Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another newbie, plus some questions.

Mandalore Al'x

Location: Versace Prime
Hey all,

You guys seem really chill and I've been wanting to get more into play-by-post RPs. Most of my role-playing background has been in both Star Wars and online gaming; SWMud was my first. I eventually moved to SW Galaxies (may it find peace in the force) and Jedi Academy. I haven't done a pbp in over a decade now, so sorry that I have to (re)learn the ropes a bit.

Now on to my questions that I can't seem to find answers to... (hopefully this is the right place to ask)
  • How is currency handled? Is it something that's even concerned? I'm thinking about making a Muun character down the road and obviously large sums of credits would be involved.
  • Starting RPs - is it suggested to first put up a post in LFG before starting a RP thread?
  • Joining RPs (at least in the public board) - is it common courtesy to PM OP before joining?
  • Max number of characters?
I'll let you guys know if I have any more. Thanks!
Howdy. In order:

  • Currency here is sort of a loose thing. There's no official tracking of it, but trying to go out and buy a Star Destroyer when your character barely has a place to sleep is probably not going to work.
  • Depends on what you're trying to do. An LFG thread helps immensely if you're looking to start a group or join an existing one, but if you're just pottering around by yourself there's no need.
  • It's considered polite, but not always necessary. If a thread doesn't say anything about PMing the OP, you're probably fine, but there's always the possibility you're jumping in way over your head. Common sense and courtesy are advised.
  • If there's a max, we've yet to hit it.
[member="Mandalore Al'x"]


Disney's Princess
[member="Mandalore Al'x"]

Welcome! Love the questions. I'll let [member="Eralam"] handle the answer since he's a boss.

Party hard and enjoy your stay. The Top Banner is your friend. Cheers. :D
[member="Mandalore Al'x"]

I like to play by the rules of 'choose your own currency as long as it makes sense.' For example, if you're a billionaire CEO, you're not going to buy three million credit ships every day, and if you're a baker who runs a radio station, you're gonna buy coffee every day.

Just, common sense, man. Do what you want with your credits, but try to keep it in some realms of realism.

Mandalore Al'x

Location: Versace Prime
Thank you, everyone! Yeah, I wouldn't be buying Star Destroyers; more like funding high risk operations and security for dirty dealings. You know... things a nice and corrupt Muun would enjoy the most. ; )

Connor Harrison

[member="Mandalore Al'x"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun and keep the questions coming if you need help.


Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[member="Mandalore Al'x"]

Welcome to Chaos! I think there's definitely more than a few shady corners for a corrupt Muun to pull a few strings around here.

I was actually on EU-Chimaera back in the early days of SWG, and I know a few other people tried their hand at it, too, so you're in 'good' company at least.

If you ever need anything, give a shout.
[member="Mandalore Al'x"]

Welcome to Chaos! Aside from LFG, another way to easily get involved with your stories is to join and engage with factions. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask :) Enjoy your stay!

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