Angcelon Bip
The Sith Hero
The Sith Hero
NAME: Angcelon Bip
FACTION: N/A (For now)
RANK: Sith Warrior
SPECIES: Arkanian
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 329 pounds
EYES: Milky White
HAIR: Silver
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Phisical Dominance: The height and weight of the Sith Hero is nothing to scoff at. He is strong, not as strong as a wookie but just about as strong as a Arkanian can become.
Self Dominance: The brutal regiment of his daily phisical training have done more than just mold his body. His mental discipline through daily suffering is remarkable. Although not able to block mental attacks and resist mind control out right. It takes a lot of willpower and undisturbed focus to be able to mentally phase The Sith Hero.
Tactical Dominance: When in large scale conflicts with multiple enemies The Hero is good but when facing a single enemy in traditional lightsaber combat The Hero is a force of nature. When dueling another force user in a lightsaber duel Angcelon feels most as home and its his favorite moment in time. Years of training in Makashi and no other style have made him a specialist in the style and a terrifying opponent to face alone.
The Weakest Sith In the Galaxy: Angcelon believes unorthodox things. His entire existance is the exact opposite of Sith teachings, as such every single force ability he uses is greatly diminished.
His force lightning, fizzles and is inefficient.
His Force Choke, never actually grips hard enough to matter.
Every dark side ability that he uses is at its absolute weakest because of his reluctance to be anything less than a hero or a savior.
Arkanian arrogance: Due to his isolation and upbringing The Hero has never actually fought anyone who could stand up to him. This combined with Arkanian culture makes him genuinely think that he is far above every other being in the galaxy. His exploits have gained him titles and riches and his face on merchandise, He is a celebrity in his mind and in his homeworld.
Vanity, Greed and megalomania: His desire to be a Hero is beset at all times with his desire to appear on The Holonet, on Interviews and the latest celebrity gossip. He is not a bad person by any sense of the word but in the spotlight he becomes someone else.
An arrogant, rich, self-centered jerk who only cares about himself just like all the other celebrities.
The Hero Complex: Angcelon Bip takes the moniker given to him to the absolute extreme. He will sacrifice himself, He is that guy who will make the ultimate sacrifice.
If there are innocents to be protected, innocent people in danger, all caution will be thrown out the door.
His facial features are sublime, much like many other Arkanians. Long hair, white robes and imposing frame. His arrival is a subtle as a speeder crash, his oppressive, white only clothes and regalia, are sure to impress
Arkania... Conquered and retaken, decades of war and bloodshed. It was taken once by the Alliance and more times to by the Sith. As usually happens when a world is conquered, the culture of the conqueror is injected.
It is under these conditions that Angcelon was born and raised. The Sith were told to be heroes, protectors of the loyal and destroyers of evil doers! As an Arkanian, He was naturally selected to study in nanotechnology and bioengineering until his talents were discovered.
As a young man, Angcelon and many other youths were tutored by the dogmatic Sith puppets left over by the empire that never grasped even the tail of what Sith truly was... what the dark side truly was....
After every single one of his peers either died or dissappeared Angcelon alone was graduated to this mockery of Sith Knighthood.
He was taught the abilities but not ideology, combat and discipline but not rage and hate. Along with the planetary defense force, for decades he aided the sick and needy and defended the weak.
One fateful day however... under a massive invasion during the Great Galactic War, Angcelon was tasked with evacuating the senate halls. While evacuation was underway more than one hundred battle droids pounded the gates.
Angcelon did not hesitate and alone held off the onslaught saving countless lives. The media and the holonet were quick to make the "Knight" a celebrity starring in everything from commercials to political advertising.
The spotlight brought the real Angcelon to the surface as he appeared in every holonovela he could, grabbed every prize and cashed in innumerable credits. The life of drugs, movies and money was everything he could ask for and more but he still yearned to be The Hero, The Protector and such.
After being on the holo for so long his critics and even his own Arkanians began to say that he wasn't real, that it was all movies and effects. In private Angcelon harbored these doubts as well, never once had he ever been able to use the force as effectively as he was told he could.
He called himself a Sith, wielded the power of the Darkside but he was unable to incapacitate a single robber with it...
He knew there was something amiss, something he was missing, power over the force...
On the other side of the galaxy however... The Sith were fighting other Sith in a huge war that struck fear everywhere.
If he could find a way to these Sith perhaps they would know something else...
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