James Justice
Charting new Paths
James flexed his back muscles with a slight wince. The fracture on his spine had healed well, and despite the protests of the doctors... he was up and out of the hospital sooner than they would have liked. They didn't understand that he had work to do. That their pathetic lives depended on it as much as it depended on his continued existence.
The past three weeks the spacer had not wasted a moment. He had read everything there was to find about their next prey; the communistic City of Bankor Ultimata. There was tragically little. The city had been incredibly tightlipped on what they let out of their boarders, and even tighter on what they let in. James had worked long and hard to worm his way into thousands of years of documents--all of which lasted shorter than he would have liked.
It was no secret that Bankor Ultimata had a history of war and ill-ease with Dal'Bor. Their strict laws did not mix well with the lawless nature of Dal'Bor. An honest offworlder could get into Bankor to refuel, sell or buy goods. And that was the only way that he had gotten in.
"Thank you for your stay, Mr. Jay," the well groomed and clean clerk behind the desk said handing James his passport back.
The spacer gave him a slight nod before walking out to the front of the Space Station. He grit his teeth, feeling so naked without his blaster. Weapons were highly regulated within Bankor. That was going to make their job harder--but not impossible.
James looked over his shoulder, waiting for [member="Thraxis"] to arrive. He partially believed that the Zeltron had read the same files he sent him. But James wasn't counting on it--Thraxis didn't strike him as the type to go over paperwork. Either way, he was ready to rely the basics of their plan; find the leading counsel, kill them, take over, cause as little stir as possible. Without their guns. This was going to be a walk in the park.