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Character Defias



Full Name
Outer Rim​
Early twenties​
Salvager / Scavenger​
Galactic Basic, Jawa Trade Language​
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Template Credit

  • "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."


    On the desolate, junk-strewn world of Raxus Prime, a planet buried beneath mountains of industrial refuse and the decaying remnants of countless battles, Ander was born. Raised by a single mother, Liora, in a modest hovel cobbled together from salvaged starship parts, Ander's life from the very beginning was marked by hardship and labor.

    Liora, once a skilled engineer, had been forced into the life of a scrapper by the relentless demands of the Commerce Guild. The Guild controlled nearly all aspects of life on Raxus Prime, exploiting its inhabitants to scour the planet for valuable scrap metal and technology. From the age of five, Ander was thrust into this grueling work. Each day, he would join the other scrappers, picking through heaps of twisted metal and electronic carcasses, dreaming of a life beyond the oppressive confines of his homeworld.

    Ander's childhood was a blur of dirt-streaked faces, calloused hands, and the constant rumble of machinery. The scrappers, including children like Ander, were often sent off-world to salvage space debris from battlefields. These missions were perilous, with the ever-present threat of encountering hostile forces or dangerous remnants of ancient war machines. For Ander, every day was a struggle for survival, his dreams of freedom crushed under the weight of the Guild's exploitation.

    When Ander was sixteen, Liora fell ill. The harsh conditions of their work had taken their toll, and medical care was a luxury they couldn't afford. Desperate to save his mother, Ander worked harder than ever, taking on dangerous salvage missions in hopes of earning enough to pay off their debts and secure passage off-world. But the Guild's stranglehold on their lives tightened, and Ander's efforts seemed futile.

    Amidst this bleak existence, Ander found solace in a fellow salvager named Mira. Mira, with her quick wit and fiery spirit, became Ander's confidante and love. They would spend their stolen moments together, dreaming of a future free from the Guild's oppression. Their love was a fragile beacon of hope in the darkness of Raxus Prime, and they promised each other that they would find a way to escape together.

    One fateful day, part of small salvage crew off-world on a mission to recover valuable tech from a derelict Star Destroyer, they were ambushed by a rival group. The Guild's overseers, more concerned with their profits than the lives of their workers, refused to send help. Ander and the crew barely escaped with their lives.

    Upon returning to Raxus Prime, Ander found his mother had passed. The Guild had increased their quotas again, and the meager earnings from his latest mission hadn't been enough to buy the medicine she needed.

    In the wake of his mother's death, Ander and Mira intensified their efforts to escape. They hatched a daring plan to steal a Dark Imperial cargo ship and flee Raxus Prime. As the day of their escape approached, Ander was filled with hope for the first time in years. But on the night of their planned departure, Mira did not show up at their rendezvous point. Instead, Ander was met by the Guild's security forces.

    Mira had betrayed him. In exchange for her own freedom and a promise of safety, she had revealed their plan to the Guild. Ander was captured, beaten, and handed over to the Imperial authorities for a good price. The sting of betrayal cut deeper than any physical wound. Mira's actions shattered what little hope Ander had left, leaving him feeling utterly powerless and alone. He realized that in this galaxy, trust was a dangerous luxury, and that survival demanded strength and self-reliance.

    Labeled a criminal, Ander was conscripted into the Dark Empire's stormtrooper corps for penal service. Stripped of his name and given a number, Ander found himself in a new kind of hell. The rigid discipline and brutal training of the stormtrooper corps were designed to break the spirits of recruits, but Ander's resolve only hardened. Every drill, every order barked at him by the Imperials, fueled his determination to survive and one day, break free of his chains.

    Throughout his life of hardship and struggles, Ander grew bitter and cynical. The betrayal by Mira and the indifference of the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi had taught him a harsh lesson: in a galaxy dominated by the strong and the ruthless, there was no place for idealism or trust. He came to believe that every man was for himself and that only the strong survived. The dream of freedom that once burned brightly in his heart was now replaced by a cold, steely resolve to become strong enough to never be at anyone's mercy again.

    Ander's heart had become as hard and unyielding as the scrap metal he had once scavenged, and his resolve to never be helpless again would shape his path forward.


    Opting for forceful conscription for his penal service, rather than execution, Ander was drafted in Boom Squad of the Dark Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. His relationship with the rest of the squad is reserved, at times hostile—given his entry to service—and he always seems to be looking for a way out. However, despite that, Ander experiences a form of camaraderie for the first time in his life.


  • See second post of this bio​

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(shamelessly copied from Kyric Kyric )
Act I: Path of Destruction
For as long as he remembers, Ander has always sought to survive and escape his hopeless life on Raxus Prime. After a series of grueling attempts and a twist of fate, the opportunity finally reveals itself: a new life as Defias of the Sith.

Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire
Ander escapes Raxus Prime, but at a heavy price—conscription as penal service in the ranks of the Dark Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. After serving with Boom Squad on the Battle of Coruscant, his force sensitivity is revealed and he is taken by the Sith for training. A new life begins as Defias of the Sith.
Operation Starbird [ Incomplete ]
The Cast: Pious Tapp Pious Tapp Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan
Synopsis: Boom Squad prepares for the Battle of Coruscant by undergoing military drills on Counterfeit City Cresh141

Long Live the Empire [ Complete ]
Post order: tba
The Cast: Lord Mor'zhul Lord Mor'zhul Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger
Synopsis: The Siege of Coruscant has begun! In the crucible of war, baptized by fire and brimstone, Ander fights for survival.

The Acolyte [ Complete ]
The Cast: moi
Synopsis: Discovering his force sensitivity, Ander is taken to Lord Neveon on Carlac. There he burns his old life behind and rises, reborn in the flames of the dark side, as Defias.

The Acolyte
Here I type later, smile.

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