Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anora Selani

NAME: Anora Selani
FACTION: None Currently
RANK: See Faction
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 142 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Slightly rosy


Moderately-skilled linguist and translator, can speak and understand Basic, Bothese, Huttese, Rodian, Ryl, and Trandoshan and can also read and write in Basic - can insult you in half a dozen languages and fill out paperwork in only one.

Current lack of experience for more advanced combat duties - put her on sentry duty and watch her treat it as a reward.
Failed to meet requirements for a combat role other then cannon fodder (your average grunt) prior to graduation from basic training - see above.

Average training with blaster rifles and pistols - Can hit the broad side of a bantha with a blaster rifle or pistol.
Limited training in hand to hand techniques - Is more likely to hurt herself in a brawl then she would the enemy.
Average training in starship/starfighter maintenance and repair - Knows enough about tools to help somebody else fix a hyperdrive, if there's no professionals around. Or patch a coolant leak. But by all the Minions of Xendor, don't ask her to fine-tune any turbolaser calibrations!

Shoulder-length black hair, vivid green eyes, and a slightly rosy complexion are Anora's physical trademarks, though they are offset by her near-average height and weight. She can usually be found geared up and on-duty, wearing the kinetic body armor issued to her upon completion of basic training over the armorweave-enhanced uniform that went with it, though her choice of weapon tends to be decidedly non-standard; in place of a standardized blaster rifle, Anora carries an ancient blaster rifle known as a Corellian Destroyer, an heirloom passed down through countless generations of her family and ancestors.

Standard-issue Armorweave Uniform - Dark blue with gold trim.
Standard-issue Kinetic armor - Dark blue.
Standard-issue blaster rifle - It shoots things. And can double as a blunt object in a pinch.
Corellian Destroyer blaster rifle - Anora's weapon of choice. Possessive and prickly come to mind if insults are thrown about its age.

Anora was born in Coronet City, the only child of working-class parents who, like numerous generations of the Selani bloodline before them, had never set foot offworld. Service had long been part of the Selani tradition, whether for the military, the planetary government, or Corellian Security, and it ran true in Anora as well. Growing up an only child, she was treasured and doted upon, but not to such a degree that it would hinder her from developing as normally as possible. Though they did insist that she begin carrying her own weight from a young age, and as a result, she could often be found tinkering with the household machines.

Her formative years were spent splitting her time between schools in both Coronet City and Tyrena, as her parents went where the work was, leading to a more diverse education then she might have had otherwise . . . but only in one respect - in all her subjects aside from linguistic matters, she was an average student, but by the young age of twelve, her vocabulary had expanded to include three languages other then Basic. In later years, two more languages made their way into the mix. As did a somewhat-broadened ability regarding general starship maintenance, though it was counter-balanced by her tendency to be involved in . . . unintentionally creative malfunctions.

Weathering her teenage years turned out to be an experience in itself for her parents, her friends, and herself, as it turned out that she had inherited the same daredevil mindset as her great-grandmother had possessed, leading to more then a few close calls with the authorities for both Anora and her closest friends. Despite this newfound capacity for getting into, and back out of trouble, or perhaps in spite of it, no lasting harm was done where the law was concerned. Until the night she graduated for good . . . the same night a trio of would-be criminals attempted to break into and rob her parents' home.

What started as a quiet family celebration at home turned into a near-tragedy for her family by the end of the night, as the robbery attempt left all three home invaders dead at her hands and her mother in and out of intensive care for a week . . . and ended with Anora's manslaughter charge commuted to mandatory enlistment in the military through a successful self-defense plea. Despite the mishaps during basic training due to her continuing tendency to be present during but not responsible for unintentionally creative malfunctions, Anora graduated by her 19th birthday.

None - Would you really trust her with one, until she proves she's up to the challenge? I wouldn't. But it's your funeral if so. And probably hers too...

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