Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Mando for the Meat Grinder

Jorn Mair

Welcome!! we need a few mor Mando'ade so step right up. Im Jorn and im officaly welcoming you to the site. hope you enjoy your stay. and if you have ny question dont hesatate to ask.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Nice sig, and nice going on not putting "Aden" in your name, which seems to be a trend going around nowadays(no offense to those of you who have, it just gets confusing). I'm sure the Mandalorians will appreciate your assistance, as they just lost a close battle with the Sith Empire(whom they are at war with) and every body that can fight is an asset. You can join the Mandalorians here and if you want to design any personal armor, weapons, or gadgets you can go here and design it in the appropriate subforum. Just know that anything over-the-top or something that doesn't fit into the Star Wars Lore will be denied. Anyways, hope you enjoy your time here, and feel free to jump in once you've created a character.
Before I start posting on the invasion thread, I want to know if any mandos want to dance? I am looking for up to two people to tango with in the opening scenario of my arrival. Mind you I'm not saying they are the only ones I will play with but I want a couple of scenes with people I haven't fought with before if possible. Cheers.
The wake the bear thread. And Kal we have already met on the field of battle. We can again. I just want my arrival scene to be against someone I haven't clashed with in the past.

Because I know as soon as word goes out that Daxton has been spotted, every Mando and their mom would converge on that position :D

Jorn Mair

I dont go after you Daxton. but I might with my new blade. [This] But I think that ill just fight some one else for now.

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