Image Source: Tinnenmannetje
Affiliation: The Rebel Alliance
Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation
Model: Antilles-class Corvette
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Titanium reinforced Durasteel, Transparisteel viewports
Classification: Corvette
Length: 196m
Width: 65m
Height: 62m
- 8 Deployable/Retractable Turbolaser Turrets
- 2 Concussion Missile Launchers
- 6 Point Defense Lasers
Hangar: None
Special Features:
- Two ECHO Sterinull Suite
- EZY Engines
- Standard Communications
- Encryption Network
- Holonet Transceiver
- Standard Navigation
- Standard Sensors
- Standard Targeting
- Standard Life Support
- Advanced Ray and Particle Shielding
Maneuverability Rating: 6
Speed Rating: 6
Hyperdrive Class: 1.5
- Heavy Shields
- Fast
- Silent Engines
- Medical suite
- No Hangar
- Light Projectile Armament
Description: With a new Rebel Alliance set to take the galactic stage, the necessity for new and improved starships has led them to approach Eshan Industrial Corporation in an effort to bolster their fleet. To remain true to the traditional aspect of the Rebellion, with their blockade runner, EIC has designed for them the Antilles-class Corvette. Named after both the captain of the blockade runner Tantive IV and the infamous rebel starfighter pilot Wedge Antilles, this ship is both quick and dangerous, despite a slightly lighter armament than most balanced craft of the same class of vessel.
While the ship may bolster less weapons than others its size, it is also noticeably quieter thanks to the inclusion of the EZY Engines. These engines pack speed and stealth into one package, giving the vessel a better chance of outrunning enemies when they actually manage to figure out that there's a ship there to chase after! The ship is also equipped with a state of the art dual suite medical unit for those times when the Rebels manage to get outgunned and sustain injuries.
This is the new age of blockade runners, and she can certainly hack it as she appears mostly unarmed except when she deploys her big guns, similar in fashion to what the smaller IFAS would do. She's a pretty bird with lots of tricks, and she'll get the job done.
Development Thread: None unless requested.
Intent: To create a new age corvette for the Rebel Alliance to use in their fight against galactic tyranny! Because they ordered one from EIC.
Who Can Use This: The Rebel Alliance only!