Mike looked at [member="Maverick Wallen"] . He replied, "Darth Traya, indicated in her later years as Kreia, was a female Human Jedi Master-turned-Sith Master during the Dark Wars and Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate, organizing over the remainder of the bits of the Sith controls after their devastation in the Jedi Civil War. Before the Mandalorian Wars, Kreia was a Jedi Master and Jedi history capable, who was removed by the Jedi High Council since her understudies looked for after the Jedi Knight Revan, her past Padawan, into the fight against the ambushing Mandalorians. After Kreia pulled again from the Jedi Order, she searched for after Revan's way to the Sith world Malachor V, being obliterated into its Force echoes. There, she found the Trayus Academy and went to the obscured side, changing into a Sith Master. In the years following the Jedi Civil War, Traya surveyed for other Force-wounds and found two men who changed into her Sith fans, Darth Sion, and Darth Nihilus. With them, she molded and wound up Dark Lord of a Sith Triumvirate, plan on devastating the Jedi.
Finally, Traya was toppled by Sion and Nihilus, who stripped their Master of her association with the Force. In the wake of having been cleared by both the Jedi and Sith, she held silly unpleasantness of how the two Orders were utilized by the Force to its terminations and started to think about how she may free the universe of its impact until the fulfillment of time. Going under the closeness of "Kreia" again, Traya found a past Jedi General that served in the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, everything considered, called the Jedi Exile. Traya saw Surik as having the choice to pass on her motivation to fulfillment and immediately volunteered to "salvage" Surik and retrain her from her perspectives. Most likely on the planet, even as Traya made a Jedi wash down, she proceeded in her endeavors to shape Surik—and those she went with displayed the light tanker, Ebon Hawk—into her novel picture.
Traya helped Surik in finding the Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar, and Kavar; Surik incited them to reconvene at the Dantooine Jedi Enclave's exceptional parts. Right when Surik met with the Masters, Traya uncovered her way of life as a Sith Lord and remove the Masters from the Force butchering them simultaneously in the Enclave's extraordinary parts. Not long after this, Traya took off to the question Jedi Academy on Telos IV and activated Jedi Master Atris to see her go to the cluttered side. After Surik recovered Atrios and analyzed the fight above Telos—in which she vanquished Darth Nihilus - Surik took off to Malachor V to go confronting Darth Traya, dueling at long last executing her in the profundities of the Trayus Academy."