Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Angels and Demons

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Iego

There was a lot of work that some of the others were putting into stock with them, Kyoko was skilled in many things when it came to investigating and the rest of the family were working hard on some of the things. Mostly increasing the production facilities of the tech they could work with before she stood there. The surface of the world hadn't really been used since the silver sanctum took it... She was just using it to make an obscure operation they could mine and set up the different things.
So much work going into the things they were making now... more then that she was seeing a whole lot of effort on the part of the jedi. Some seemed to want to isolate themselves and heal themselves while going forward. Others seemed to just want to fight but all were jedi on the spectrum while her attention went to the bigger things they were doing. Slowly the small atrisian padawan while being ignored by her master Vulpesen.... she got to work with Matsu here to set up a number of things for Sasori like a better production facility and with the unique properties here on Iego they could get a whole lot of research done. "This place is unique, do you think we'll be able to really study what is here?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Looking at Kyoko as the girl seemed more then interested in some of the aspects. Well she couldn't deny her, indulging her family with their things was a very fun and important task as she was going over the different parts on the world. They could be quicker and more refined while the cradle for the factory ships was being set up. Another for one of the hospital and research ships. It allowed Phenex and Sasori plenty of freedom to work with some of the things while getting a small outpost the girls own projects to research the substance from Klantooine could thrive.
She grinned a little with some of the thoughts while going forward and keeping the research bases up and ready for it. She could experiment and now was taking a few steps to ensure she had everything with the ships in the cradles. They could still exit from the ships as needed while she was letting attention go to some of the minor details like standing there with her outfit all shiny and ready for anything. "I am prepared, lets go and see the facility so we can work with it." They had some of the attention but she was moving forward with more of the work they had been doing. "
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Yes we will be able to and with the work we have done to befriend as much as we can the local creatures. There was a lot of attention to the details before she was watching all of the things. The warehouse section of it with all of the machines and force tech they had been creating was there as well as the mess area and private hangers. She was taking in all of it while leaving her attention with some of the things providing information for the research as the acoustics were analyzing the songs from the demons. The angels were flying around and providing information but not testing them. They willingly were showing things they could do.
They had been doing and setting up a lot of studff while her attention was on many of the things now. Taking the time to check the different rooms where the workers were all set up with their crates and the droids working on everything. She could see where they were getting things set up and the attention to the details in the production facilities were there to see. All that work to mass produce the beamer technology for use by security forces would be able to come in handy and if no one else wanted to use it well then more for them after all.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The mass production of the beamers was a thing while the factory was operating with some of the attention. Junko had been setting things up and now they were working on sections of all the different things. "You are doing well and I hope that Vulpesen is treating you correctly." She was curious to see what the old man fox guy was up to with all of the things that had happened. All of the work they had done to build something and then well ones who weren't helpful only wanted it for themselves before she tapped watching the display of the factory.
Junko was a smart girl for the most part and it gave her some pride to work on the girls projects. With everything happening here and there she could oversee the creation of something so grand and needed within the order.... that Vulpesen would have no reason but to actually get off his lazy butt and train her. "he has been busy and trying to handle many of the things but not around much anymore. ONce he saw who I was and what I was he kind of went all speechless and unsure what to do."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Yeah that sounded like Vulpesen he was smart at times and dedicated but had been screwed over one tooooo many times so now surprises usually rendered him speechless and he retreated into his corner again to cry and stuff. She wasn't exactly certain but with Kyoko she would be able to get the production increased and ready for everything so they could sit back and relax while the rest was being set up. The dining area for the employees and all of the machines to get them food.
Kyoko was glad and they had all of the nice things here working on so many of the things. She was sitting down seeing the displays of the droids working in the factory. She was able to relax a little while the construction was going to be finished soon enough and with all of the other work they had been doing for some of the larger things she coulld go back to her job of investigating and taking holopics of pervy old men cheating on their wives... or wives cheating on their boyfriends and girlfriends. "This has been rather fun to do... and we should do it more often."

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