Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Angel in the Morning

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The couch wasn't the most dignified place to fall asleep, but Jenn found herself there regardless. After the crying session Jonyna had the night before, she had found contentment in falling asleep in Jenn's arms.

That was last night.

Now Jenn was awoken not by the sound of Jonyna's soft purr, but by the smell of chicken noodle soup.

"Wakey Wakey Lyrana~"
Jonyna called, placing the bowl in front of her. "I wanna show you the rest of my ship~" She said in a sing-song voice, almost as if to mimic the siren's own.


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Wake up, buttercup

Ignorant as she yet remained to the significance behind that word, Jenn loved it all the same; whenever Jonyna uttered it, she felt... a touch of fondness in her voice, leaving her with a warm and comfortable feeling in its wake. Waking up to her graceful host and darling date calling her by that title was a wonderful experience indeed!​
Reminded of the events of the night prior, and how she remained true to her self-assigned mission, the Mandalorian smiled ever-so softly. Comforting her cyare was all that mattered to her then, dragging her hand across her back as she whispered one tender word of assurance after the next, until the Jedi had fallen asleep in her arms. Now, though... now was a new day, and with it, new things to do. Stifling a yawn, the Alor stretched languidly soon after- and eagerly began to partake in this lovely meal Jonyna had prepared for her, though not before piping up.​
"Good morning to you too, Moontide. Seems you're as excited about this day as I am!" teased the Ersansyr with a smirk.​

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"I haven't slept like that in ages." Jonyna confirmed with a peppy, if toothy grin, and a push of the soup towards her across the table. "Now get up lazy plates, eat up. I wanna show you around, and I can't do that with you having an empty stomach." She was rather adamant on that part, "Eat, then I can show you the pool~"


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Wakey wakey

"Good. You deserve a great many things, and sleeping soundly is one of those things." As ever, her words were delivered with confidence, as if truth flowed from her lips. Moving into a sitting position on the couch, the Ersansyr had to make a conscious effort not to wolf down the noodle soup; the promise of getting to follow the ever-alluring scent of saltwater was an exciting one indeed!​
Jonyna taking the time to prepare a meal for her was a simple thing indeed- but no less appreciated for it. Little shows of attention, small signs of affection... she embraced each and every one of them readily. Standing up to her feet after finishing her meal, Jenn stood up and - closed the distance between them, if only so that she could reach for her hand once more, intertwining their fingers. "Right behind you, Moontide."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The small interlocking of fingers caused Jonyna's heart to flutter, as her smile lit up the room like a ray of sunshine. She practically skipped as she led them down the hall, to the left to reveal the pool.

A pool large enough to fill a gymnasium, originally designed to allow Stormtroopers the chance to stay fit in the long scout trips this ship was designed for. Now, it was Jonyna's personal swimming hole. "Ta-da!" Jonyna smirked, dropping her cargo shorts and walking towards the water's edge. "Up for a swim?"


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Just a dip

Grinning all too happily in the face of such joy, Jenn eagerly followed her gentle host along, holding her hand all the way to the pool. There was no mistaking the longing etched all over her features at the sight of such a... surprisingly large pool. It may have lacked the beckoning allure of seas and oceans, but it afforded her more than enough space to flip her fins within the privacy of her darling's home. How could anyone expect an Ersansyr to deny herself such wonder?

"I think you'll find that I am always up for a swim", teased the Mandalorian with a grin as her gaze lingered on her girlfriend, her hands already moving to rid herself of the plates of beskar covering her lower body. They were carefully laid out by the pool's edge - and soon joined by the bottom half of the skintight flightsuit she wore underneath. With a sigh of pure relief, Jenn stepped into the water... and resisted the desire to close her eyes in pure bliss, choosing instead to look down as her legs began to change.​
Shifting was a difficult process to quantify for her at the best of times, largely clueless as she was when it came to the topic of Sith alchemy and its intricacies. Practically always requiring a conscious effort on her part, as spontaneous transformation was luckily left in those first few weeks after her escape from captivity, the process was markedly different depending on which form she chose to change into. Getting her legs back, as she liked to call it, was something of an exhausting process, and often left her with a keen sense of loss. Watching those legs seamlessly melt into a single, powerful limb, though?​
Oh, it never failed to spark joy within her heart! Today, however, saw another emotion lingering; a fair share of pride, as she all but basked in the glory of her nature, her transformation reaching its zenith with a powerful slap of her newly-formed fin against the surface, splashing the Cathar as her guest laughed oh-so melodiously. Eagerly showing off the majesty of her being, unashamed in her embrace of what she had become; circumstances originally imposed onto her seized boldly and made her own.​
"Come on in, cyare!"

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Normally, watching someone strip was a mundane part of Cathar life that didn’t hold much meaning. But…

Watching Jenn do it was enthralling. Fascinating. Jonyna watched with a curiosity as Jenn reformed her tail, eyes fixated at the woman’s lower half.

At least, until she got splashed.

“Hey!” Jonyna called out, a smirk forming on her face as she decided to cannonball in, chasing after her new mate. Soon after, she rose from the water, majestically flicking her hair back as she did, looking to Jenn with a devious smirk, “Jerk! Come here, I earned another kiss for that, yeah?”


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | In good spirits

Oh, but to bask in the admiration of her dearest companion, drinking in the fascination in her eyes! Jenn felt positively desired, fanning the flames that yet burned within her heart... before the hour came for playfulness once more, her splashing of the onlooking Cathar leading directly to the elegant Jedi tackling the situation head-on! Laughing heartily as her darling cannonballed her way into the pool, the siren bit her lip at the sight of her emerging from the water, all too awestruck by the sheer majesty with which the Sentinel of Harmony carried herself.
Refusing to be outdone at her own game, the Mandalorian closed in the distance between the two at great speed with but a flick of her fin - a reminder of the power in her tail. Stopping just shy of their faces meeting, Jenn brought but a finger to tilt Jonyna's chin up, her smile positively devilish.
"If you ask sweetly enough", teased the Ersansyr...

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The way she moved…

It was poetry in motion. Just like her, just like them. As soon as the mermaid got up close, she didn’t even let her finish before grasping both her lover’s cheekbones and pulled her into a kiss. This time, she wanted a bit deeper, her rough tongue pushing for entry.

Wading in the water, Jonyna could only press her chest against Jenn’s, the woman wanting as much contact as she could muster. The Cathar still had an immense need for affection, the feeling of heartbreak slowly fading from it.


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | In good spirits

Jenn never felt more attuned with her emotions than when water caressed her form. It was, after all, her home; wherever she went, saltwater called to her very soul, singing sweetly to the Ersansyr of all it could grant her. Freedom from her responsibilities, freedom from the stifling expectations of Mandalorian culture that ever demanded more strength from her... freedom from the doubts that assailed her mind, still, whenever she thought of her legacy. The embrace of water allowed her to live in the moment, and never before had she delighted in such a blessing as greatly as she did now.
Before she could hope to tease the Jedi who had captured her soul so thoroughly, the proud warrior found herself taken into a passionate kiss, their lips crashing against one another with naked desire. This... was nothing like their first kiss, slow and tender as it had been, bringing a measure of comfort to a kindred spirit still grieving what she had lost, afraid of allowing herself to love again and risk heartbreak. No, this was hungrier, if no less loving, and the Cathar's advance was soon met in kind by her Mandalorian lover. Wrapping her arms around the Jedi to hold her close and her tail all around her legs, Jenn would not be the one to break their liplock, neck-breather that she was.
"Taking it slow, mh?" teased the Alor once their lips parted at last, content to simply hold her furred companion close to her, idly dragging her palms along her back. "Not that I can hold that against you... I'm just as captivated by you, Moontide."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

“I can’t help it.” Jonyna whined, placing her head on Jenn’s shoulder. “I…really don’t want to. I wish I could just tell you how I feel and we could move on to where we can be honest with how much I want to. But…I know that’s not wise. I know we should take it slow. I just want to take you in my room and…” she paused, letting out a groan. “I hate this. I hate the baby steps. It’d be easier if we were further along…”


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Tenderly by my side

Sinking her fingers into the Cathar's mane of hair, Jenn seemed content to drag her digits against her scalp comfortingly. "It's okay", promised the Ersansyr softly. "We'll get there, Jonyna... at our own pace. All in due time."
There was little point for her to speak of her own desires, for it would only leave her aching for that which could not be hers. Why torture herself so, by airing out just how dearly she longed to show this Jedi the depths of her adoration? Beskar served to mask her features and protect her earthly form, but even the hallowed metal of her people could not keep her safe from heartbreak. Jenn was a passionate woman, who never held back - may it be in love or war. Letting herself love was dangerous, and she knew it...
... and yet, here they were, embracing one another as they exchanged words of affection.

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The sound of the siren’s voice soothed the soul, and gave Jonyna some level of comfort. She couldn’t lose another. Not from the sands of time, not from the pages of knowledge, and certainly not from the mystery of the dark.

She would hold onto Jenn as tightly as she could. She would protect her, just as she would every other soul in the galaxy.

“You’re moving in, yeah?” Jonyna asked into Jenn’s ear. “I mean…to the ship.”


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Tenderly by my side

Many were those who fought against her siren's song, may they be friends or foes, for many resented the notion of another's influence dragging across their mind... but not Jonyna. No, the bold Cathar accepted the melodious words in her heart, and in so doing earned herself a modicum of peace. Was there anything more beautiful than a wounded soul letting their heartache lay bare like this, as a sign of trust?
"I can't", answered the Ersansyr truthfully, a mournful note behind her words now; painful as it might be, her commitment to truth remained absolute, now more than ever before - for a relationship built on falsehoods and half-truths could never hope to blossom into something beautiful. "Not... full-time, anyway. Clan Kryze needs me to lead them, and my daughter does, too. I have obligations, as Alor and mother both."
It lacked the firmness of a staunch refusal. Perhaps the honesty she displayed blunted the edge of her declaration...

| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Too honest

Oh yeah, great job, Jenn, way to shoot down your chances there. "Truth will set us free" my arse!
Wincing with clear discomfort, the Ersansyr pulled away from her darling, an overwhelming feeling of loss invading her every thought. With a sharp intake of air, the Mandalorian met the Jedi's gaze... and spoke up once more, truthful as ever - no matter how said truth could shatter this tender, if fragile dream the two of them shared.
"Her name is Varys. When her mother cast her out from Clan Amun, I took her in, and I... love her as if she were my own flesh and blood."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna could only smile, a gleeful grin as she once more closed the distance between them.

She could have another. Another child to care for.

“Then that makes another thing in common. My padawans, Ko and Rayia. Both are, at least by my cultural standards, Si blood. We’ll need to talk about how that’ll work between us, but…I can’t wait to meet Varys.”

Jonyna reached around and once more wrapped her arms around Jenn’s waist. “I don’t want you to think I won’t accept your clan or your children. I will, I just…don’t know how our two cultures will mesh yet, okay?”


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Tender Relief

Of all the reactions Jenn expected from her companion in the face of such a revelation, a smile was not one of them. Her elegant features were etched with shock, then, as Jonyna closed the gap between the two of them once more... and dispelled her Lyrana's fears with ease. The fierce Alor was still processing such a turn of events when the Jedi's arms wrapped around her once more, and the world seemed a little less daunting. The cultural differences between the both of them, their respective children and how they might get along... they would figure it all out, in due time.
"We'll make it work", whispered the Mandalorian softly. "It's just... such a relief, knowing that this isn't- a problem for you, I mean. And, I... can't wait to meet Rayia and Ko, too."
A breathless chuckle escaped her, then, whatever tension remained all but evaporating. "It's funny, you know. I've... met my fair share of padawans, though several have become knights by now. Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Shan Pavond Shan Pavond , Loomi Loomi , Braze Braze ... good souls, all. I'm a greater person for having crossed their paths."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"I hope so. Our cultures have very different values, but..." She paused. "I think we can do it. We can make it work..."

She met Braze?

That'll be a conversation later. That poor boy needs the help. For now though...

" wanna get out of the pool and see the rest of the ship at least?"


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