Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: PharmaTech
Type: Biotech
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

  • Extremely High Mind Shielding
  • Extremely High EMP/ION Resistance
  • Extremely high defenses to shield a user's mind from Force-assisted mental tricks, influence, domination, and mind reading,
  • Extremely high defenses to EMP and Ion effects
  • Subsequent Ion and EMP attacks may eventually cause failure
  • Unable to benefit from any beneficial mental Force-based powers such as Battle Meditation, Force Meld, or Force Valora
This is a refinement of the exo-technology researched and advanced into a cybernetic package to provide extremely high defenses for the user so that it would prevent a Force User from affecting a person's mind with the Force. The device worked by increasing willpower and mental defenses whenever a Force user tried to exert their influence upon their target. It provided a way for the everyday man who had the credits to be able to get some peace of mind over potential mental domination in any aspect upon their person, providing extremely high defenses to withstand it, much akin to how an Epicanthix is unaffected by mental attacks or tricks.

However, the con is that this also is unable to provide the benefits of Battle Meditation or Force Valor by allies counterparts. There is no way to differentiate any mental boon or benefit. It is all just locked up tight like a phrik vault.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a cybernetic package version of Tharan Cedrax's anti-mind control device from SWTOR
Image Source(s):
Permissions: ME! I made the image on AI Art and am owner of chaos materials

Technical Information

Affiliation: PharmaTech
Model: Anti-Mind Control Package
Modular: Yes
Material: Titanium, Plastiray, electrical components, standard cybernetic parts
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