Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Another Bump In the Road

Location: Onderon
Attire: [xXx]
Equipment: [X]
Tag: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


Once again Anora found herself at a crossroads; the path she had gone down and been steered away from once before? She had doubled back to trek it again, only to find herself steered right back around and reset once again. She had absolutely no idea where Tyran was again, and while she would of course keep her ears open for signs of distress from him, otherwise? This was a cycle she needed to break. Yes, he was her friend and she cared for him - stupidly more than she should have, apparently - but there were other things in her life that she needed to get back on track. Things she needed to finish, to see through. She had already finished step one of that; she had finally gotten her own lightsaber. So now she just needed to finally complete training.

Now...this little side trip to Onderon was not at all a part of her 'on the right track' plan. Honestly this had just been a very rash decision to get the hell away from Kashyyyk in an attempt to clear her own headspace. She had jumped the first available transport, and bam. Here she was; in hindsight, it probably wasn't the wisest decision, but its not the first bad choice Nora had ever made - clearly.

And the bad decisions just kept on coming once she had gotten to the port city she had landed in. Not knowing her way around didn't make it difficult at all to find some backwater cantina, and while the place didn't serve her favorite Mandalorian brew, it was probably better that way. Unfortunately because of that fact she didn't care what she got to drink, and that was never a good sign. To other, less friendly types in the cantina however, it was perfect.

Lonely woman, no one around, drinking like she didn't care? She was perfect prey.

A fact that the quartet of mixed species had very wrong as they approached the only slightly tipsy brunette and tried their hand had coaxing her away from the bar. More than once she had attempted to brush them off, and this only served to irritate Anora more and more until eventually she was up out of her seat and put all of her weight into shoving one of the males away from her.

"Clearly you lot have yet to learn that no means no." she nearly spat the words at the lot of them, but her little stunt did nothing to deter them. In fact, it only seemed to entice them more. And as they regrouped to close in again, Nora groaned, rubbed a hand down her face, and then Force pushed not only the quartet away from her, but everything in the immediate radius around her too.

And no one around her appreciated that very much at all...

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
Gallil had been wandering the streets for some time, one part doing business for the republic meeting and greeting officials in the name of galactic cooperation, but the part he never let the other masters know was his true focus, searching for his sister. Most Jedi frowned on attachment, however for this master one attachment remained, only one and not being able to locate her gnawed at him it was a dangerous thing to be sure he would have to meditate a great deal later to offset his mind, but then something took his attention away from his thoughts it gave him pause and he looked around from beneath the hooded cloak he wore, his eyes falling in the direction of the nearby cantina, it was very much as if the force were saying hey look over here.​
He turned and advanced toward the cantina he had no sooner entered through the doorway than he witnessed the young woman being harassed by several different individuals of different species she looked young, perhaps only just younger than his own sister. Perhaps that more than anything is why he would intervene, no even without that he would have intervened it was the way of the Jedi to protect those but when she did a force push, it might have even knocked him back if he hadn't been watching closely, of course, the locals were none too pleased and he simply inserted himself between the young woman and looked at the leader of the group with his blue eyes piercing him. "My friends, go have a drink and go about your business." he reached out a hand and dropped some credits into his hand "My treat" the man paused only a moment before nodding "We're gonna go have a drink and go about our business" he watched them a moment before he turned to face the unknown force user. "As for you, you should be a lot more careful"

Location: Onderon
Tag: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


She felt it, the moment another Force user walked into the cantina. Only for a moment did Anora's eyes shift from the men around her, to the one who was steadily approaching, and there hadn't been much time between that and her tactics that this stranger had inserted himself into her business. Too quickly she knew what he was doing, and when the weak minded fools took the credits she was still guarded even when they walked away.

However once again her attention shift to this man, and she frowned just a tad when he spoke up to her. "That was being careful," she pointed out to him. With a sigh, and a shake of her head, she turned from this robed stranger and set about picking up stools and other things that had fallen over due to her use of the Force push. At least she was mindful enough to try and correct the situation. "It was either that, or start lopping off limbs. So I chose the lesser of two evils."

Why was she explaining herself to this man?

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
He gave a wry smile and shook his head slightly as he pulled back the hood that shrouded his face, then proceeded to help her restore the various items to their rightful positions. "Then let us both be grateful that you chose to be careful, otherwise the mess would have been far worse" he set one of the barstools upright and then perched himself upon it clearly she had some form a training but her temperament was that of a youngling rather than a padawan in his eyes "What brings you to Onderon? It's not exactly a tourist spot." quietly he watched her, studying her she had the ability, it was plain to see what she lacked was instruction she needed guidance.
But then the force does have its own will that he knew all too well, it's purpose here though rather had him at an impasse it was clear now why their paths had crossed, she was clearly troubled and in some ways so was he, perhaps by his instructing her he could set some things right and eventually move past his sister's disappearance. Part of him cringed at that but he pondered it more, it was the only thing that fits this entire situation at this point he either followed the will of the force or he would be no better than the Sith in his own mind..​
Location: Onderon
Tag: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


Once things were set back to how they should be, for the most part, Anora sat herself back down on the stool she had been occupying. The fact that this stranger not only continued to talk, but had sat with her too? Well, that meant one of two things; either he had business here, or he had just made Anora his business. She had learned a thing or two triapsing the galaxy with a Mandalorian, after all.

"Honestly? It seems destiny or something of the sort brought me here." she answered with a shake of the head. "I just needed to get away, and I took the first transport leaving Kashyyyk. This is where it brought me." Anora shrugged her shoulders and shifted in her seat a bit once she had ordered another drink to replace the one that had gotten quite scattered from previous events. If she was going to be having a conversation with this guy, then she wanted to be able to see him.

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
One thing he was good at was listening and hearing what was when nothing was said at all, the things a person would leave out but weighed on them all the more, she was sharp and intelligent if not a little brash, in some ways he could relate to that too after all he was not always a master. When she said destiny he smiled a bit and placed some credits on the bar as he waved over the bartender for a drink of his own. "What you refer to destiny most would either call it by that or chance I suppose." he leaned back a bit and brought a hand to his chin then started stroking the light beard on his face "I view things a different way, everything happens for a reason. Usually because either the force is guiding us one direction or we are fighting against the direction of the force, though the question is your own perspective."
He thought a moment as he locked his eyes on the young woman as if coming to a decision "So, to you destiny brought you out of a situation you were unhappy with landed you on a planet with nothing to your name, led you to a fight in a cantina that the only Jedi on the entire planet happened to be walking past at that particular time." he inclined his head slightly with a smile "To me, it seems the force has willed this meeting" he reached out a hand to the young woman to properly introduce himself "Gallil Mataan, Jedi Master of the Galactic Alliance"

Location: Onderon
Tags: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


"Hey wait a second, first of all," the brunette frowned just a little, and leaned her side against the bar. Her brow creased and her eyes narrowed just a fraction. "I didn't come here with nothing to my name." she point out to him, though didn't elaborate on that particular subject further. She had credits from all of the bounty work, she just didn't flash them around, and for good reason.

But she was quiet from there, listening and thus proving that she was a good student at the very least - even if unintentionally doing so. Occasionally her fingers drummed against the bartop, but otherwise she was attentive and thoughtful as she pondered over the things that were said to her. "Force, destiny...One in the same, really." her shoulders shrugged, and when he reached out and introduced himself, Anora brought her hand up to clasp his.

"Anora, and I'm not entirely sure I have a title anymore. It seems to change quite consistently."

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
He chuckled a bit raising a hand defensively "Apologies I meant no offense" after she took his hand he gripped hers firmly but not overly so, the hands themselves seemed gentle but well worn for one so young "Well Anora, where are you off to next? If you plan to head toward the core, I would be more than happy to bring you along as my business here is concluded." his drink arrived and he picked it up swirling the glass a bit before knocking it back in one shot, watching her reaction with interest perhaps she thought him a typical Jedi, he was slightly different.​

Location: Onderon
Tags: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


The subject of offense was waved off; she hadn't really been offended, just making sure to point out that she hadn't come her totally unprepared. Anora was a lot of things, but stupid wasn't one of them. The question of what she planned to do next however, seemed to give her pause. Enough so that she took up her drink once it was sat in front of her, and she sipped it a time or two before her attention went back to Gallil.

"I hadn't really thought about where I was off to next." she admit to him. "It was more or a spontaneous, go where the path leads you sort of ordeal." her shoulders shrugged. Really she hadn't had a plan at all, she had taken the transport because she needed a distraction. So now here she was, being distracted. There wasn't a whole lot of thought put into it beyond that.

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
Gallil nodded to Anora with a smile and pushed himself up from the barstool putting down another couple of credits for her own then "Then there should be no problem with more spontaneity, perfect come on then our ride is on a tight schedule" he turned from the bar and started heading toward the door "So Anora, tell me you clearly have some training in the force who is your master?" he queried back over his shoulder to her, speaking to her as he walked away it was not arrogance or impatience, it was two-fold in purpose. One two see if such an act would fluster her and two to see how long it took her to formulate a response and three, well three was the real part of it, there really was a timetable attached for returning to the core.​

Location: Onderon
Tag: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


Anora watched as he stood, and when he paid for her drink she made a face but didn't argue the fact. While she was of course capable of paying for her own things, she wouldn't argue someone else pitching in. So when he spoke up, the brunette got up and followed. She did shoot a look around the cantina out of habit to make sure no one had gotten up to follow them, but once sure that they were clear, her focus went right back to the man leading her out.

"Master Dragonsflame." she answered without missing a beat. "Though it's been quite a long while since I've had any sort of formal training." She had spent quite a long time training with a Mandalorian, and then did some back and forth between the two...but to actually focus solely on Force training and nothing else? Stars, she couldn't even remember...

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
She followed, he approved and lead her toward the starport as he listened to her "Cannot say I know the name, but it is a big galaxy after all." he as they continued to walk they came to a small shuttle, and he walked up the ramp the ship itself if she was well versed or not would not get them far, no there was a specific reason why he was hurrying the actual ride would be arriving in orbit soon and his little detour had cost him some time, he opened the hatch and looked back at her. "I know what you are thinking, no we are not taking this all the way, just hitching a ride" he smiled at her and ducked inside before heading to the pilots seat and strapping in.​
He would let her get situated then started the preflight and lift off, they would soon find themselves in orbit and he would simply wait for a few minutes before a republic star destroyer jumped in and he opened a comm "Valor, this is Jedi Master Mataan requesting landing clearance" within a few minutes clearance was granted and the small shuttle flew into the large bay of the republic ship landing gently upon the hangar deck he would simply turn and look at Anora Vahn Anora Vahn with a smile "Never hurts to travel first class am I right? Just so you know we will be heading to Corellia but I would like to make a suggestion. I know you have a master but I do believe the force brought us together for a reason, let me teach you what I know. If you find you would be happier elsewhere you are free to do as you will."

Location: Onderon
Tag: | Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake |


It was nothing new to follow along behind someone giving instruction, and thankfully Anora's senses were good enough - most of the time - to tell her if she was in immediate danger or not. So its not as if she followed along behind Gallil blindly; she had taken the time to make sure there were no ill intentions, or at least that vibe most psychopaths put off. Granted, he could be really good at hiding it, but Nora didn't think that was the case. So, she followed along, listening to what was being said to her yet again.

"I wasn't thinking that, not until you brought it up at least." She admit to him, frowning at the shuttle now despite the fact that she had just been told that they wouldn't be taking this shuttle all of the way to their destination.

She sat in the seat left open for her and strapped in. Her hands twitched, familiarity of piloting kicking in, but she didn't reach out at any point to touch anything. The situation did give her a bit of a nostalgic blues, but it was easy enough to shake off, especially once the other passenger spoke up to her again. Or maybe it was the star destroyer that came into view...either way.

"I don't technically have a master." she let out, further proving that her mind was capable of keeping up with multiple situations at once, considering she was still staring at the large ship. "I did have, but now he's more like a mentor I guess? Helps me, guides me along when it's needed, but otherwise he's pretty busy with other students and his family." Now her attention shift back to Gallil. "So what it is you're offering to teach me, exactly?"

Location: Onderon​
Wearing: [X}
Equipment: Lightsaber​
He regarded her for a moment, he could sense she was strong in the force sure that was given but what he also sensed was that there was much-untapped potential within her. He turned his chair to look at her before leaning back for a moment. "Look, I sense potential in you Anora. You could be a great Jedi. If you want it, I can teach you how to be that. Your tough that is obvious, you are strong too, anybody can tell that but what you need is to temper that toughness and that strength. Your master, surly he taught you the Jedi Code yes?"
"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force."
He shrugged smiling at her "The choice is yours of course, if what I am offering is of no interest by all means" he tapped a button on a console next to him on the console. "There is your exit, you can go wherever you wish when we get to Corellia. As I said no strings attached" he folded his arms in front of him awaiting her response, the somewhat aloof man now sat quietly observing her. What would she choose? He truly did not know.​

Coruscant, months after Gallil and Anora met on Onderon....

Location: Coruscant
Anora Vahn Anora Vahn


Gallil stood at the window of his apartment staring out at all the traffic as it sped past, the sun was just beginning to set, slowly disappearing at times behind both clouds and the towering structures of the ecumenopolis. The slowly darkening skyline almost seemed to foreshadow the changing times that befallen his Republic. Where once it was a beacon of light and justice and the Jedi its stalwart defenders, now they were nothing more than common soldiers commiting unspeakable crimes against the innocent. In his eyes it did not matter if it was done in the name of a nation or an ideal it was still intolerable. Life on the edge of the galaxy may have changed him in some ways but its clear war had changed the New Jedi Order for the worse.

The news of several of the Jedi responsible had taken the barash vow it seemed a slap on the wrist in his eyes. In his eyes they were no better than the Sith killing because they were enemies, though they had not even tried to force a surrender, the intent to kill was their purpose. It was for that reason he and Anora had packed everything and were preparing to depart, this was no longer a Jedi order or even a Republic worth serving if this was allowed. His eyes darted to one side, a single dusty pack sat by the door, the sum total of his belongings drawing a deep breath he shook his head and sighed.

“Anora, are you done yet?”

He had a need to put as much distance between himself and coruscant as quickly as possible, of course it was not his intent to uproot Anora again. That had happened to her too much, so of course this decision was made by the both of them neither would be a part of something that would allow this behavior.

Last edited:
Location: Coruscant
Tag: Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake


If there was one thing Anora was used to by now, it was packing up her life and leaving. She had done it more times now than any one person should ever have to do, and so the process was really quite simple. Mostly because she never truly unpacked anywhere that she went. Whether it was traveling and training with Gallil, or staying on the Numeck compound on Roon - which she found herself doing less and less since her last little...excursion spent with the Clan. Things had taken a deadly turn for her the last go around, and yet it had changed nothing.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. It had changed Anora. While she had steadily been opening her eyes up to that point, those turn of events and the aftermath had really cleared her gaze. As such, her time was less divided between the Clan and her Apprenticeship, and more focused on the latter.

Despite all of this, it didn't make the idea of rearranging her whole life again feel any better, no matter how used to it she had become.

"Yeah," she had called back to Gallil as she yanked the clasps on her own traveling bag closed. And then she sighed, studied the bag for an overly long moment, then scooped it up and hung it over her shoulder. The room she had been in was abandoned without a backwards glance and instead her gaze went to the other body in the room. "I'm ready to go." Neither of them had any reason to linger here any longer after all, and the sooner they left? The better.

Location: Coruscant
Anora Vahn Anora Vahn

When he heard her voice finally he gave a nod to the window as he looked out at Coruscant one last time, then he turned and his bag flew to his hand and he threw it over his shoulder now turning to Anora. Gallil was dressed plainly, nothing about him other than the way he carried himself screamed Jedi, low profile was the name of the game, for the next few days at least they would be nothing more than mere travelers.

The recent news had a chilling affect on the populace and how they were viewing Jedi, better to not advertise. His eyes fell on Anora for a moment as he started toward the door. "I am sorry about this" he had promised Anora stability, a place where she could call home and for a while it had been his to provide. He had never imposed any rules upon her she was as free as he was to do as she wished, it was a different arrangement but it worked for them.

Several minutes had past before they had arrived at the main starport on Coruscant. Gallil had called in a few favors this time, as the small rust bucket he had would likely not survive the journey. As they rounded the corner moored infront of them was an old hammerhead cruiser, quite literally a few thousand years old but still pristine. He glanced over at Anora with a grin. "Inspires a bit more confidence no?" next to the ship was a protocol droid frantically waving.


"Master Mataan!" he almost facepalmed at the droid but shook his head. "Master Mataan!" he repated. Gallil hastened his approach simply to shut the droid up. "Master Mataan, I am so glad you are here the ship is ready to depart. I was instructed to inform you that she is yours free and clear, here are the transfer documents. Mr. Elatar sends his regards but could not be here to see you off." with that the droid marched off into the distance, looking back at Anora he nodded up at the ramp. "Shall we?"

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Tags: Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake


There was little to be said or done about the situation. Anora didn't hold this step back against Gallil, not in the least little bit. It was just another place to say goodbye to, and while yes that was difficult, it seemed to just be the way things always seemed to fall into place for her. Blaming anyone for it anymore didn't do her any good or make her feel any better, so what was the point in the wasted energy? Energy that was better spent keeping her head down and remaining unnoticed while she and Gallil made their way to the starport.

Upon arrival, she had to pause and just sort of look at the vessel they would apparently be boarding. She could say a few things about the ships she was used to being aboard, but that didn't matter. "It could look like it'll fall apart and I wouldn't care, so long as it doesn't actually fall apart." she stated back in reply. And hey, there was no threat of her helping to rip this one in half, so that was a total bonus.

Nora's things were shifted and her bag was slung over her shoulder as she followed along once again. The droid however caused her to loft a brow. "Lets just announce to everyone that we're here." she made a face, half tempted to Force push the bucket of bolts into a stack of crates, but didn't do as such. But they were all clear and could go, and that was finally some good news. "Yes, lets get off this rock." she huffed out, then carried her things up the ramp and onto the ship.

"So why are you being giving a ship, free and clear like this?" she did ask once they were both aboard. Hey, she needed to know if they should expect trouble once they got space bound! Too much time spent with Mandalorians to not question the details.


Location: Coruscant
Anora Vahn Anora Vahn


He chuckled a bit as he started up the ramp into the ship glancing back at the droid as it rounded the corner before he turned his eyes to Anora. "It's no great mystery. I helped Mr. Elatar out with a small situation and now he helped me out, I mean it's not exactly a starliner or a super star destroyer. Honestly, those would be too big for just us" he just grinned at her as he got to the top of the ramp, turning he waited until she was at the top of the ramp and keyed in the sequence to close it behind them.

"If you want to, find you some quarters and get some rest. I will go to the bridge and program our course." he picked up his bag from the floor and proceeded toward the bridge, assuming he remembered the way. After a few minutes of wandering, he found it and made his way to the navicomputer and began to program the course to Naboo.



Tags: Gallil Marrake Gallil Marrake


It was the most natural answer that could have been given, and yet it still made Anora roll her eyes. "Of course," she shook her head as she followed him up the ramp and into the ship proper. "How silly of me to have asked such a question." As if such answers should have been obvious to her.

Still, once on the inside, she had paused and gave a slow, cautious look around. While not the worst ship she had ever been on, it certainly wasn't like the one she was used to either. "I'll do my best not to help rip this one in half." she stated, out of habit mostly since it was her usual defense about new ships. The fight between herself and her sister had literally ripped Tyran's old ship right in two, so the constant assurance that she wouldn't do as such again was habit by now.

But when told to go and find quarters, Anora nodded and she set about exploring the place. It wasn't overly large, so there was no concern about getting lost, and once she found a suitable sleeping place she set her things down inside. She did not unpack however, and instead ventured right back out so that she could find Gallil. And once she found him, she leaned against the entry way to the cockpit with her arms folded. "So, why Naboo?" Nora hadn't really had the time to ask before now, not in any great amount of detail anyhow. And considering she knew her sister was currently residing on the planet, she needed a good reason to be going there now herself. "There has to be some good reason or another, right?"


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