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Approved Vehicle "Ankathi" Mobile Weapons Platform

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Manufacturer: Sylva Vitae through Sylva Arma
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

A standard Ankathi walker; visible is the armor plating (light brown), the interior musculature (dark green), the almost entirely shrouded cockpit area (tan), and the weapons (dark brown; from top to bottom - Buloke cannon x2, Ekballo mortar x6, Acaleph launcher x1)


Dimensions of a fully-deployed Ankathi. The cockpit appears quite small at this scale, but the pilot lays down on their belly to keep the size of the main body of the Ankathi walker as small as possible.

An Ankathi pod, fully retracted, on the left. The same pod, fully extended and deployed as a combat-ready walker.

The rear of the Ankathi walker. Visible here are the other two Acaleph launchers.

Dimensions of a fully enclosed Ankathi pod.

A full brace of Ankathi pods, all firmly set together as a deployable unit. The dimensions of the entire 'megapod' are shown as well.

A look inside the megapod. Note how close each Ankathi pod is to each other.

Image source: Me, I made it! Link to album here.
Links to specific technologies will be added where they first appear in the submission.

  • Armed with Acaleph launchers for anti-personnel, twinned Buloke cannons for armor penetration, and Ekballo mortars for ousting entrenched enemies, the Ankathi light walker is ideal for cheap mass deployment for a variety of combat situations
  • Designed with and for the Sylva Vitae biotech suite, and fully compatible for either a sentient pilot or a plant-based 'droid' pilot.
  • Each walker is alive and is a living self-contained organism. Filled with a tensed web of interconnected fibers and a significant reservoir of Chyme fluid for repair and regeneration, each walker is loaded for bear and able to sustain itself for a significant period of time. In a natural environment (forests, unimproved roads, fields, etc), the walkers are capable of rooting themselves into the terrain to recharge and refuel.
  • Able to fold up for mass storage and increased refuel and repair rate, the Ankathi can be stored in a pod of 14 to be dropped as an entire squadron at once, or plucked individually for increased dispersal.
  • Self-repairing and self-refueling, even in combat, allow it to maintain a battlefield presence for a significant time without having to retreat for resupply.
  • Varied weaponry for a multitude of combat scenarios allows it to hold its own in many settings, against many foes.
  • Almost entirely self-automated, as one singular symbiotic organism, requiring a crew of 1 to operate.
  • Fully organic biotech is almost invisible to standard detecting technology.
  • As a highly articulable walker, it is slower than treaded or wheeled designs of similar proportions, but far more precisely maneuverable.
  • Clawed feet are capable of scaling sheer walls and cliffsides, for intrusion into even extreme environments
  • Organic construction requires supplementing fuel and energy; it cannot maintain battlefield presence for a greatly extended period of time.
  • Force-sensitive design requires that the vehicle never enter a Force void. The walker will lock up and become inoperative otherwise.
  • Force-based propulsion and construction is slower and heavier compared to contemporary technology, and also falls under the latter mentioned weakness of inoperability in a Force void
  • The construction of the walker necessitates a much slower overall movement speed than treaded or wheeled designs; this walker is useless as a 'blitzing' vehicle.
Designed after insect physiology and Sylva Vitae biotech theory, the Ankathi walker is Sylva Arma's first foray into 'mechanized' warfare. In keeping with Sylva Vitae 'every vehicle is its own discrete organism', the Ankathi is itself a fully living symbiosis of plants and fungi, all working together as one unified weapon. The walker can be controlled with a plant-based 'droid' pilot fused to the system, or be commanded by a sentient pilot physically sitting within.

Each Ankathi unfurls itself from an armored pod, using plant-based musculature as an organic movement system. The armor maintains as part of the walker's physiology, and is self-repairing (to a point) based on the nutrients stored within the walker. The weapon ports extrude from the main body, forming their shapes as needed, and other segments unfurl into full length claw-tipped legs. Each walker can take time to root into the ground, absorbing local nutrients to refuel and rearm without having to leave the area of operation. It can also completely fold back up into an armored pod for increased resilience, for burying and concealment, or for redeployment as necessary.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To craft a flagship vehicle for Sylva Vitae's biotech arsenal
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Sylva Vitae
Model: "Ankathi" Mobile Weapons Platform
Modular: No
Material: 'Nutriset' Medium Armor, 'Sero' biotech interface, 'Chyme' nutrient slurry, Plem cells, C. viridis, F. conexias
Movement: Quadrupedal
Armaments: 2 x 'Buloke' cannons
6 x 'Ekballo' mortars
3 x 'Acaleph' launchers (1 front, 2 rear)
Vehicle Type: Walker
Vehicle Role: Assault
Defense Rating: High
Traction Rating: Very High
Top Speed Rating: Average
Braking Power Rating: Very High
Corner Speed Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Acceleration Rating: Low
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

EMP: High
Sonic: High

Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: None
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