Mara D'Lessio Merrill
The Lesser D'Lessio
The Red Shift Cantina had seen its share of weird sights over the years. Mara Merrill dumping out a backpack full of holocrons had to rank among the weirder.
They weren't all holocron holocrons, of course. Just things she'd picked up here and there: datacrons with assorted tidbits of information. Some of it could be used to help train the Forcers among the Underground. More broadly, though, it could help people understand how to take down Forcers. When your faction's average ship was a freighter and your average weapon was a blaster, every little bit helped.
Datacron number one was a recording of Yoda. Kind of the definition of a 'little bit.'
The recording was from the Great Holocron, and she'd gone through this stuff before. She'd been raised, in part, on a ship that'd held the Great Holocron in a lunchbox under its pilot seat for a couple of years. Whoever had recorded this had been able to access more than she'd heard as a kid. Its provenance was by way of P.S. Garter, after Isley Verd, after Matsu Ike. The subject matter was Force Sense, Farsight, and Shatterpoint -- not the breaking of boards so much as the sensing of potential destinies and points of inflected fate. A good fit with instinctive astrogation, all told.
Datacron number two was something she'd put together herself, just basic to intermediate instruction in instinctive astrogation, and how to use it and counter it for tactics purposes. She'd been raised to it; might as well record it. Like the first one, anyone could use it -- didn't have to be a Forcer to use a datacron.
Then there was an actual holocron, that of Master Jem Wyzen. It had once been used by the CIS; eventually it had found its way to a private collector, then an auction. Its subject matter was severing Darksiders from the Force. That would take some investigating.
Oh. And the Ankarres Sapphire. That one, she'd just brought to show'em. It belonged with a healer way above her level, but for the moment she could let the Underground get a whiff of one of the most powerful healing artifacts in the 'verse. That one, too, she'd picked up at auction.
She'd sent out an invite to other Undergrounders to see if they had any resources to toss into the stewpot, so to speak. A little library aboard Rebellion Actual might make a difference someday. At the very least they could take stock of their collective resources over some lum.
The Red Shift Cantina had seen its share of weird sights over the years. Mara Merrill dumping out a backpack full of holocrons had to rank among the weirder.
They weren't all holocron holocrons, of course. Just things she'd picked up here and there: datacrons with assorted tidbits of information. Some of it could be used to help train the Forcers among the Underground. More broadly, though, it could help people understand how to take down Forcers. When your faction's average ship was a freighter and your average weapon was a blaster, every little bit helped.
Datacron number one was a recording of Yoda. Kind of the definition of a 'little bit.'
The recording was from the Great Holocron, and she'd gone through this stuff before. She'd been raised, in part, on a ship that'd held the Great Holocron in a lunchbox under its pilot seat for a couple of years. Whoever had recorded this had been able to access more than she'd heard as a kid. Its provenance was by way of P.S. Garter, after Isley Verd, after Matsu Ike. The subject matter was Force Sense, Farsight, and Shatterpoint -- not the breaking of boards so much as the sensing of potential destinies and points of inflected fate. A good fit with instinctive astrogation, all told.
Datacron number two was something she'd put together herself, just basic to intermediate instruction in instinctive astrogation, and how to use it and counter it for tactics purposes. She'd been raised to it; might as well record it. Like the first one, anyone could use it -- didn't have to be a Forcer to use a datacron.
Then there was an actual holocron, that of Master Jem Wyzen. It had once been used by the CIS; eventually it had found its way to a private collector, then an auction. Its subject matter was severing Darksiders from the Force. That would take some investigating.
Oh. And the Ankarres Sapphire. That one, she'd just brought to show'em. It belonged with a healer way above her level, but for the moment she could let the Underground get a whiff of one of the most powerful healing artifacts in the 'verse. That one, too, she'd picked up at auction.
She'd sent out an invite to other Undergrounders to see if they had any resources to toss into the stewpot, so to speak. A little library aboard Rebellion Actual might make a difference someday. At the very least they could take stock of their collective resources over some lum.