The toxic city planet of Raxus Prime, another urbanised landscape of rust and decay... With so, so much potential! Junk lay littered and strewn around the undercity, it was like one giant durasteel playground - only so few people could see it as such that it was, in truth, a treasure trove of possibilities. Crashed ships, fried droids, odds and ends, none of which would be missed by its previous owner who had left it there a decade, a century... Even eras ago. A graveyard of mechanised constructs and former dreams.But who was to say that it was now 'useless'?
It took all the control Kyra had to calmly descend the half-buried purpose-built slope, covered with shells and casings, long cables and fractured transparisteel. The child in her felt the urge to leap and, like some mad or feral mutt, find her place amongst the 'garbage'. The stench of oil and fuel was heavy in the air, a thick smog seeping around her ankles and even some similar clouds lingering a few feet overhead.
The buildings which pressed in around it pumped velvet plumes of purple and grey smoke through to the already choked atmosphere. Yet she felt alive in a city of broken and dead things. "C'mon, Kai... Surely amongst all of this someone misplaced a power cell..." It was a long shot, but ultimately she knew she would happen upon other things which caught her fancy. Such was always the case in wonderlands such as these.
@[member='Hannibal Oryen']