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Approved Species ANOMALY REPORT #132 - "Voodoo People"

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CODENAME: Voodoo People


[Image Credit: Certain-Unit8147]

  • Name: "Voodoo People" [Accurate title is "Anomaly Report #132"]
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Outer Rim Territories
  • Average Lifespan: 90 years
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique Three remain in the captivity of The Nobody.
  • Description: Anomaly Report #132 - otherwise known as "Voodoo People" are a group of three grey semi-aquatic creatures. The defining ability of their species is the ability to reproduce organic matter inside of their stomachs, allowing them to replicate the most recent life form they've consumed. In order for this to work however, the life form must be eaten whole by the entity, digested, and then reborn for the very first time to allow further replication.

    • Breathes: Type I
    • Average Height of Adults: N/A
    • Average Length of Adults: Up to 12 meters (including tail length).
    • Skin color: Grey
    • Hair color: N/A
    • Distinctions: No defining characteristics set genders apart.
    • Races: N/A
    • Force Sensitivity: Low: Only one of the three known specimens can utilize the force.

    • Organic Tissue Reproduction: By first consuming a chosen lifeform, the "Voodoo People" can copy its genetic data and replicate it in their stomachs. This includes any memories it had before digestion.
    • One of the three existing "Voodoo People" specimens is capable of using the force to convey messages through sharing emotions and other non-verbal contact. This also proves they have sapient intelligence, as they can type messages onto a modified keyboard and "talk" to researchers.

    • Reproduction "Cost": In order for the "Voodoo People" to recreate organic matter, it must have consumed the matter its replicating recently. In order for a human clone to be produced, an individual must be willing to be eaten alive and slowly digested for a two-hour period. For this reason, its supernatural ability to generate clones is seldom used by others.
    • They are feeble on land - halving their speed and dexterity whenever they slither across dry land.

    • Diet: Carnivore - relies on eating small creatures fed by researchers. Sometimes it will reproduce a previously copied animal and eat that.
    • Communication: They are capable of communicating among themselves through chitters and pheromone emission. One of them can convey emotional feelings telepathically, and even type out coherent sentences on a modified keyboard in their containment chamber.
    • Technology level: N/A
    • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
    • General behavior: The only desire the "Voodoo People" have is to consume as wide a range of organisms as possible. Even their language barks a constant desire to consume.

    Anomaly Report #132 first came to the attention of "The Nobody" when agents investigating barren worlds across the Outer Rim Territories found these specimens in the circulation of an exotic trade company. They were taken by force; any evidence of their existence was eliminated from the local public eye. Media corporations that operated interplanetary began propagating the threat of a "monster" surfacing through word of mouth, about a cartel feeding their victims to a strange creature, which would eat their bodies, digest them... Spit them out, good as new... And eat them again.

    Now in the care of "The Nobody" and a few assisting doctors, the three creatures now live a life of relative peace, with a constant buffet of food being offered to them every day for the purpose of testing.
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