Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anora Demici


NAME: Anora Demici

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Captain/Initiate

SPECIES: Near-Human

AGE: Prime

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: Slightly Above Average for Human

BUILD: Athletic

EYES: Dark Blue

HAIR: Red with deep brown low lights.

SKIN: Fair Skinned



-Educated: Anora has a background of a well rounded education, giving her a limited knowledge of many subjects. More importantly, it gives her a frame of reference for knowing how to find out more information.
-Disciplined: Anora has always had a steel rod for her willpower.

-Aristocratic: Anora was born and raised in the aristocracy of Serenno, which gave her a privileged birth she has never quite been able to get beyond.
-Addictive Personality: Anora is susceptible to psychological addictions, and can become dependent on them until she has broken the habit.

The Great Houses of Serenno have hardly changed since time immemorial. On the outward face of it, they are a strong, aristocratic voice in whatever government will listen to them. On the inside, they are as backbiting and conniving as is possible. With privilege in one hand, and a hidden dagger in the other, for generations.

This was the life that Anora was born into. She received the best education, care, and material items that money could buy. Aspects of history known only to the great sages of the galaxy were hers for the asking, training in dance, fencing, and rhetoric were practically forced onto her, and the latest fashions were always assumed to be her desire. Her parents and peers were thus struck dumb when she chose not only to take military service, but to do so in aid to conquering her own planet. For while her parents and peers were showering her with the things they believed she wanted, she sought out those things that weren't readily available to her. She found the Sith Empire, and she devoted herself to working her way, on her own merit, up the chains.


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