Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ankeen Kewon


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Force SensitiveN/A
FactionTingel Arm Coalition
RankGunship Pilot

Ankeen is a tall and lanky Iktotchi male tough, leathery orange skin and piercing blue eyes. He has two downard curving white horns, common among his people, and dark, claw-like nails.

Ankeen dresses like a common Rimward tramp pilot, preferring long overcoats and pilot suits that are practical. Although now he likes to slip TAC symbols into his gear to show his loyalty.

Ankeen is, in many ways, another reckless tramp-pilot traveling the Rim of the galaxy, headstrong, cocky, and quick to act. He's a natural pilot and a lover of all things that fly, having spent his childhood staring up at the stars and wanting nothing more than to travel them.

Ankeen is more than meets the eye, however, having a deep sense of justice and desire to make something of his life after the devastation of his homeworld. He flies not just for survival, but for the chance to spare others from what happened on Lothal and ensure that the stars can always be freely traveled by those with the courage to do so.

  • Precognitive: As an Iktotchi, Ankeen has mild precognitive abilities and can receive glimpses of opportunity or warnings of danger before they arrive.
  • Starship Savant: Ankeen has a knack for handling starships, not just flying them but keeping them up and running at peak efficiency.
  • Nerves of Durasteel: My, Ankeen is a bold one, isn't he? Flying gun for a rebellion given the current state of the galaxy takes courage and cool under pressure.

  • Erratic Warnings: Ankeen's precognition has nothing on a trained Force user, and being so far removed from his homeworld his skills with the power are spotty at best.
  • Civilian Flyer: Ankeen doesn't have much prior experience in direct dogfighting, and not being a soldier he is even less dangerous on the ground.
  • Reckless Youth: There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, and Ankeen has racked up a lot of frequent-flyer miles zigzagging all over that line.

Lothal born and raised, Ankeen Kewon began life the son of merchant pilots under the Lothal Protectorate. Ankeen would grow up surrounded by starships and spacer's tales, and would devote much of his young life to flying as often as possible. He was barely out of common school when he entered the Merchant Marine, looking to serve both his wanderlust and his planet at the same time. What few missions he did fly he proved to be a natural at, but when the Empire finally came to Lothal, all Ankeen could do was fly away.

Now among the many Lothalite refugees scattered across the galaxy, Ankeen was forced to become a freelance tramp pilot, among other, less savory occupations. He drifted the Rim for a long time, living hand to mouth and pocket to fuel tank, always looking for the next job to keep going, but struggling to come up with a reason why. That was, until he got a message on the Holonet from a familiar looking face, and found a reason to keep flying...

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