Oh I'm aware and was expecting that kind of response. Therefore, I had planned on it being a low key situation. Looking at the map, Hapes seems to be a ready-made target for the coalition, being that it is on the fringes of recently occupied space. Any fighting would have to be at the raggity edge of our territory, making the battleground the Transitory Mists, no deeper than Lorrell or Shedu Maad and the stations in those areas, like Telkur Station or Ruqoo Depot. Areas liek those would be interesting anyway and there we can also demonstrate the difficulty of invading Hapan space. Neither Friendly nor unfriendly forces would easily get in there safely, so to bring that battle to the Hapes Consortium would be like... well, consider Empire At War and the Thrawn's Revenge mod.
In Thrawn's Revenge, There are three Transitory Mists space battle areas that lead into and out of Hapes, Charubah, and Terephon, which represents the Consortium in that RTS game. Each Transitory mists area is pretty well thought out with LOADS of Nebula obstructions that will fry shields and stuff if you don't avoid them... its like getting hit with a planetary ion cannon... same effect. To make more like the books indicate, however, it could have been made more obstructive, but that would have messed with game mechanics. Anyway, we should capitalise on that natural home field advantage.
As for what we can do to support the cause on the down-low.... I'm open to ideas. Intrigue to feed false intel to the sith, perhaps.... Supply the coalition somehow? Thoughts?
At the end of the day, I want to get this faction back into the game with more activity and maybe attract more players. Hapes needs a bit of growth.
[member="Persephone Callas"]