The Jawa smiled wide, having no idea he was being manipulated. This was his big chance! Of course, he could have to talk to his family before he sold the store to the devil. He stopped himself from grabbing the papers, and glanced up at [member="Jeff Solaris"] briefly.
"Onemoment!" He quickly turned, and called in jawaese across the room to the Jawa at teh wepaons counter, before running to the back of the store, and ducking into one of the many rooms.
A few moments later, he, Merikk, Grandma Jalakikk, Uncle Alkikk, and fred, wer eall in the room. And Makkik explained the offer. Which, of course, with his family, led in to arguments rather quickly.
<<<"It's a trap! A trap I tell you! I'll go out and shoot him right now, if you want...">> Which resulted in Grandma Jalkikk almost hitting him in the face with her stick again.
<<"The good man wants to buy Makkik's inventions! Be proud of your nephew!">> <<"Proud?! Proud? He's going to sell our store to someone he dosen't even know!">> <<"He's the reason we have the store! He's earned it!">> Meanwhile, Fred ran around grandma Jalakikk's ankles, barking like a kath hound, and Merikk stood in the corner, sipping a giant cup of cofee, and styaing out of the argument. Makkik glanced at his brother while the others argued, who gave a quick thumbs up. This was all Makkik needed. He raced out of the back room, and leaped up into the swivel chair in front of Jeff.
"We'lldoit! But...IgetmynameonalltheproductsImake! And...AndonJawamarttoo! AndJawamartstays! I'lljustputalittlesignunderit... SaysSuvianTechnologies? Jawamartisabigshop! Peoplewillmissit! I'llmissit! Butyou'llstillownit... kindof! Okay,okay? Deal?" The Jawa snatched the papers, and got out a pen to begin signing them.
(Do tag me when you reply.
