Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another day at Jawamart

Jawamart, Mos Eisley, Tatooine

Makkik sat on his tall swivel chair behind the front desk of Jawamart, watching bored as various customers prowled the high shelves that contained everything from droid parts to toasters. He leaned forwards on the desk in front of him, leaning his hooded head into one hand, and watching the doorway into the large junk shop. He was expecting someone to come today, someone said they'd been interested in his projects! Jeff something... Jeff solari? Something like that. And he was supposed to be here... an hour ago. The Jawa had worn his best robes- well, his only pair of robes- and he'd even worn a black tie that Merikk had tied around his neck for him. This could be the buisness oppurtunity of a lifetime! Now where was he?

[member="Jeff Solaris"]
"You seem to be an excellent inventor. The question is, do you want to put your skills to a more far-reaching use?" This was asked by Jeff as he entered. Jeff was clad in clothes similar to those worn by Jedi, but they were in red and gold. Jeff was a human replica droid, but soon planned some major upgrades to himself the moment he was able to do so. Which for now, was not now. "Sorry I'm late. Had to walk from Mos Eisley. " This was because he did not yet own a speeder something he planned to remedy at his first opportunity. "Bottomline, I'd like to recruit you to work for my company which means you could make a lot more credits, because you'd have a bigger place to work in and sell your products."
Makkik was suprised to see [member="Jeff Solaris"] walk in out of no where. He fit the description he was given, this must be the man he was meant to meet! Before he had a response, he heard what Jeff was saying. He liked his inventions! And he wanted him to work for his company? What kind of company? What would he make? Credits? How many credits? Questions swarmed through the small Jawa's head, before he finally replied in extremely fast and high pitched galactic basic. "Yourcompany? Youwantmetoworkforyourcompany?" The Jawa beamed a huge smile under his cowl. "WhatdoIgettomake? Droids? Ships? StuffedRopos? DoIgetmyownworkshop? DoIgetcredits?" The Jawa smiled, assaulting him with questions.
"First slow down. "

Jeff paused for a moment and then said.

"You'll get to make all sorts of things, and even be given your own ship if my current business deal goes according to plan. The ship will include a workshop, and be my gift to you. You'll get paid credits alright. Plenty of credits. But for now, I do have several ideas for droids that need making and well I thought you could produce them for me. Droid #1 is a droid that is designed to be about 10x stronger than your average human, toting a heavy vibro blade, and a repeater. The purpose of this droid is to take on entire squads of soldiers all on it's own."

Jeff then said.

"There is also an aerial droid I had in mind, who would be capable of lifting heavy objects and flinging them at enemies, or pushing back bullets and/or other items you didn't want coming your way. These are just some of the ideas. Should you join the company, all your inventions would become property of the company, and sold by them. "
The Jawa's eyes widened. This was beyond anything he'd hoped to come from this meeting! He'd get to make his inventions, and sell them all over the galaxy! Everyone could love his inventions! He would get his own ship, a larger workshop. Everything he could possibly want! And these droids sounded easy to make, too. It woudln't be hard at all. Makkik wasted no time in nodding several times, and raising a furry hand.


(Sorry for late reply, got caught up in things)

EDIT: [member="Jeff Solaris"]

(Re-tagging you because the old tag didn't go through.)
A binder containing a dozen paper contracts was put on the table by Jeff as was a holopad. "Sign and initial all of those, and then put your thumb on the holo-pad. You will now be one of the founding members of Suvian. As such, your jawa tape will be one of our leading exports. Your store here will become one of our land branches. Of course the sign will need to change." Jeff waited for him to sign the aforementioned documents. Jeff waited because he needed the Jawa to fulfill his part before they could move onto phase 2. Once he had the jawa wrapped around his little finger so to speak, the next phase of the plans could truly begin.
The Jawa smiled wide, having no idea he was being manipulated. This was his big chance! Of course, he could have to talk to his family before he sold the store to the devil. He stopped himself from grabbing the papers, and glanced up at [member="Jeff Solaris"] briefly. "Onemoment!" He quickly turned, and called in jawaese across the room to the Jawa at teh wepaons counter, before running to the back of the store, and ducking into one of the many rooms.

A few moments later, he, Merikk, Grandma Jalakikk, Uncle Alkikk, and fred, wer eall in the room. And Makkik explained the offer. Which, of course, with his family, led in to arguments rather quickly.

<<<"It's a trap! A trap I tell you! I'll go out and shoot him right now, if you want...">> Which resulted in Grandma Jalkikk almost hitting him in the face with her stick again. <<"The good man wants to buy Makkik's inventions! Be proud of your nephew!">> <<"Proud?! Proud? He's going to sell our store to someone he dosen't even know!">> <<"He's the reason we have the store! He's earned it!">> Meanwhile, Fred ran around grandma Jalakikk's ankles, barking like a kath hound, and Merikk stood in the corner, sipping a giant cup of cofee, and styaing out of the argument. Makkik glanced at his brother while the others argued, who gave a quick thumbs up. This was all Makkik needed. He raced out of the back room, and leaped up into the swivel chair in front of Jeff.

"We'lldoit! But...IgetmynameonalltheproductsImake! And...AndonJawamarttoo! AndJawamartstays! I'lljustputalittlesignunderit... SaysSuvianTechnologies? Jawamartisabigshop! Peoplewillmissit! I'llmissit! Butyou'llstillownit... kindof! Okay,okay? Deal?" The Jawa snatched the papers, and got out a pen to begin signing them.

(Do tag me when you reply. :p )

"Very well. And as for your family, there are also forms for them to sign."

Jeff pulled out another binder and put it on the table. In this binder were nondisclosure agreements. They could not disclose the business deal that had gone on, to anyone. At all. Or they'd be fined several thousand credits. Jeff then watched as Makkik started to sign paperwork and help him with his plan. Soon he'd have the droids he needed. With Makkik's help he was one employee closer to his goal. An extra hand would be a big help with the droids, because he needed all the assistance he could get.

Jeff then said. "As for our first order of business, we need to figure out how to create a self driving speeder. I realize that that may be a tall order, but it will come in handy. Especially for those, like me who are inept at driving the blasted things. I nearly crashed twice on my way here."
[member="Jeff Solaris"]

After signing his name on all the needed documents, and setting aside the papers for his family for later, Makkik looked up with a wide smile. He was only to excited to help the human replica droid, ecpecially if it meant his inventions spreading throughout the galaxy. He dind't care much for fame and fortune; but he certainly wanted people to enjoy his projects as much as he did.

"Selfdrivingspeeder? Hmmm! Icandothat!"
The time had come to give his first order to the Jawa. Presently he really could use the self driving speeder. "My speeder is outside. You have 4 hours to convert it into a self driving speeder. For it does need to be one anyway. Given my ineptness at driving it myself, I would prefer not to crash said speeder, fortunately. You should work on it some." The self driving speeder was only the start. There were so many ideas he had for droids and vehicles that it was not even funny presently. Such ideas needed to be used, or erased from his databanks. Some of them such as any level of gear made specifically to match Force Users was likely doomed to failure.
(Sorry for late reply, didn't know you responded!)

Four hours... It would take more then four hours.... It would be a great challenge though! And if he could make one of these things, [member="Jeff Solaris"]'s company could spread thema ll over the galaxy. Everyone would know of Makkik's invention! Everyone would use them! He was only to quick to agree. "Fourhoursnotlongenough...ButIcandoit!"

(Still start a dev thread of making these things when we finish here.)

"It will take more than four hours to convert my speeder into a self driving one. Very well. You have as long as you need to complete the work on the self driving speeder. Of all my ideas, it is the one that must be done first."

This was partially because Jeff was fed up with nearly crashing his speeder every time he drove it. Later he'd have to work on a way to make it viable as a replacement for most of the speeders out there. This would be a massive improvement to the science out there. Self driving vehicles could be one of the things Suvian alone had access to. They would also have to produce their own fire-arms, with customized ones going to him. Smiling, he hatched a devious plan. This jawa and his family would serve as assets to help him do his job.

"You will also work on a gravity blaster, a blaster that can increase the gravity on an individual several x over. However. You will make only one model, and it will be a wrist blaster type device. It will come in handy for me. I've got other ideas I'll be working on. I'll meet you at my ship when you are done with the self driving speeder. "

With that, Jeff made his exit to leave Makkik alone to work on the speeder. For his own ideas had to be worked on as well.
-Exit thread-

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