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Approved Tech Angraal Crystals

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Intent: In order to create a submission for Kira's new lightsaber Crystal.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Nature!
Affiliation: Exocron
Modularity: No
Production: Very Limited
Classification: Crystal

Special Features:
Peace: Angraal Crystals have the unique feature picked up form the turning tides of Exocron. These crystals when held or touched by someone gives a unique feeling of peace and relaxation over someone. Though it is not enough to stop negative emotions entirely, the effects of an Angraal crystal are incredibly calming. This effect carries over into lightsabers, when placed into the weapon and activated the lightsaber gives off a calming feeling for the wielder. This is effect as Soliael and Kira have found out is quite useful for lightside users as it keeps them calm and present within the battle. This sense of calm and relaxation increases strength and power within the Lightside of the force, making the connection easier and over all more powerful, also aiding in the defense of the mind. On the other spectrum however the crystal disrupts the use of the Darkside. Since the Darkside of the Force requires negative emotions, the crystals calming effects make it more difficult to utilize. This effect however is localized to the wielder of the lightsaber.

Cortosis: Oddly enough, when placed inside of a lightsaber the Angraal Crystal is capable of cutting through the normally lightsaber resistant material known as Cortosis. The reason for this is unknown to both Soliael, and the researchers who originally found and documented these crystals. This effect within lightsaber Crystals has only been found in one other, Crystals that grow on the planet Mestare. Much like for Mestare crystals, Cortosis to Angraal Crystas is just another type of metal. Phrik, Ultrachrome, and other lightsaber resistant materials still seem to function normally however.

The Angraal Crystals grow within the deep norther caverns on the planet of Exocron.

This is the only place they can be found, deep within the mountains hidden beneath ice, rock, and miles and miles of tunnels. These Crystals are incredibly rare, for ten miles of cave, one might find only one cluster of Crystals. This makes them difficult to find even for people who are looking for them. Most often the Crystals grow on the ceilings of the cave pointing downward like a stalactite.

The Crystals themselves are unique in appearance, they give off a bright purple hue. When light is shined through them they bend and refract it, giving off a strange omnipresent purple glow. When placed in the dark the crystals give off a very soft purple light. This light seems to swirl and swim around, being in constant movement rather than stagnant.

When placed inside of a lightsaber the Crystals function as listed above. They give the wielder of the lightsaber a sense of calm and relaxation, keeping their mind better focused in battle and preventing panic or fear from setting in. Alongside this the lightsaber becomes capable of cutting through the normally lightsaber deactivating cortosis. How the crystals achieves this is unknown, but Soliael observed it is a similar effect to the Mestare Crystals.

The Lightsaber itself with this crystal takes on a very bright purple hue that seems to almost be bordering on pink.

Because of the rarity of these crystals, and because that planet where they are found is controlled by the Moross Crusade, there are very few people who have access, or could actually get one of these Crystals. The only person so far to utilize one of these in their weapon is Kira Liadain, and she stumbled upon a mass of six of the crystals alongside Soliael Devin Talith by complete happenstance. All but one of these six Crystals have been used, One For Kira's Necklace, One For Soliaels Ring, One for Amorella's Bracelet, and two for Kira and Soliael's lightsabers. This means Soliael has one last Angraal Crystal left in his posession.

The likely hood of anyone finding more is not very high. This is due to their location. They can only be found in one place in the galaxy, beneath the northern mountains of Exocron. On top of these mountains sits the home of Soliael Devin Talith, thus to get to the Crystal caves one has to not only go through Moross Space, millions of Crusaders, but also Soliael himself.

Primary Source: N/A
[member="Silara Vantai"] As I'm sure you've read in the header of that post. That is an unofficial list, this means it is not the boards stance. The list was made by the at the time judges about what is generally not allowed by them and only them, not the board.

Given that we have put nearly 200 post of dev into JUST Crystal Specifically, and that the judges have changed, as well as the fact that i have limited the ability for abuse, i think its fair to reconsider.
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