Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Angel's Call


  • Classification: Scatter-Shot Slug Thrower, Force Blast/Destruction
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large - 20 Rounds
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire:
    • Semi-Auto - Average
    • Full Auto - Very High
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil:
    • Semi-Auto - High
    • Full Auto - Extreme
  • Fires a Scatter Shot, or a Slug Made of Ionite-Poison Blood. These Rounds are then affected with a Neuro-toxin, and Sith Poison.
    • Due to the use of a Pain Inducer, as well as the Poison, and Neuro-Toxin, it can inflict victims with a sense of intense Fear, and Corruption.
  • Can be used as a Force Conduit to fire a blast of the Dark Side of the force.
  • Can be summoned from the Netherworld akin to other magical weapons.
  • Due to Extreme Corruption of the weapon, When wielded by anyone not of the Netherworld, it can harm them in various ways
    • Pain transmitted to the individual can be physically burning their hands, Causing Dark Side Corruption, Becoming Extremely heavy, induce an Intense Fear, and/or cause the individual to ignite into an all consuming flame.
  • 4th Level of Hell: As a Shotgun goes, 4 Gauge is a massive round comparable to other gauge sizes. It is quite literally comparable to firing a 23mm Anti-Personnel Round. The Scatter shot has 12, 1 ounce (28 grams) "pellets" that have a highly reduced spread. Or can fire a singular slug 0.25lbs(113grams). Needless to say, the shotgun packs one hell of a punch.
  • I will Fong You!: The Rounds that are fired from this weapon are coated in Ionite, and impregnated by Deveronian Blood-Poison. This causes the rounds to bypass shielding systems, and when hitting flesh to cause severe pain. Debilitating pain which can last for several days should the one who is hit be still living. Secondly, the rounds are coated in a Neuro-Toxin, and Sith Poison. Thus those afflicted can succumb to being temporarily paralyzed, as well as afflicted with Sith Poison.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: Being in immense pain, paralyzed, and afflicted with Sith poison, On top of the effects of Sith Magic and Alchemy, can cause Light-Sided individuals to potentially succumb to the Dark Side of the Force. Corrupting them to the Darkness, as well as invoking an Intense Fear where the wielder, allies, and even enemies become the worst things they can imagine. Sending them into a state in which they need to defend themselves, but are unable to do so.
  • Twinkle Your Nose: Enveloped in the Darker Magics of the Force, the weapon can be summoned to the wielder via the force. Being called to his hand out of "nowhere." Secondly, should the wielder wish, they can send it back to the same "nowhere" and then return it to their own possession. Making sure that no one can take it from the owner. More over, should someone take the weapon from him, it causes pain to the individual in various ways.
  • Hadoooouuuuken: The weapon is a conduit of the Force. As such, the wielder can use it as a method of projection to "fire" a bolt of Dark Sided energy that can either be used to severely harm the victim, or to completely obliterate them.
  • The Pointy End Goes in the Other Man: Ionite on the shroud of the weapon allows the user to poke the barrel through a shield emplacement and fire the weapon from inside the shield. Letting the rounds bounce around within the shield. Essentially sticking the muzzle into the fish barrel to shoot it.
  • Wielder of the Flame of Anur!: Just like any other kind of Dark Sided artifact, it can be damaged, and destroyed by usage of Force Light.
  • Science queen!: As a weapon of the force, any of its force related capabilities can be nullified via void stone or other like minded items. Thus, it cannot be called back to the individual, sent to "nothing" nor pulled from it.
  • Analog is Always Better: Using Ionite on the weapon itself as well as in the rounds, can potentially cause problems for any electronical systems should the wielder have them. No energy shields to protect them, or otherwise.
  • You Thought Darkness Your Ally?: Using this weapon against other Dark Siders can make them use the emotion of fear to their advantage. While the pain and neuro-toxin can still affect them, it can fuel their emotions and empower them just as much as it may harm them.
  • MC Hammer: As the rounds are a physical, they can be defended against by Force Barriers, or altered by the force to change trajectory.
The Netherworld is unnatural. Its formations are an anomaly. They shift and change for years. Eons we have been within its walls. Stuck within. We have come together. All these minds. These voices. All for a singular purpose. To bring all home. To right the wrongs of Akala. The Netherworld was cracked open. Beings come and go as they please now. They walk through with no consequence of right and wrong. The natural order of the worlds, galaxies, dimensions. We seek to correct this. Within our heart, lay a forge. One of the force. The life of our kind. Beings who seek to bring and end to those who have lived beyond their expiration date. I- No We are the Host of the Netherworld.

From this forge, we took remains of Past wars. Piecing them together with past pains, fears, and ambitions. The legion we are, is to hunt. To consume the very essence of all who would attempt to flee their rightful place. Among the Field of Blades, lost within the labyrinth, Stuck upon the bridge of nowhere. Ferried through the wastes of life. The River of Fate. We will house them within ourselves. Give them a place to be until the time is to return them to home. This weapon, this manifestation of our will, the divine force, will be the tool to do so.

Their fear, their pain, their darkness will be our weapon. No technology will bind us. No Chains will hold us. For we are the chains that lay slack around their throat. It is time to bring it up, and hold them high.

We will tighten the chain noose.
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