Name: Angelica Stormwind aka Angel
Faction: The Resistance
Rank: Executive Office of Black Squadron
Species: Human
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5’3
Weight: 110lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Natural blonde, like to die it currently going through a blue phase
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes, unaware and untrained.
+ Pilot - She can fly anything up to and including a light freighter.
+ Tinkerer - A childhood spent hanging around a space station and a degree from LAA, Angel knows her way around a ship’s mechanics.
- Non-combatant - Outside of the cockpit, Angel isn’t a fighter, she carries a blaster because it’s expected as a mercenary in the outer rim, but she’s never fired it.
- Partially Deaf - An accident as a teenager left her hard of hearing in both ears, and she had only one hearing aid.
Short, lean, bright hair, dark eyes, hexagon tattoo on her left cheek, blaster at her hip, leather jacket and jeans and sunglasses that really aren’t needed, Angel fits your everyday spacer bill quite nicely. If you catch her on downtime you’ll normally find her in dungarees and covered in paint, otherwise, its a pilot’s jumpsuit all the way.
Born and raised on Laekia, Angel was raised by her dad, Ben Stormwind, a mechanic and engineer at the Lavorn spaceport. When she wasn’t in school, she’d be with him at the port pitching in where she could, and painting the colours of the world around her when she couldn’t. As soon as she was old enough to reach the pedals he taught her to fly, and fly she did, whenever she could, wherever she could.
When she was sixteen, she applied to join the Levantine Astronautical Academy and was accepted, eager to tell her old man the news she skipped her last lesson of school and rushed to the spaceport to tell him. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Angel was caught in a refuelling accident - an explosion that killed dozens and left many others crippled, herself and her father among them. Her father was paralysed from the waist down, and Angel’s hearing permanently damaged.
Despite their injuries, the pair helped each other get past it. Angel helped build a repulsor chair that would allow him to continue his work and he helped her learnt to lip read and encouraged her to go to the Academy she’d been desperate to go to since a child. Angel graduated from the LAA with honours and worked for a time at the spaceport, saving up for whatever shiny opportunity that might catch her eye.
Running for a short time round the galaxy with Spector squadron and picking up jobs here and there, Angel found herself caught up in the retreat from Thyferra with The Sith Empire hot on a newly formed Resistance's tail. Proving herself more than capable as a pilot and a leader she was hand picked along side Kira Jax to lead the newly formed Black Squadron.