Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annoying little bird

Herr Vanderhing sat in one of his Nightclubs in Cato Neimoidia eating seafood and drinking whine. Next to him sat Genf Orkay his Chief of Staff and right hand man also enjoying some seafood. As they enjoyed their meal one of Vanderhing's thugs ran up to them and whispered in his ear "Ey boss the shipment just came in!"

Vanderhing padded his face with his hanker chief and stood up. He grabbed his cane and limped forwards following his thug. His walk always looked like a waddle as he limped

[member="Stephanie Brown"], [member="Rima Orwray"]
Steph would be on the roof tops up above when she would get word of strange activity happening at a nightclub not far from her current location. She would dive off of the building she was on top of, she would somersault in the air before activating her flight pack and pop her wings out. She would then angle the wings up and gain altitude. She would land on a rooftop adjacent to the nightclub and perch. She would take in the scene when she noticed she didnt see Herr yet. "I need to wait"

[member="Herr Vanderhing"]
Rima wasn't drinking as much as he is used to, not feeling well probably. But he HAD been going on and on in conversation with one of the bartenders of the nightclub before turning and seeing Vanderhing was not at his usual table. He looked around and could not see him. "He left so early, why?" Rima then walked towards the door which he supposed Vanderhing went out of, motioning his droid to follow.

[member="Herr Vanderhing"] [member="Stephanie Brown"]
Through the doorway was a shuttle with quite a few crates, in front of the crates were some smugglers standing and waiting for their cut. Vanderhing pulled out a cigar and shoved it his mouth as he walked up to them "So...... Is that everything? All the spice?" Vanderhing asked with the cigar in his mouth he tapped one of the crates with his cane has he leaned forward to inspect them. "Alright load them all up" he said as he pulled out some credits and gave them to the smugglers and continued to inspect the crates.

[member="Rima Orwray"] [member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would take this opportunity, she would dive and pop her wings out once again. This time she would let the wind do the work. She would angle towards the crates and she would then smash into a few smashing them and pulling her bo staff she would swipe one of the Smugglers feet out from under them

[member="Herr Vanderhing"]
[member="Rima Orwray"]
Rima would be pretty much through the doorway now, seeing the vigilante [member="Stephanie Brown"]. As he watches her swipe the feet out from under a smuggler. Rima, getting scared, motioned to his droid "Well don't just STAND there you buffoon, go get Vanderhing!" As he said this, his droid ran over to Vanderhing to try to get him out of trouble

[member="Herr Vanderhing"]
Herr Vanderhing dropped his cigar from his mouth and held his mouth open in awe as the girl dropped before him

"LORD!...." He cried out mouth still open in shock "They said you were in the Asylum...... But I thought you were a myth!...." He still stood still as several of his guards opened fire at the girl. Rima shouted and a droid and Genf grabbed Vanderhing and dragged him by both arms, the tips of his boots dragging behind him as his mouth was still jaw dropped.

"Kill the intruder!!!" One of the droid bodyguards cried out "Roger, roger" one said as it began to fire along with a few other droids, humans, and Neimoidian bodyguards

[member="Rima Orwray"], [member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie would leap into motion and her bo staff would expand into a shield that could take quite a few hits without breaking. She would then be on the droid bodyguards. She would smash one's brains in and then as the two on either side took aim at her she would leap out of the way. They would fire on each other. She would then start in on the humans

[member="Rima Orwray"]
[member="Herr Vanderhing"]

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