting specimen, Lord Carach. Vindictive to a large degree, we still cannot find the thumb of young Charlson. Arrogant too, last time she tried to stand up against Karl there and got punched in the face for her trouble- not entirely in touch with reality, when it comes to her natural limitations.’

‘Does she have it?’

‘Have what, my Lord?’

‘Spunk, my boy. Does she have what it takes to be one of mine.’

‘Heh, oh yes. Quite a handful though. You will probably want to send her back within the week.’

‘I will take that bet, send her up to the main office. I will await her there.’

Not soon after one of the trainers entered the room and told Sitara that she was expected in the office of the Academy. It seemed the Head of the school wished to talk to her.

Little did she knew this was someone far more important than the Headmaster.
It seemed as though nobody wanted to be a few credits poorer. She rolled her eyes. "Cowards." She murmured, stacking up her cards. The lobby was almost empty now, as the majority of the loitering students evacuated upstairs in order to slumber or read. Besides her, there was a group of four girls chattering about mindless gossip. Sith or not, girls will be girls. The brunette rolled her eyes.

"Sitara, you're being called." approached an older looking woman. Sitara turned her head as her eyes met those of one of their supervisors.

"Is there any reason why? I am certain gambling isn't against any of the rules." She raised an eyebrow as the woman sighed, obviously fed up with Tara's attitude. She had quite a reputation.

"Just go, Sitara."

The young woman shrugged and stood up, pocketing her deck of pazaak cards. It wasn't like half of the things she did were against the sith code anyways. In fact, no one seemed to bat an eye when she broke one of Julius's nose the other week when he tried slipping something into her food. She caught a whiff of the spice instantly and slammed his face onto the table. No, the sith condoned this kind of behavior and she wasn't quite sure why she'd be sent to the headmaster for simply doing what she was trained to do.

The halls were dim, as though the drab paint and the typically black clothing everyone else wore wasn't enough to give this place an aura of maleficence. The door was at the end of the hall and she opened it slowly. She stepped in, eyeing the stranger who wasn't supposed to be here. He was far bigger than she was; though, he didn't seem like one of the teachers here. He appeared intimidating, maybe a little scruffy at the same time.

"You wanted to see me?" She said sweetly, addressing the headmaster who she was pretty familiar with. Her gaze would slowly shift back onto the stranger.

|[member="Darth Carach"]|
[member="Sitara Qin"]

The silence stretched after her question, filling the void and making things just slightly awkward for at least two of the people involved. When it seemed clear that the Voice of the Dark Lord was not actually going to use his infamous voice right away, the Headmaster coughed to cover up the incident just slightly and scratched his chin.

‘Acolyte Qin, are you aware who this man is and what he represents?’

Of course she wouldn’t, probably. She wasn’t so far into the sphere of influence of the One Sith that she would realize the sheer significance of his presence here. The Voices of the Dark Lord were the administrators of his vast empire, the men and women who held the authority to speak with the voice of the Emperor himself.

Their words were law and now one of them was here.

And that one was Darth Carach, some liked to call him the Wolf Lord; because of those amber eyes and yet others named him Lord of Freedom. A peculiar name for a Sith Lord, but that wasn’t the only strange thing about the Sith. She would find out more about that soon though.

The Headmaster continued, after a respectful pause, to signify the importance of this man’s presence.

This… is Darth Carach, Voice of the Dark Lord.’ he said, giving a deep nod to the Sith Lord. He probably would have stood up and bowed, if his belly fat wasn’t currently keeping him stuck behind the table.

‘And he wishes to take you on as a possible Apprentice at the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge.’
The headmaster, who prided himself in being a strong and powerful sith, seemed to cower because of this man. He was intimidating, she was certain of that. He could probably kill her without breaking a sweat if she pushed his buttons hard enough. The headmaster looked worried that she'd say something out of place. He knew her, she had quite the reputation.

There was tension in the air as the headmaster spoke. He spoke slowly, cautiously. She folded her arms and simply stared at him. She shook her head. She didn't know who he was, but she assumed he was pretty bloody important. What he wanted with her, she'd know in a few seconds.

"Darth... Saw-rakh." She repeated his name, emphasizing each syllable. He was the voice of the dark lord. Yup, definitely important. She stole a glance from him again. He had warm colored eyes, but didn't give off the vibe of a very warm person. He hasn't said a word since she entered; she figured he didn't have anything to say so far. That was understandable.

He wanted to take her on as an apprentice? She smirked. Perhaps her personality was taking her places, or maybe everyone else was just too much of a wimp. He seemed uptight; she wondered how well their personalities would mesh. She put her hands in her pocket. "Why I'm flattered." She simply said, turning to face her potential master and batted her eyes at him. The headmaster's skin grew pale. "It's quite an honor to meet a sith lord as handsome as yourself."

|[member="Darth Carach"]|
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Carach wasn’t really all that uptight all things considered, but early on he had learned that reputation was key for outside appearances. So he cultivated a name built upon a plethora of things, mostly the sinking of cities, the stealing of armies and generally being a nuisance for the ones on the other side of any conflict he played with. She was quite the talker, it seemed. Which was perfect, because he was a talker too. It was all part of the job description.

A silver tongue, miss Qin?’ for a moment he let those words hang between the two of them and in that moment it wasn’t entirely clear what Carach was planning, was he offended? Did he want to deliver a world of pain on her? Then he grinned, a lazy grin that suddenly made him seem all the warmer.

You ain’t no hurt on the eye either, love.

The last word was not spoken, instead it vibrated through the ether and slipped neatly into her mind.Dem Sith Lords.

Carach looked over to the Headmaster and shrugged.

I will need some time alone with your student, before I can decide if I want her or not.’

Nothing more needed to be said, the headmaster almost jumped up, bowed and filed out of the room at the request.
She simply watched him, waiting for a reaction. 'What's the matter? Sith lord can't handle a little teasing?' were the words that popped into his head. She wasn't quite sure as how to respond to his little 'silver tongue' comment. He ended the short silence and Sitara broke into a small grin. Maybe he wasn't so uptight after all. The word ending his sentence slipped into his mind. 'Showing off his force powers already, flashy.'

As the headmaster abruptly stood up to leave, the girl suppressed the urge to laugh at his rather paunchy belly bounced up and down. She swore he was sweating heavily underneath his robes. The areas around his pits seemed to be a darker color than the rest of his body. She chuckled.

She plopped herself down onto the headmaster's desk and crossed her legs. "Couldn't wait to be alone with me? You're fast aren't cha?" She teased him and bit her lip. Being in front of him, she had the chance to examine him better. He was very tall and well built; he towered over her fairly easily. He was probably around twenty years older than her, but for his age, she had to admit that he looked very good. His amber eyes were a fair contrast to her blue grey ones.

"God, I thought he'd never leave."

|[member="Darth Carach"]|
[member="Sitara Qin"]

For a moment everything was silent, the gargantuan Sith Lord simply sat and studied his nails, before suddenly vanishing into thin air. Illusion? Matter Teleportation? Some sort of Sith Magicka? In the end the soft brush of his hand on her neck would make sure that such thoughts and ponderings were the last of things on her fickle mind. But the Sith Lord was not busy seducing the girl, she would have known that if she had had more experience with them.

His other hand suddenly sat itself on top of her head and a whisper burned itself into her mind.

Show me what you got.’

And suddenly the lights went out. Metaphorical lights, instead of the actual study lights. She would see pure darkness, a strange hum filling her ears and then suddenly a single passageway in her mind’s eye.

Stone walls all around her were giving her just one way, forward.
She bit her lip. Of course it couldn't be that easy. It wasn't like she was expecting him to ravage her right then and there. He took a seat, being sedentary there for a moment, seemingly distracted by something before disappearing. Tara blinked, her head turning to scope the room. A soft hand brushed against her slender neck and goosebumps trailed up her bare shoulders. She shivered, her body stiffening as a hand sat on top of her head and a cool voice penetrated her thoughts yet again.

She grinned. No, this definitely wouldn't be easy.

Everything went black before the room faded to reveal stone walls all around her. Tara's pupils dilated due to the lightning conditions. She hopped off the table, her feet tapping the hard ground beneath her, the soles of her shoes striking the ground with a thud. She appeared to be the only one here, no sign of the mysterious sith lord anywhere. She licked her lips, her hands finding its way to the hilt of custom made saber. She had to be alert, someone could strike her at any moment.

She walked along the stone corridor, excited to see just what was at the end of this tunnel.

|[member="Darth Carach"]|
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Had she been curious about what was behind her, she would notice a wall. A nondescript wall, but a wall nonetheless. The strange part? That wall did not seem to want to leave her sight, the more she walked, the heavier her feet seemed to become, but the wall was always there behind her. Implying that she wasn’t traveling at all, almost as if she was simply marching on the spot with no distance traveled, but the tiredness creeping up body would tell a different tale.

What was the lesson here? Was there even a lesson? Or had she somehow pissed off the Sith Lord, a Voice of the Dark Lord himself, and had he decided to punish her in one of the worst ways possible? Locking her into her own mind, with no possibilities of escape whatsoever?

Thoughts to ponder about, perhaps.

But she would slowly get the feeling that there was something ahead, if only she just walked a few more steps, a few more…

A few more.
No matter how far she sauntered through the dark tunnel, it was as though she had not made any progress at all. She backed up slowly, about to turn when she her shoulder hit the hard wall that followed behind her. She didn’t even notice it. How long had it been there? She walked another step, only for the wall to follow.

Perhaps this was a sign that she had no where to go but forward, literally. Was this his way of testing her? Or did he enjoy tiring her out for no reason. She sighed, she was tired of moving. Perhaps if she sat still he’d get bored of toying around with her. She clenched her hands into fists, striking the wall behind her.

No, she had to move forward.

Resting her back against the wall for a few seconds, she took a few deep breaths before kicking the wall behind her and charging forward.

Sitara ran into the light.

| [member="Darth Carach"] |

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