Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Step for Cyber Kind

Standing in the laboratory in his facility on Cyto Val, Nyos was setting up the scanner to map out his latest patient for surgery. He'd used this as a way to purchase a product from his client. [member="Mrrew"] was to be along shortly so he could get scanned, mapped and prepped for surgery to install a new implant Nyos was developing.

Sir, preliminary tests are complete, we are ready for the client.

Perfect, send him in and we will begin.

The EX-1 was his first attempt at implants meant for enhancing the patient, given that this was a specific order, Nyos wanted to make certain to get all the details covered. He had his side table of equipment, including the coils of micro-fiber-optic tubing that will be the conduits in which the chemicals would be introduced into the body. The Micro-canisters filled with the enhancing drugs sat in a cooling chamber on the far side of the room, awaiting their time to be inserted into various points in the body to maximize efficiency.

[ ]
Mrrew walked into the facility, followed by Bob his EMBU battle droid. He rarely took Bob out of the ship, but he didn't like the idea of being unconcious around people dhd idn't know. He trusted [member="Nyos Val"], of course, he was a prefessional. But anything could happen when he was asleep. He didn't much like the idea of surgical implants, but Nyos assured him that the risks were very low, and there was virtually no way these implants could effect him negatively. So here he was. Mrrew looked over to Nyos, and nodded, wondering what exactly they were going to do...
Welcome, Please, lie down on the table, I need a map of your nervous system and I will need to know your skeletal structure to ensure I'm placing the implants in the right locations. I wouldn't want to put one near your liver or stomach, it may make those process a little too much, meaning more frequent bathroom breaks and increased appetite and over-use of either could lead to serious complications later.

Nyos smiled at the mild joke then stepped behind the console to begin the scan, he awaited [member="Mrrew"] and began the start up process.

Mrrew stared at [member="Nyos Val"] for a few seconds... He was beginning to have second thoughts... Just a little... Worst comes to worst, he supposed, he'd just have to get the implants removed if they were put in wrong... As long as it dind't kill him first. Heh. The Togorian stared at the table riddled with robotic arms. That was a surgery suite? Looked like more like a torture chamber... The Togorian frowned at Nyos, before slowly laying down on the table, eyeing the various robotic limbs...
Nyos laughed to himself as [member="Mrrew"] contemplated the machine he was about to crawl in to. Nyos set the scanner to the lowest setting to pick up the bone structure of the giant. The machine let out a slow whir of mechanical parts moving around Mrrew's body. The mechanical arms moved over his body, touching on the key points in the bone, dying the skin with semi-permanent ink so Nyos could easily find them during surgery.

Alright Mrrew, there is one more sweep on a deeper setting, your prosthetic might tickle at the connection on your shoulder. I assure you, it is not dangerous at all.

Nyos increased the scanner to the highest setting, mapping the nerve clusters in the body and brain while dying the key points with Iodine for surgery later.

Alright, and you are done, my assistant will take you to the food center, enjoy a meal, my treat and I will call you when I have finished prepping for the surgery. Nyos gestured to his assistant to do ask he asked.
Mrrew watched the robotic arms carefully, half expecting them to start cutitng him apart with laser beams, or injecting him with poisons... The Togorian nodded as [member="Nyos Val"] informed him of the upcoming deeper scans, and braced himself. To his relief, there was no deadly lasers, no Rancors in surgical masks appearing out of nowhere... Just a little tingling. Either way, the Togorian was all to happy to leap off the scanning table when he could. Mrrew glanced at the assistant, and nodded, heading off behind him. Wasn't so bad so far... Just a few little dots of dye, barelly visible under his fur... He still wasn't thrilled about the thought of surgery...
Nyos waited until [member="Mrrew"] left before moving on to his next objective, planning the surgery and prepping the components. He took the fiber-optic tubes and began cutting them to the specific lengths and attaching junctions for the the wires that lead back to the central control systems. He decided at the last second to create a central control device to ensure that there were to be no failure in dispensing the compounds.

He machined the parts for the control device, soldered the motherboard and began wiring the device for the upcoming surgery


It will go in the base of the cerebral cortex and run off the brains power. Featuring a closed system circuit to prevent system shutdown from electrical damage or EMPs, so long as Mrrew stays alive, the device will continue to work. By reading the adrenaline amounts in the body, the device will release the compounds as the adrenaline levels increase to aid the body to react much quicker. He also developed a program into the motherboard, in the event that a system failure was detected, the control device would give a kill code to the rest of the implant to prevent overdosing and leaks.
Meanwhile, while the genius Cyborg was working on the complicated device, Mrrew was munching away at Bantha chops in the cafeteria. He was still nervous about what they were going to do- implanting pieces of mahcinery all over his body, in his brain, his nervous system. The arm had been one thing, a nessesity, it was that or don't have an arm at all. But this was a choice- he was choosing to have bits of him cut out, and bits of something else added. The effects, he hoped, woudl be worth the procedure. Not only woudl it help expenetionally with his hunting career, it would also make sure he was not caught off guard again by unwanted guests, such as the bounty hunter that visited him recently... if all went well. And if it didn't paralyze him, or something.... The Togorian frowned at what was leftof the bantha chop on his plate. He wasn't hungry anymore.

[member="Nyos Val"]
Nyos went to work on the chemical compounds; adrenaline, diol hydrochloride, phenyl-tetrohydro-benzazepine and amphetamine. The canisters were filled with equal parts Diol Hydrochloride and Phenyl-tetrohydro-benzazepine, a small amount, yet still equal parts of adrenaline and amphetamine to boost the blood vessels to allow maximum efficient dispersal of the other chemicals.

Then, Nyos worked on machining the capsules to the fiber-optic tubes. Tiny mounts were added to the capsules to set them onto the bone in specific places that he'd mapped out earlier.


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He made a few dozen of these capsules for his client, each about 50.8 mm by 25.4 mm. No bigger than the top half of an average human finger. Nyos filled each capsule with his concoction, then set them aside in the cooling chamber. He was ready to get the table set up to preform the surgery. He called for an assistant to grab [member="Mrrew"] and bring him to the O.R. for the operation.
Mrrew glanced up at [member="Nyos Val"]'s assistant as he appeared, and summoned him to the operating suite. No backing out now. The Togorian gestured for his EMBU combat droid, Bob, to follow him, and walked off behind the assistant. He was slightly worried he'd wake up after being sedated in some bounty hunter's cell, or something. Or stranded on a random planet. Or something. He didn't like the idea of being sedated around strangers.

Mrrew stepped into the OR behind Nyos's assitant, and glanced nervously at the operating table. He'd chased Terentateks through the shadowlands, hunted leviathon, fought theo riginal K'kayeh dragon, punched out a dark side dragon, and hunted fifty other things that could kill you in a second flat... And the thought of surgery still scared him. However- it was worth the risk. The Togorian laid down.
Nyos was finishing the last preparations for the surgery. He looked up, noticing the hesitation in [member="Mrrew"]'s eyes. As the giant laid on the table, he walked over, placed a metal hand on his furry shoulder.

"Everything will be just fine, I have preformed countless surgeries. Some of my own replacements I did myself. I started as a combat surgeon and have upgraded, as you can see, to the planet your are in now. I promise, by my metal heart, that you will be a more dangerous beast than before you came to me."

Nyos punched a couple key commands into the surgery table, those same small mechanical arms started to shave small portions of fur where the capsules would be attached. Then Nyos hooked up the I.V, and pumped in the anesthesia.

"Alright Mrrew, count backwards from 100 and I'll see you in a few hours."
Mrrew blinked at the cyborg. He didn't exactly want to look like that.... How could anyone even tell that he wasn't a droid? Not that Mrrew had anything against droids, but still... He wanted to keep as organic as possible. The Togorian tensed up as the little robotic arms started shaving parts of his fur, but made an effort not to move. He didn't want one of those things accidently cutting off his other arm...

Mrrew glanced at [member="Nyos Val"] as he told him to count,a nd glanced to Bob the droid who stood in the corner. He didn't like the idea of being unconcious around strangers.... But it would be best in the end. "One hundred..."
As the Togorian faded to black from the anesthesia, Nyos started calibrating the surgical arms to find the Iodine markers on the skin and bone. First thing would be to place the cylinders full of the chemical mixture. As the laser arms etched small incisions in the flesh of [member="Mrrew"], Nyos went to each spot, plugged a cylinder into a micro-drill gun and secured them to the bones of the beastly creature.

After an hour of placing the two dozen cylinders, Nyos then had the arms turn the creature over. At the base of the skull, the Mother control device was to be set, this was the control for the whole implant. Without this, nothing would function. Three micro connections were made into the brain stem, this was where the implant would get its power and keep it from burning in the event of electrical damage. An aots unnoticeable bump would be the only clue to where the device was.

Then after another hour, having ensured the device wouldn't interfere with brain activity, Nyos had Mrrew flipped over again. This would be the hard part, getting each section of fiber-optic cable into place, trace the appropriate nerve route and dispense in the correct blood vessels. The scans were showing 100% efficiency of the bodies function and the arduous task would begin...
The last thoughts on Mrrew's mind as the anthesia kicked in where the hope that [member="Nyos Val"] was as good as he said he was... The last thing he wanted was to wake up paralyzed. He couldn't imagine not being able to move... not being able to walk. He was almost ready to call everything off when the drugs kicked in, slowly flooding his vision with blackness... And the robotic arms started their work.

(Sorry for short post, wasn't sure what to write as I'm sedated)
(It's alright, you can dream while under and just run through your thoughts)

Nyos stopped to check the vitals of [member="Mrrew"], they were stable and he could continue. The next step would be feeding the tubes into the body and plugging them into the control device and cylinders. Also, at specific intervals, a micro syringe was inserted into the blood vessels that would pump the chemicals through the body. At the important joints and vital centers in the body, the injections would be placed; ie: the knees, heart, lungs, shoulders, hips, back and brain.

Hours rolled by as he painstakingly wove his way through the body, clamping the tubes to the cylinders and finally to the Mother control device. It would take a minute for the system to boot up after all the pieces were connected. Nyos ran diagnostics from the console nearby. Once the system was fully booted, he and the mechanical arms went to work patching up Mrrew. The next step was to stitch him up and add synth-skin. Once that was complete he began to initiate the implant systems. On his screen scrolled the vitals and system stats fed from the Mother control device. Before waking Mrrew, Nyos added the fail safe program. In the event of damage or malfunction, the entire system would cease function and send a signal back to the mother control device and a message would be sent to a datapad that Nyos would give to Mrrew that would continuously update to Nyos' tech crew.

He then administered a small dose of adrenaline to slowly wake Mrrew up. Final op time: 5 hours and 46 minutes.
Mrrew's fears came to mind as he was sedated. Waking up covered in metal skin, no longer a Togorian, instead just a droid. Waking up unable to move, spending the rest of his life in a hoverchair. Or, worse yet, not waking up at all. The slightest problem with the brain stem or spinal cord killing him instantly. Then the adreniline shot through his system, pushing away the nightmares inflicted by the drug-induced sedation, and his eyes slowly opened. Briefly, groggy from the sedation, he saw [member="Nyos Val"] and thought he was looking in the mirror. The shock, combined with the adreniline, woke him up completely. Somehwat frantically, the Togorian looked himself over, brushing back his fur where the implants were inserted. He was still in one piece. He slowly laid back down... "Did everything go right?"
Nyos turned back to the Togorian as he stirred. He wiped his hands with a rag and smiled.

"You should be sore for a little while but over all, it went off without a hitch. I'll give you some pain medicine in case you need it and in two days you should be 100% ready to go. But first I wanna run some tests."

Mrrew let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. So everything went okay. He wasn't going to be paralyzed, or something. Mrrew slowly stood, slightly dizzy, and nodded. "What sort of tests?" He hoped they didn't require knocking him out again...
Nyos walked over with a digital scanner and datapad. He had calibrated the scanner to read the implants functions, the first test of the chemical compound should be firing in a few seconds.

"Alright [member="Mrrew"], I'm scanning the implant for defects or possible early signs of rejection. And to test your first dose of my chemical cocktail. It should feel like the whole world slows slightly and everything should become more crisp and vibrant. Your first test will begin in 3...2...1..."

He pointed a finger at Mrrew and walked across the lab and grabbed a servo-driver. With his added strength and speed from the prosthetics, Nyos hurled it at the beast. It would be nearing 161 kmph(100mph) but with the implants, Mrrew should be able either dodge it or catch it no problem.
Togorians already have amazing speed and reflexes, despite their large frame, coming from their feline genetics. Mrrew probably could have avoided the servo-driver, albeit barely, even without the help of his new implants. However, without the sudden surge of chemicals that came from the implant he could not have seen it coming perfectly clearly, spinning through the air at him. And he certainly couldn't have shot out a massive hand, and caught it a foot from his face. The Togorian blinked down at the screwdriver, then up to [member="Nyos Val"]. "Err... is that good?"

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