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Ankharbis the Great

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Ankharbis the Great


NAME: Ankharbis
FACTION: Neutral
RANK: Pharaoh
SPECIES: Anubian
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: Muscular
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Long and Black
SKIN: Black Fur

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Ruler of Ankhypt:
The descendant of a long line of Anubian Pharaohs, Ankharbis holds near infinite power over his subjects. He is worshipped by the Anubian race at a level that nearly rivals that of their godly pantheon. As such, nearly every inhabitant of Ankhypt would unquestioningly do anything required to serve their ruler, that level of influence capitalized on whenever the Pharaoh requires it.

Master Strategist:
Like many Pharaohs before him, Ankharbis was taught from a young age the arts of politics and war, which has made him an incredibly skilled tactician, warrior and politician. Many attempted invasions by foreign invaders have been quelled thanks to the might and wisdom of the Ankhyptian Pharaoh himself.

A common trait amongst highborn Anubians, Ankharbis is rather egotistical, believing himself the only true ruler of Ankhypt and blessed by the gods. He will use any means necessary to maintain his power, and the faith of his people, even if that may leave him at a disadvantage...

Like many infamous rulers of the past, Ankharbis has a rather high libido. He's been known to romance any women that catch his eye, and his rather large collection of beautiful female consorts only serves to highlight this. A particularly clever individual might be able to try and use this to their advantage...

A towering Anubian male, Ankharbis would be a near perfect specimen of the Anubian noble caste. His tall, muscular form would often be on show, to highlight his physical power to his followers and enemies. He'd usually be garbed in the most elegant Ankhyptian robings or attire, with regal, royal jewellery adorning him. An elegant, gold plated double-bladed lightsaber hilt would be attached to his belt, both for show and personal defense.

Born to the previous Pharaoh of Ankhypt, Anubarakh, and one of his royal consorts, Ankharbis grew up in the luxurious royal palace of Tairos, the capital of Ankhypt. From a young age, the greatest minds and warriors of Ankhypt were brought forth to train the young prince in all manner of things to prepare him for his inevitable rule over Ankhypt. By the age of eighteen, he'd developed into an impressive young warrior, easily besting many of the gladiators sent to spar with him.

Upon the sudden death of his father, Ankharbis was brought to the Great Temple of Anakar, the center of all religious worship on Ankhypt, and underwent the secret rituals preformed upon the coronation of a new Pharaoh. None but Ankharbis and the high priests know what transpired within those sacred halls, but when he emerged, the young prince was gone. Now stepped forth a mighty ruler, ready to lead Ankhypt into a brighter age, or so the stories say.

Having ruled over Ankhypt for nine years, Ankharbis has recently opened Ankhypt up to the galaxy at large once more, and has made an arrangement with a Dark Jedi Nobleman by the name of Count Morcus, which has allowed him to ascertain the current situation of the galaxy at large in current times, as well as equip his armies and people with new technologies to ensure they are not unprepared. Ankharbis now seeks to expand Anubian influence by any means required, and usher in a bright future for Ankhypt and it's peoples.



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