Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another One Bites the Dust (Eldoc)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Another one? They want me to teach...another one."

"And normally this time, Lord Velok."

"It's Velok. If I wanted to be addressed by the titles of my old lives, boy, you'd be calling me Lord, lor pelek, jen'ari-"

The messenger wisely cut the call, leaving the Whiphid fuming. At last he headed down to the training centre.

Maybe he could make something interesting out of this one.
Eldoc had rejoined the Sith Empire.. much had changed.. since he was last walking. He made it to the training center finally, it wasn't like when he was with the sith, Korriban had been their place. He had awoken again... lost in the waves and motions of his former masters moves, he had ended up in a cyro-chamber again. Now he was here, after some plague and just as confused. Ever since that time spent alone on korriban, he had been changed... his outlook on life different. Darth Renautus, had become the galxies foe out of the need. Now he was alone again, assigned to some man. but then he saw the Whipnid. He quietly approached him, his former imperial knight armor still on, with his green lightsaber, his first still on his side. " Hello, I was told to report to you."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Velok took in the ancient armor and the archaic lines of the lightsabre, and his shaggy eyebrows rose. "Now here," he rumbled, "is a face out of history, and someone who knows at least the basics of being a Sith. No more than that, I'm sure, since you're here talking to me, but since I can sense a basic understanding of the Core Powers in you, I think we can begin in other ways.

"My name is Velok. I know everything. I want to turn you into some kind of specialist, teach you skills nobody else knows -- but at a cost. If you accept my offer, your abilities with the basic powers will not grow as quickly. You'll be less skilled with some combination of telekinesis, telepathy, body enhancement, lightsabre combat. But you'll know things that other Sith only dream of knowing.

"Or I can just turn you into a boring, well-rounded Sith. The choice is yours."
Eldoc, sighed, "I am known as Eldoc, once a jedi, once an Imperial Knight, and then a Dark Jedi, and then a sith, I will take your offer, and become a specialist, if you think you can make me one. " He has always been a Dark Jedi.. but he found the guise of a sith suited him, they were similar enough and didn't have all the hang ups.. they didn't leave you in the wastelands of Korriban while preaching peace and order and such. He looked at Velok, he knew that he would learn great things with the man. He had already trained the basics with his other masters... he was good, and ready to be taught.
"No.... " He knew what would get him worked up though... He thought of his time alone on Korriban. He thought of all the crap he had endured.. and his anger at his former master, " WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he tried, focusing on all the emotion he could... his fear, his anger, his frustration. He tried to focus it all but he wasn't sure if it would work. It seemed sort of strange to him.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Velok staggered and took a step back, then shook his head, blinking. "No, not quite. When a Force Scream happens it's because the Forcer has lost all control, all second thoughts, all consciousness - they've gone berserk for a moment, and the world shudders around them. Admittedly, it's not something that happens often.

"What I'm trying to teach you is how to do it on purpose. For that critical moment, you need to be an animal, an infant, an avatar of rage or loss - pure emotion, no thought. Find it, strip back the layers of your psyche, expose yourself to the universe, and roar."
Eldoc tried to do as he said tried to not think as he tried to clear it all and just let the world hear him... the raw, chaotic being that was Eldoc, He kept seeing things but he pushed them back, He tried to open the universe to him.. the him that was at his innermost being.

Eldoc just hoped that he could do it, he tried hard, He screamed as loud as he can " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" but he didn't really hope... he just opened him self to the world.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The impact buffeted Velok, body and soul. His mental defenses had never been stellar, and in his declining years they were only barely sufficient. He got a taste of Eldoc's power -- significant power, for a Knight.

"Yes, let out your rage, your pain. Draw upon that pain, and the energies it releases. Use it, feed upon it!"

Without warning, he drew his lightsabre and stabbed Eldoc in the side. Not a lethal wound, but a significant one.

"Feed upon it, Eldoc."
Eldoc couldn't believe it... the man had stabbed him but he found the pain a source of power as he poured the pain into his scream. He grimaced, it was unreal... the feeling of a lightsaber... inside you but he let himself and his pain speak, Eldoc let the pain become him. He was thrown off by the stab that much was obvious but he managed to focus most of his distraction and pain into opening his raw being into the scream.
He also screamed some choice words but they were garbled by the overall sound and loudness to his scream.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Velok wrapped the Force around himself to shield his mind and body from the blast. The room shuddered, and he deactivated his lightsabre. Without question, Eldoc was a match for any Knight of the Sith Empire.

"Exactly. Welcome to the real world, Eldoc. Now -- and this is crucial -- don't simply endure the pain. Any Sith can endure the pain and use it as a motivator. No, what you need to do is become an avatar of pain. You need to use the Force to hold yourself together as your soul transcends your body's limitations. You need to become Darth Sion."
Eldoc force the pain... to hold his blood in.. or tried, he tried to use the pain.. to hold his wound together... it hurt like hell... nothing hurt more to him, he had never felt what it was like to be stabbed by his own weapon. He couldn't help but scream louder as the pain he embraced, the pain he used to call the force , the force that held his wound together. He hoped he couldn't see, he wasn't all there... he wasn't in control so to speak... all he could think of was the pain... as it began to cloud his mind he forced it to draw the force to him, to let the galaxy hear his roar.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Now, and only now, Velok was forced to draw upon the powers of Force Drain to absorb the energies of the roar.

"You can do it at will...superb. Now focus that on what we call a Force Bellow, a shockwave. Unlike a Force Scream, it won't assault the mind. What it will do is wreck everything."
Eldoc hurt... hurt so bad... He tried to change his scream, instead of focusing on his raw self, he focused on his feelings, and his pain.. the pain that he was using to hold his wound together... just barely.. It hurt so damn bad.. Eldoc focused on the wall, he tried, hard, it was pushing him to do this much concentration this long, nowt that he wasn't baring him self it was harder.. it was more controlled and deliberate, and thus harder to do, he focused his mind which was hard to do with so much pain shooting through his body. Damn velok and his stabbing him. He tried to focuse on the wave... the wave of force and sound he was sending out and than it erupted and he lost his concentration and fell to the ground the pain was real.. he wasn't occupied now.. it hurt... and filled his body... he didn't notice what effect his bellow might have.. he was focused on the pain, trying to use it to hold himself together.. to keep training...

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Pick yourself up, son. Now is the final step. You're interacting with your pain as with a person or a force, but you need to internalize your pain, identify with it. You need to become pain."
Eldoc focused on the pain... he needed to make it him. He needed to embrace it...He needed to accept it.. as a part of him. there was only pain... He grunted, as he got up... first one foot and than another. and he got up.. embracing the pain. He was pain... he knew it.. he wasn't sure if he could keep it up.. but for the time being... Eldoc found that the more he accepted and embraced the pain.. the more he accepted it was part of him. He realized that it was him. He was pain.. constant pain... It hurt but it gave him a certain strength as he concentrated using the pain.. using the force that the pain allowed him to draw as a shock wave erupted from his person.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
And Velok went flying, bruised and battered, to smash against a wall. He was on his feet in an instant, exultant. "Yes! Perfect. Perfect. Now channel that into combat. Push yourself beyond your limits. Your body's limits are worthless; they don't apply to you. You have transcended them.

"Now. Focus that power you have gained. Use it for something else -- for the lightsabre. Attack me!"

His crimson lightsabre flared to life.
Eldoc was amazed... his body groaned.. pleaded to rest but he ignored it.. He didn't use the pain to fuel him.. the pain was him. He was one with the pain. His green saber ignited and the air burn't around the blade as the plasma came to life. He used the pain to push his body towards Velok, and began to fight Velok swinging his saber at him in Juyo form, not missing a beat as he embrace the pain, ignoring the pain in his gut from the stab... as the pain was him. He was pain and the darkside flocked to him he had never felt like this, it was intoxicating. The emerald lightsaber flashed in quick succession as he went after Velok.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
It was all Velok could do to match Eldoc's speed. His own Djem So was slow and deliberate; he fought like Darth Vader. But in physical power, he could match anyone. He had stood against hte full might of Darron Wraith's Vaapad.

And yet Eldoc's power shivered his blocks, slowed his ripostes. Velok found himself giving ground and tiring, symptoms of great age. Anger rose in him, and he fought back furiously, giving in to the beast within.

But he disengaged and stepped back.

"Stop, now, if you can. Control."
Eldoc couldn't believe the power and speed he was controling his saber movements. He thought it was hard to start the fight it was harder still to stop his ferocity. He stopped though, his breath heavy, he turned off his saber and held the pain to him. He looked to Velok, not sure if he could stay conscious much more... it hurt so bad... and even though the pain was him.. Eldoc didn't know if he could tolerate it.. his will was what was keeping him aware and up, He willed his body to still as he looked to Velok. silently hoping that he didn't collapse.

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