Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Attempt

Alright, hello again =)

Some of you might know me. Joined a while back, disappeared, tried to be active last July, but disappeared again. I am looking forward to this time being different, so here goes =)

For those of you who don't remember me or who don't know me, I am the Battousai! Fear my hypnotic eyes, because I fell down the stairs...again... =P

Name's Michael, and I have some work ahead of me, getting my character Sorin back up to speed. I noticed that there was a time skip, so I will be working on incorporating that into his story. The other characters I had planned, however, I'll scrap. Focus on only one for now, so if anyone would like to have a thread or two with me, you know where I am.

For warning: I will be slow for the next two weeks, because I am currently finishing up the rest of the semester here at my college. Once it's done, I'll be more active.

Good to be back =)

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