Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Angry Then?

Savareen - The Dry Sea Afternoon
Healthy -Dual Sabers- RobesExploring the Tomb of Arkaal

The trip had been relatively non-eventful. Crysis was 'enjoying' herself, being away from the brunt of civilization on a back-world where no one knew her. Furthermore, she had found some tomb, belonging to what she may have believed to be some Jedi Master. Though his name, and origin was lost to her, she had learned just how useful the holocron's of the dead and gone could've been. After all, she had somewhat stalled her own progress to focus her intents on the school of Alchemy. Partly the reason she had decided to come all the way out here, in the middle of nowhere. She had been primarily focused on using her skills on smaller animals, things that couldn't fight back to put it plainly; though she wanted to graduate to some more dangerous creatures.

Though there were more guaranteed places to find aforementioned 'more dangerous' creatures, she decided to come here, and had been traveling The Dry Sea, which ultimately had been mostly Desert. No problem to her, so long as she remained hydrated. That wasn't going to be too tough, as some wonderful soul had installed Moisture Vaporator's at periodic checkpoints within the relative wastes. For now, Crysis had been walking with her hood down, walking slowly through the relatively open tomb.

She walked deliberately, not content with falling into some sinkhole or worse. Periodically, she would glance about herself, watching the area with interest. Ahead of her, two large double-doors kept the place shut tight, and while she could periodically hear creatures around her, and every now and then sense their movements, when she looked, she could see nothing. She would scoff at it, her Dark Side tainted eyes narrowing on an area somewhere up on the elevated cliff side. She would reach out within the Force, picking up a decently sized rock that probably weighed roughly forty pounds. Once she had a grip on it, she threw it a decent way up the crevice, watching it smash and shatter on the cliff face.

She hadn't hit anything living, but that had quieted the chittering.

The echo of the rock impact resounding through the area and making her smirk.
"Well shut up then..."​

There was true freedom all the way out here. She figured today would be pretty easy. Her objectives at least were straight forward.

Find something interesting in the tomb to loot for herself.

Keep an eye out for an interesting creature to experiment on with her alchemy.

Go home alive, and without injury.​


Naada Sa

Tomb of Arkaal.

It hadn't been entirely easy to find this place but she had experienced worse before as she still clearly remembered having spent weeks wandering through the cold and unforgiving landscape at Ilum, searching for one crystal cave in particular. She had not set foot in snow after that and it would be a LONG time until she would do so again! She much more enjoyed the sand on Savareen over the ice on Ilum. Standing at the hillside looking down at the tomb through binoculars the Torguta studied it's surroundings to check if the would risk running into something dangerous down there and was surprised to spot another wandering alone out here. Lifting an eyebrow to herself, Naada made sure to not be too visible as she slowly made her way down the side, picking up her binoculars from time to time to check the strangers movements. Then, all of a sudden, a shift in the force only moments before a large rock came crashing into the cliff side not far from herself. The stranger was a force user! Naada smirked slightly to herself even if the violent display of the force, followed by words of warning, should reveal that the stranger was far from harmless.

Naada now made her way down the cliffside a little faster, soon she had no more rocks to hide behind and would be quite visible to the stranger ahead within the open tomb. Rising her hands slightly in a display of meaning no harm, Naada walked slowly with her usual graceful steps, keenly watching what she now saw was another togruta. "Fancy meeting another Togruta out here." Naadas eyes wandered around the room for a moment before locking at the other girl. "You must have walked in from the completely opposite side of me." she mused while using the force to get a feel of who she might be, which was hard. But she had a few clues to go on already such as the display of throwing a rock and her overall.. appearance, where the most noticeable part was the short lekku. Naadas head tilted a little with curiosity, it must have been cut of somehow which implied a violent lifestyle.

Savareen - The Dry Sea Afternoon
Healthy -Dual Sabers- RobesExploring the Tomb of Arkaal

Blame it on her still raised hood, but Crysis didn't sense the other Togruta coming until she was quite close In fact, less than half of the range she would've normally picked someone up. Even when she did, she didn't look at first, until she noticed the creature was taller than she had expected a little animal to have been, and her eyes snapped up to rest on another of her kind, strolling towards her. She blinked a few times, ensuring this was no hallucination; but was surprised to see that were still very much in physical form after she had done so.

And she reached back to place precautionary hands on her dangling sabers, her cloak slightly brushed back to reveal some of her clothing, and the fact that she was indeed armed with twin sabers.
Rising her hands slightly in a display of meaning no harm, Naada walked slowly with her usual graceful steps, keenly watching what she now saw was another togruta.

She wasn't here to attack her? Supposedly? Hmm.. Crysis kept her hands right where they were, purposely undoing her sabers safety function requiring them to be held for a few seconds before igniting, so they would be ready to go at a press, but hadn't made any particularly threatening moves towards the other. Though her breathing had pitched up in anticipation. Likewise, she observed the woman's own clothing, and body; eyes faltering a bit as she noted the woman was... Well, more grown that her, in her own way. Though she wasn't sure why she took that personal in anyway. Her lekku also, were both the very same length.

Both of these things together made Crysis very self-conscious all of a sudden. She was a fool to let the woman sneak up this closely to her. Had she even been sneaking? Sithspit...
"Fancy meeting another Togruta out here." Naadas eyes wandered around the room for a moment before locking at the other girl. "You must have walked in from the completely opposite side of me." she mused while using the force to get a feel of who she might be, which was hard. But she had a few clues to go on already such as the display of throwing a rock and her overall.. appearance, where the most noticeable part was the short lekku. Naadas head tilted a little with curiosity, it must have been cut of somehow which implied a violent lifestyle.​

As the other spoke, Crysis's features softened. Her memories teased her in that moment, of all moments. She immediately knew who this woman reminded her of, but couldn't dare even think it. Those memories belong to the weakling Shalaa Se, NOT her. Yet still, it didn't change hat she had felt them in that moment. Her head had been sort of tilted at an angle the whole time watching the woman. It was then she noticed it...

The Lightsaber hilt. It invoked feeling of anger, that rolled off of her in the Force, but also curiosity that she purposely ignored for now. She wasn't about to be nice to someone that didn't mean her well. Not unless her neutral, or allied stance was proven beyond a doubt.

"Real Fancy... I walked in on the very same path you saw me walking. I'm here to explore the tomb. Why are you here? Why do you carry a saber?"

She questioned with an accusatory tone. Ignorant of the fact she was currently holding two sabers herself.


Naada Sa


Naada Sa

It seemed like she was right about her assumptions about the other girl being hostile, but if that was because she was afraid or because of years of training in the art og carrying anger remained to be known. In any case, Naada was not trying poke the bear on purpose. When Crysis grabbed her lightsabers, Naada leaned her weight over to one side, shooting her hip out where she placed one hand to rest at her waist, raising an eyebrow at her - an inaudible question to why in heavens name she'd challenge a stranger that had not posed any treath.

"I would be pretty naive coming all the way out here alone, not even carrying a lightsaber, wouldn't I?" She explained with ease, gesturing towards Crysis. "You never know who or what you might run into after all." She looked around the temple once more and hummed for a moment returning her attention to her, not moving, not reaching for the saber. "I am looking for a particular brooch, actually. Rumors sent me here but you know.. I doubt it'll be here. Perhaps I can find something else of value or personal interest" Naada gave it a light chuckle. "Anyway... just looking around? All alone? A temple fanatic then, are you?" She joked innocently enough.

Savareen - The Dry Sea Afternoon
Healthy -Dual Sabers- RobesExploring the Tomb of Arkaal

In any case, Crysis wasn't keen on dropping her guard to this strange woman, Irregardless of their shared species, or even the supposedly kind demeanor she was putting on. She had seen nicer people do worse things. Though, the more the woman spoke, the more it visibly disarmed the much taller Togruta. Even so much that she would slowly, but deliberately reactivate her sabers safety features. Eyes bouncing on the others form for a bit as she spoke but remaining awkwardly quiet as she spoke. Not responding until the other had say all that wanted to say.

"I guess not... A brooch?"

Crysis would let her eyes wander across the others form briefly, before glancing away as if she was... Offended maybe? Jealous of something?

"Don't you have enough jewelry already?"

She would let the other respond to that if she would, before her hands would move to her sides, pulling her cloak back about herself, and hiding her relatively armored visage.

"I'm just exploring, looking for dangerous creatures to... Study..."

She would say, not intent on giving away all of her secret sauce as it were. Though, within her something indeed sparked. Wanting connection. Wanting a friendship that wasn't purely based on bloodshed and carnage. So, she would expand just a bit, slightly leaving her shell.

"Didn't even know this temple was here, but I figured I might as well explore it since it came up... You can come along, but you're walking in front of me. Otherwise, give me space; I don't like people behind me."

Crysis said, showing she was indeed not the most trusting type of person. Though, as Naada herself had noted, the girl was scarred from a life of violence and combat. People like that often weren't quick to trust.


Naada Sa


Naada Sa

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Naada took notice of how Crysis seemed to throw her body several looks without that being something new to her. After all, it wasn't like Naada wasn't aware that she was curvy as she had deliberately dressed in...slightly revealing clothes. It would be hard not to stare, especially considering how she didn't gave any signs of being uncomfortable either.

Naada smiled at her remark of how she wore quite a bit of jewelry, even giving the bracelet at her free hand a little shake. "Hah, sweety... you have no idea." She gave it a chuckle. She had far too much in her possession and the fact that she couldn't wear it all at once was her biggest regret. But she didn't keep it all, most were sold or traded after all.

"Dangerous creatures to study." Naada repeated and shifted her weight, crossing her arms. "Well, you'll surely find them out here."

As Crysis kept talking, Naadas features softened for a moment, happy that she shared a little more of her intent here. It was clear as day that the other Togruta had gone through hell, experienced trauma. She wouldn't try to tell her how she had nothing to fear, that she herself was not here to ambush her. It wouldn't work. The only way to make traumatised individuals trust you, would probably be to show them that they could, and so Naada walked calmly past her with some distance, walking first. It was how she liked it anyway, to explore new places first. Besides, her echolocation and connection to the force would surely let her know if she tried anything. "I'll walk ahead if that's what you want. But try to pay attention as we walk further, sone tombs has silly traps" Naada shrugged with ease as she walked up towards the towering double doors.

Savareen - The Dry Sea Afternoon
Healthy - Dual Sabers- RobesExploring the Tomb of Arkaal

Crysis had been slightly stepping in place, keeping the other in a spot directly in front of her, never letting the other flank her in any shape or form. Nothing personal, it was just what was comfortable for her. She didn't even know the woman's name yet, and therein she wondered if she should have introduced herself. Maybe later...

Sweetie? Was Crysis a sweetie to her? Her eyebrow raised inquisitively, though she didn't comment on that; she had been taken aback somewhat. Instead, still interested in being more open, she would focus on the initial comment.

"If I can yes, something I can take with me back home. Perhaps a bird of some sort, or a smaller predator."
"I'll walk ahead if that's what you want. But try to pay attention as we walk further, sone tombs has silly traps"

She nodded a few times, stepping back once as the woman spoke, truly watching what she would do, and only believing a bit of what she had spoken. Though, when she turned and walked towards the doors, Crysis would follow her with her eyes until the woman had gone a good couple feet before taking some precautionary steps behind her. Eventually moving to walk at a matching speed with Naada, though still a good couple feet behind her. Having the woman in front kept her very much at ease. Although she was smaller, Crysis wasn't going to disrespect a stranger enough to underestimate them.

For now, she would be watching the woman, and periodically glancing at the surrounding landscape. Ultimately letting her eyes sink to her aforementioned figure, but most importantly, the lightsaber that sat at her back.


Naada Sa


Naada Sa

"A bird or a small predator of some sort, hm? Well, these places is usually jam-packed with such, I'm sure you'll find a little companion here." Naada was oblivious to her true intent, she just assumed she collected small animals, which was odd but she had heard about weirder collections.

As she passed by the taller Togruta, she took notice of how she stepped back and kept her under close watch. Only when she arrived by the doors did she stop, fully aware of how far back Crysis had decided to stay which was absolutely fine. Testing the doors, it proved easy to shove them open but that let her know there might be harder to actually enter the tomb. The doors gave way with a heavy scraping sound and settled at each side, revealing a huge , dark room ahead. "Hm... get your lights up, and keep an ear out." Naada sent a look behind herself and waited for a moment. " the way, a name to go by would be nice. I am Naada Sa, use it as you like." She shrugged with an easy smile, turning back to head inside, getting her flashlight ready to be able to see what laid ahead. By the looks of it, the first room was rather uninterrupted and uninteresting but one could never be too careful at places like this. A trapdoor in the tiles was not entirely unheard of but it was all the more thrilling to know there might be hidden mechaisms and traps out to get them. Perhaps Naada was just an andrenaline junkie? At times it certainly seemed like it!
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