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NAME: Antilius the UltimateFACTION: N/A
RANK: Apprentice Level.
SPECIES: Augmented Human.
AGE: Tens of thousands of years old.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: Seven foot five.
WEIGHT: 200lbs+
EYES: Crimson, sometimes purely black. Flecked with yellow at all times. (As if with Sith Corruption)
HAIR: Black hair.
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Mind Games: Through his ancestors, his power with mental attacks is undoubtedly his most powerful ability.
+Physical is what's up: Though he is primarily mental based, his size and agility that comes with that size because of the Force only helps in the matter of combat.
tall white and probably ugly tbh.
Antilius the Ultimate comes from the Unknown Regions after his race was put to what the known galaxy thinks is...'extinction.' In actual thought they had only been pushed to the brink of extinction and fled to the Unknown Regions in secrecy. They had gone so far into the Unknown Regions, not even the Chiss, the inhabitants of the Unknown Regions had known of their ever-present neighbours. They were on the brink, the fringes of the Unknown Regions, from what their sensors had been capable of telling them to go any further would be to go into nothingness. A void of darkness. But he had been frozen.
No. Uses public transportation like a good citizen of the Galaxy.
oh i will.
Money is an object.
Apprentice Arc: