Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Anja Rydder

Inspector-General Anja Rydder


NAME: Anja Rydder
  • Darkwire (antagonist)
  • Corporate Authority of Denon
  • Inspector General of C-BoP
  • Inspector-General - equivalent seniority to Fleet Admiral
  • Military consultant reporting to Direx board on behalf of C-BoP
SPECIES: Zeltron
AGE: 30
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.67m
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Purple
SKIN: Light pink
  • Galactic Basic
  • High Basic
  • Huttese
  • Zeltron



Combat training - As a corpsec soldier, Anja had received combat training including firearms and martial arts.
Multi-talented - From the age of 15 to 18 and before entering military service she was in a mildly successful Denon pop group with two other teenage so can sing and dance, she is also a keen artist, enjoying life painting particularly.
Cybernetic Enhancement - Like many from Denon, Anja has embraced implantation and has several implants to enhance her effectiveness.
  • Overseer pattern bio-chip - allows wireless connectivity with CorpSec systems
  • Retinal implants to correct poor eyesight and provide improved dark vision.
  • Cochlear implants for better hearing including adjustable frequency limits

Vanity - From her pop career, to dabbling in modelling and generally being proud of showing the galaxy who she is, Anja has several times fallen foul of the level of modesty encouraged amongst corporate authorities which has on occasion, reduced the respect she might otherwise receive.
Limited real combat experience - Besides her extensive training and time in simulators, she has very little actual time in live combat and her valour has not yet been fully challenged.

Hedonistic - Like other Zeltron's Anja loves and lives intensely, near to the point of hedonism. She has found an obsessive devotion to her work, or her art, can provide a similar sense of satisfaction to her as the more traditional Zeltron pursuits.
Supportive family - Anja comes from a large family with an older brother and young brother and sister. Along with her parents they provide her with a great deal of support for everything she does and are quick to rally round for each other.

APPEARANCE: Anja has pink skin that is on the lighter end of the Zeltron spectrum and purple hair. Her eyes are dark brown.

She stands of average height and has a trim figure from regular working out, an activity she enjoys immensely. Her uniform is a kaldrweave trouser and top combination with purple accents that compliment her hair. She is the inspector General, why wouldn't pick something attractive for herself?



Anja was born to rich Zeltron parents on Denon and had a great education and all the privileges one would expect of a family from the upper levels. In that, there was little to tell from her childhood. At fourteen she won a talent contest and was picked amongst two other girls to form a girl band trio, and they did OK. It was all very manufactured and choreographed so she would never be among the greats, but she sold enough albums to purchase a modest property in the sunnier levels of Denon.

However, by her father's wishes, she never ended up getting to spend much time in her new home and at eighteen she enrolled in the CorpSec. He wanted his daughter to experience real work, and as her agents were already telling them her music career would be short, this would be a good option. He was able to use his connections to get her into Customs and Border Patrols (C-BoP) and Anja genuinely loved it. Pirates and smugglers are creative people, and Anja's own passionate and creative mind was allowed to flourish. She became a senior inspector very quickly and within 7 years of leaving the academy was Chief Inspector of the Altier system, a very taxing job for someone so young. Just after her 29th birthday she was given her latest promotion, to the rank of Inspector General.
The promotion was almost delayed by the release of several tasteful artistic shots of the Zeltron woman, but her track record and absolute dedication to her job pushed her beyond that minor indiscretion. Anja does however suspect that the cracks in her professionalism are actually valued by the DireX board, to whom she regularly reports directly. If she fails, then her whole personality can be easily destroyed by these cracks, allowing the DireX to remain blameless.

She is quite the hands-on Inspector General, with her passions leading her to personally carry out missions on a regular basis. She has earned a consultant seat on the DireX board which usually involves her reporting fleet activities to the ruling board or answering difficult questions. This political dancing though, is just another part of her job that she gets to enjoy with passion. Once she had been in the job a year, Anja set her sights on expansion. The sacking of Coruscant had opened up many eyes to the dangers a hostile nation could pose to otherwise safe worlds and increased the need for more military style vessels for C-BoP. Anja also suggested to the DireX board that a show of the prowess of Denon built vessels and being able to extend their reach beyond the immediate space of the CAD may increase the prowess of their own companies. Her expansion project has been underway for a year and is already beginning to bear fruit.

Tron Class Star Destroyer - Negotiator
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