skin, bone, and arrogance

- Image Source: Created by me
- Canon Link: N/A
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Anover Chase Industries
- Headquarters: Bespin
- Locations: Halm, Atrisia, Balmorra, Kuat
- Operations: Scientific and Industrial Research & Manufacturing
Anover Chase Industries is split into several divisions, each specializing in a different operation. They include Biomedical Research, Industrial Development, Military Technologies, and Manufacturing. The company has its own projects, but it also accepts commissions and requests from other businesses, governments, and private industries. The philosophy of Anover Chase, especially under the tenure of its current Chief Executive Officer, Juno Chase, is that any challenge could lead to a breakthrough, and any breakthrough could lead to fame and fortune for the company and Juno herself. While Anover Chase ostensibly complies with any and all applicable regulations and ethical requirements, but in practice it would never let anything so pedestrian as ethics and morality and legal compliance get in the way of science.
Anover Chase Industries has always been a family business -- or more specifically, a two-family business -- under the stewardship of the Anovers and Chases. Over the generations, there rose a rivalry between the two families, with factions forming on the board of directors, and battle lines drawn between the two families. Despite this tension -- or perhaps because of it -- Elisama Anover fell irrevocably in love with Julius Chase, and the two married. As the two heirs to the families, their union put to bed most of the power struggles over the business. The birth of twin children, Janus and Juno, sealed the destiny. When they came of age and got involved in the company, Elisama and Julius' children got involved. They were groomed for leadership roles in the company, with Janus pursuing education in business and Juno entering the field of science and medicine. It was decided that Janus would inherit his father's Chairman of the Board position and 50% of the voting shares, and Juno would become Chief Executive Officer and 50% of the voting shares, ensuring that the Anover/Chase rivalry would not continue to roil the board. There was some concern about a potential sibling rivalry, but Janus and Juno share an uncommonly close bond and never quarrel, so that has been less of a concern since the two took charge.
- N/A
Parent Corporation: N/A