Angelus Hafey
Second Generation

- Intent: A blaster that ends a fight extremely quick and in an extreme manner, easy to conceal and fire.
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Angelus Hafey
- Affiliation: Angelus Hafey
- Market Status: Closed Market
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: N/A
- Production: Unique
- Material: Phkalt Metal
- Classification: Compact Heavy Scatter Pistol
- Size: Very Small
- Weight: Very Light
- Ammunition Type: Power Cell
- Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small (1)
- Effective Range: Personal
- Rate of Fire: Very Low
- Damage Output: Extreme
- Recoil: Low
- Ultra-Power Blast: A setting to ensure the meanest possible amount of power for the single shot use, firing six blaster bolts at once that has enough strength to punch through heavy armor of vehicles if aimed close enough.
- Holster is wirelessly connected to Angelus Hafey as a dummy connection, making them only respond to his operating system alone in proximity of half a meter or less. The Holster have small magnets that keep the Blasters held without people taking them, pulling at least a hundred and fifty pounds per holster. If needing to quickdraw, Angelus can send a signal in less than a second to reverse and shoot them out, snapping onto the WM-Alpha Pistol Braces for him to grab onto.
- 009 Fastshot Hair Triggers
- 97R Enhanced Blaster Actuating Module
- Autosteady Gyro-Gimbal
- Capacitor Overcharger
- Cautionary Pulser
- Mk XIII Smartgunner Chip: A rather mean addition from Haon Hafey himself, it allows him to wirelessly connect to the blaster and fire them without pulling the trigger. Meaning if he had to hand it over or if the enemy looks at them, he could force them to fire onto themselves. Range on this is five meters and is interconnected to Angelus Hafeys droid body.
- Power Pulsator
- Precision Chamber
- WM-Alpha Pistol Brace
- Hand Lady Cannon in the Hand: It has the damage capacity of a Blaster Cannon on firing and is very light, easy to conceal. It becomes almost laughable when the magnets also turn on to hide such a monster of firepower from view, even the quickdraw and low recoil is something to behold.
- Phkalt Metal Made: An extreme design with a lot of coating, it is resistant to weather and with enough refinement, makes it near impossible to destroy through energy means but can dent.
- Kinetic Force Hit!: The amount of power behind it means that those even with Beskar is going to feel it in the morning. It will shove a person back from the extreme amount of firepower it has pushing behind it.
- One Shot Wonder: If it is not apparent, the power cell required drains instantly the moment it is fired. Reloading this thing in the middle of combat, just is not happening without some cover and some time.
- This Is Illegal Right?: The amount of firepower it has almost classifies this as a Disruptor, meaning it is illegal to bring on planets without expressed permission.
- Magnet Hiding!: While it could hide, it was not designed for it. Meaning anything that can use a magnet on it, can screw with the internals quite quickly and make it invisible, something humorous if he lost it or in the middle of a firefight.
The PCSG-1 was a frankenblaster design conceived after dealing with a few Hutt Cartel thugs that harassed local businesses nearby his hideout. Grabbing their blasters, he began the long work to convert them into something workable, something extremely close range that can tear just about anything apart. The result was the PCSG-1, a blaster made of various different parts that should not work together, but it does. While unconvential, testing showed it can punch a hole through a blast door if required or even through a durasteel wall. Regardless, more testing was required though the paperwork afterwards to keep this thing unfired, proves that combat testing may take longer than usual.