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Anita Willamina

NAME: Anita Willamina Garon (wife of [member="Garrus Garon"])
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Jedi Kngiht
SPECIES: Ren-Popo/Human
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
EYES: Yellow gold
HAIR: Black with red streaks


  • Very strong
  • Built like a brick wall
  • Married to Garrus

  • Alchohol: she is very fond of corellian brandy, and Tatooine sunrise
  • Greed: Credits make the galaxy spin Anita knows this for a fact and is always looking to make a few extra credits
  • Distrusts Force Users: Jedi, Sith, Imperial Knight it doesn't matter, it has been made very clear to her that they all desire power and are willing to do anything to attain power and to maintain that power once it's gained.

Anita was born to a Mandalorian Commando and a Mandalorian Scout, she always loved the jungles of her home world of Dxun and spent many a day playing on the ancient ruins. When she was 12 a Mandalorian soldier came to the Bladesister's settlement her sister had fallen in battle, all that was returned to Mandalore was her Mythosaur axe and Dog Tags. Anita never did get used to the weight of the heavy weapon, she always preferred lighter weapon like pistols and daggers, she grew quite proficient with both, and showed a decent knack for hunting and rifle marksmanship.

At 17 Anita joined the rangers, and branch of Mandalorian military that focused on solo hunting and scouting, she was deployed on several missions.

At 18 Anita was tracking a rodian who had sold imperial secrets to the hutts, normally it wouldn’t be a
problem, but he than turned around and sold hutt secrets to the empire, Anita didn’t care what the reason was only that her commander had given her a job and that job was paying handsomely.
While tracking the rodian across the desert she came across a sight she had only ever heard of, a Krayt dragon sleeping in the sand. She almost didn’t see it, stopping her swoop just in time to avoid smashing into it and waking the sleeping behemoth, she scanned the dragon up and down before turning her swoop and heading into the canyons. She did eventually catch the rodian and turn him back over to the hutts, she didn’t bother concerning herself with what was going to happen to the insignificant creature.

At 19 she took a job that took her to Dathomir, hellish place apparently a renegade force user had escaped imperial custody, the force user was hiding somewhere in the mountains, treacherous territory, she parked her swoop at the base of one of the mountains and set out on foot, her HUD displayed temperature and atmospheric read outs, nothing dangerous in the air but by the look of the sky she didn’t wanna be out in the coming storm, and the landscape was dangerously rough, she came across a camp, a group of 5 human (at least she assumed human) woman were standing around a fire

A Rancor obviously a young bull lay sleeping off to the side of one of the huts, tied up and gagged off to another side was a human male, from what her rangefinder told her he was the force user she was tracking, she crouched down and aimed her rifle at the 1st woman’s forehead, lining up the shot she pulled the trigger a clean kill shot, she rolled to the side aiming a 2nd shot and firing another kill, she got to her feet and moved as fast as she could through the rough underbrush, 1 of the women was trying to rouse the rancor.

Anita aimed and fired turning in time to see the other 2 woman scream and fire lightning from their outstretched fingers, the blast caught her upper thigh as she rolled out of the way, the pain was intense, but she bit through it dropping her rifle she drew both pistols came to a stand and fired repeatedly. Hitting the woman in the chest multiple times, finally all that was left was her, the rancor and the force sensitive who was already bound and gagged, she took out 2 thermal detonators and threw them into the mouth of the waking rancor. Taking cover as the detonation killed the creature, she took a couple of it’s teeth, an armband off one of the women and than grabbed her prey and headed back across the treacherous landscape limping.

At age 20 she was stalking a particularly nasty spice smuggler through hutt space, her prey had made a haven on Nar Shadda, knowing the hutts would never sell him without a sweeter deal she decided to do it the illegal way, she stalked him through the swamp and jungle of Nar Shadda. She found him in a cantina drinking himself into a stuper, what she didn’t count on was his Vornskyr pet, she made her move and it made it’s the smuggler smashed her across the head with a large hammer knocking her helmet off.

The Vornskyr pounced slashing her across the face with it’s claws, too bad it didn’t count on a Vibro Blade in it’s throat, she crawled out from under the Dead Vornskyr, coughing from the noxious atmosphere of nar Shadda she put her helmet back on closing her left eye to keep the blood out, she sealed her helmet and stalked after the smuggler. Catching him in the space dock she fired her pistol crippling him, she tranqued him and dragged him back to imperial space to collect her reward.

At age 21 she decided to Hunt down a Krayt Dragon she remembered from her time on Tattooine and decided that was a worthy prey, taking a pack of thermal detonators and several pounds of fresh wampa rat meat. She found a canyon entrance and set the thermal detonators rigging them together so they could be triggered from her wrist comp, she went out into the dune sea laying womp rat meat as she went, she found her target sleeping soundly in the noon day sun. She tossed a dead womp rat towards it but the beast didn’t stir, so she tossed another, followed by another and another, finally the creature stirred and found itself face to face with a pile of womp rat meat.

Anita headed back to the canyon lip hoping it would be enough, she waited about an hour before the Krayt dragon finally found it’s way to the canyon mouth, the trail of womp rats stopped but in it’s place stood a tasty Mandalorian Ranger with a pair of pistol drawn. She fired and ran headlong into the canyon the creature outraged followed, but it hadn’t counted on the opening being too small for it and soon it was stuck. She detonated the bombs and threw herself on the ground as the creature roared in defiance, the canyon walls came crashing down around the krayt dragon and Anita together. She crawled her way out of the rubble and found the beast barely breathing, taking her Vibro blade she slit it’s throat and killed it, taking it’s Skull as a trophy.

At age 23 she entered the great hunt, the competition took her all over the galaxy, and consumed almost 2 years of her life, but finally at age 25 she emerged in 2nd place, the winner of the great hunt was a member of clan Ordo. Some one she had never met, nor had she even known he’d been in the hunt, apparently bringing down a Jedi Knight wasn’t enough to win the Great Hunt. One Year after Losing the great Hunt she went back to her usual Routine, taking odd jobs here and there trying to make a few extra credits just to survive, her bank account all but empty at this point she needed work and she needed it fast.

Now she finds herself once again with a squad, her personal squad of Rangers are being recalled to regroup, War looming on the edge of going hot the Rangers are once again needed for the hard missions no one else will take. She even met a man in the mandalorians a small thing of a man as she stood there and recited their vows wearing a full suit of beskar'gam.

The Yaim'la




[member="Valeria Aetani"] well I like them either very tall or petite but

[Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:22 PM] Chevy.Lake:Syn make a giant Willimina that Garus can shack up with. There's something odly arousing about a ten foot tell woman that could beat him like a side of beef before a prize fight.

[Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:23 PM] Syn: Alright I will make you one. Another ten foot mando coming up.

[Wednesday, August 13, 2014 10:25 PM] Chevy.Lake: Awesome. They are going to drink and bicker all the time like a real old couple. Every now and then Garus will show up with a busted mouth, smelling of shame and doused in whiskey. When people ask him what happened he'll say he ran into his door...again. -wipes a tear- How romantic.

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