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Angels and Rogues [Sressechka vs Melec]


Morality Policeman :)
So today was a day for a little practice--also known as competition.

Sressechka had been approached about the collaboration of the Republic and the Rebel Alliance in the war against the Sith a few weeks ago, and it was suggested that they rub shoulders with some of their fellow flyboys and girls in the insurgent group. Of course, this sounded like an excellent opportunity--especially when it was proposed that there should be a little friendly showdown between the best of the best of both starfighter corps.

While Sressechka would neither confirm nor deny that she believed herself to be the best fighter pilot in the Republic military, she was more than happy to entertain the Rogue Squadron leader, [member="Juwiela Melec"]. What was most interesting about the renown Rebel was that she was blind to the physical world as most others would see it, but supposedly she could see things in an alternate dimension--or something like that. That was the way Miralukan sight was explained to her.

In her bomber jacket--the one with the squadron's logo of a shiny, bomb-toting diathim emblazoned on the back, and the sleeves cluttered up with all sorts of campaign patches the twi'lek had earned--Angel Leader leaned back against the nose landing shaft of her X/A-66 Seraph Fairweather Friend. The sun over Carida was fading in and out with the passing of clouds on this overcast afternoon, so the rutian flygirl was intermittently squinting as she awaited the arrival of Rogue Leader. "Don't look so excited," she said as she elbowed Axle, one of her usual wingmen. A good portion of the Blazing Angels had gathered here to cheer for their leader and place bets on who would take home the duct tape trophy they had put together. "I'm not gonna lose."
Target practice. Or maybe not quite, since Juwiela would be clashing with another pilot instead of the semi-predictable flight simulators that were typically utilized when it came to any off time she was allotted. Ever since the Republic and Rebel Alliance had joined forces, there had been a sort of rivalry present between both fighter squadrons. While not outspoken, it was evident in the two groups interacted, whether it be in the sims themselves or up in the air. After all, both were hailed as some of the most talented pilots in the galaxy, with each squadron believing themselves far more deserving of the title. Of course, there had been only one way to settle things.

A bit of competition was something she had no problem with, especially given that it was of the less deadly sort that often accompanied her whenever she flew. It was high time she learned just how her fellow pilots flew, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to showing off a bit. They all were, most probably. But before any of the fun could begin, there came the business of landing on Carida. There was always the option of demonstrating a few tricks of her own before the dogfight even began, but she liked to think she was in possession of a bit more tactfulness than that. So for once she would play somewhat nice.

Without incident she landed her Yavin-class fighter, the Blind Gambit, subconsciously shutting down all systems while she studied what company was present outside. Apparently the entirety of the Blazing Angels had deigned to show up, which meant they would be having an audience. Well, the two of them were the leaders of their respective squadrons. She would have been disappointed if no one else showed up. Half of the fun was in the remarks exchanged before the match would even begin. The rest of it would take place in the skies above Carida, where instinct largely took over and strategical thinking followed. That was a different sort of entertainment.

Finally she exited her ship, wearing her own flight jacket with the Alliance's emblem emblazoned on the back, her own patches adorning it, including one that boasted "I survived Geonosis" below the symbol of the Rebellion. An easy smile was present on her lips as she approached. "Don't get too cocky, now." Okay, so maybe she was having too much fun already.



Morality Policeman :)
Sressechka got her first look at the Rebellion when the blindfolded (Or was it really a blindfold if one had no eyes to blind?) pilot dropped out of her fighter and approached the more 'official' Republic bunch. Not that this [member="Juwiela Melec"] had not served the cause of freedom with equal pride, but there was a notable difference in the demeanor. While none of the Angels would ever admit to being polished being the hotshots they were, they did feel like there was something more rugged about the Rogue. Perhaps the rank and file was a little more filed in the Republic's Corps. The twi'lek found herself rumpling her bomber jacket a bit just to look even more carefree than usual. It was like a competition to see who could carry the most swagger.

"It comes with the job," she retorted, a light smile curving upwards as she held out her hand. "I'm Sressi. Nice to meet one of the devils to our Angels." It was less of an insult and more of a recognition of a comradeship that most fighter pilots had, opposing or not. Sadly, Sressechka doubted she would ever be willing to shake the hand of most of the Sith pilots, considering they were likely of the disgusting Vong variety. That was what she had gathered, at least.

Angel Leader glanced at the rather unique campaign patch mid-shake. "Geo? Which one?" Word had gotten out fairly quickly about the brutal engagements the Alliance had had in defense of the Geonosians from the encroaching Techno Union. The Rebellion had taken a nasty shot in both battles--though, to be fair, they had carried on better than the Republic had in recent. "Manaan, Kashyyyk, Prakith, and Ord Mirit," she said proudly, highlighting her own patches. "Takes a lot to kill us, I guess."

Let's see if she can 'kill' Rogue Leader.
"Juwiela." No other titles were necessary, given that each was perfectly aware of their standing within each fighter squadron. "It's nice to meet you, too. We should see about getting both groups together sometime. I think you'd be surprised at what the rest of them have to offer. A supposedly blind pilot doesn't quite top the list." Not when the leader of the Alliance itself was drunk more times than not and claimed the position of Rogue 2 to boot. Sure, flying blind might have been unsafe, but it was better than being behind the yoke of a ship when you were inebriated. Somehow Thane managed, and she wouldn't question him, but his antics had raised a few eyebrows in the past.

The corners of her mouth tightened just slightly at the mention of Geonosis, though Juwiela did her best to keep that easy smile on her lips despite the recollection of all she had witnessed above that planet. "Both of them. I won't say it was our proudest day, but everyone did what they had to do. It would have been better if we'd managed to hold the planet itself. Rest assured that isn't the last they'll be hearing of us. We have it my way, the Rogues'll come knocking eventually. Maybe the Angels could tag along, too." Some kind of retribution was in order, and at this point it was more than deserved. The Techno Union had been allowed too much already. It was time enough to remedy that.

"Csilla, Coruscant, Geonosis, Makeb and a few skirmishes here and there with The Primeval." She listed both minor and major battles alike, tallying only those that stuck out in her memory. "It's gotten us a name, I guess. Think I'm worth somewhere around a million credits at this point. Means we're doing something right, at least." Or at least, something more than just making useless bombing runs and fighting against an ever increasing wall of oppression. The more people that wanted them dead the better, as long as no one actually died in the process. That was something they couldn't afford, with their already sparse numbers.

Her smile took on a more crooked edge. "You ready for this?"



Morality Policeman :)
"I am." The blue-skinned squadron leader saluted and backed towards her fighter, glancing up towards the cockpit to make sure Wheezer was in his droid socket. She hardly needed him in this sort of engagement, but it was nice to surround herself with familiarity. There were superstitions in the flyer world, and then there were habits. However one looked at it, Sressi was not going to go into this flight without her R2 mate.

The engines, having begun their high-pitched drone by now, signaled the end of flight preparations and that it was time to get the show rolling. "Good luck," Sressechka bid as she climbed to her seat of command. One of her wingmates handed her helmet over, and she took it under her arm and swung herself over the lip of the hull and into the cockpit. Time to prove she deserved to be an Angel.

[member="Juwiela Melec"]

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