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Another kind of jedi


Champion of the Light
Hello everyone,i was thinking for a while and then i was wondering,could a jedi which is using his positive emotions and ignores only the negative ones be stronger than a normal jedi?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!

A Jedi's strength doesn't actually come from ignoring the 'dark' emotions; it comes from understanding them and refusing to let them win. A Jedi needs to feel greed to understand it, to be able to act in an altruistic manner without letting the avarice of self-serving action and thus possessiveness set in. And so on and so forth.

Also, edit later to the fact: are we talking 'traditional' monk-y Jedi or, say NJO-era Jedi? Both are valid.


Champion of the Light
Well in fact I was wondering because of the fact that in one of the movies Luke asks Yoda if the dark side is stronger,and he says very quickly "No!" So i was thinking that maybe emotions would have been what made the difference heh,thank you for help.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
To be entirely fair, Yoda will want Luke to believe the dogma of the Jedi in order to get him to follow the Jedi ways.

In my personal opinion (and, hey, I'm more often than not wrong), I feel that both sides are even in power.


Champion of the Light
By the way umm are the jedi right?I mean even positive emotions would lead to the negative ones and then to the darkside without any chance to avoid the negative ones?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Again, this is where Jedi training basically boils down to 'feel the negative, but don't let it control you'. You're inevitably going to feel grief at loss - but a Jedi trains to learn to detach from that grief, to not make it personal.

'Possession is forbidden', to quote Anakin at Padme - that possession makes things personal, and making something personal intensifies the emotion. Detaching from personal relationships of all kinds, understanding that death is natural eventually anyway, that sort of thinking, makes it so that loss and grief and anger and what have you aren't going to affect you so much on an individual level. Thus, you avoid the Dark Side in that way.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Varius said:
By the way umm are the jedi right?I mean even positive emotions would lead to the negative ones and then to the darkside without any chance to avoid the negative ones?
The prequels do show this to be semi true as well as in numerous books, the chief "good" emotion being love. Really love can be the strongest of the light emotions but is also the most dangerous as it leads to fear, hate, and jealousy far more easily than say compassion. This is one of the chief reasons the old jedi order restricked relationships. Now that alone is not the problem, as a jedi could still feel hate or anger yet not fall, they fall when those emotions guide and lead their life.

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