Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Anton Sai

Anton Sai


Standing at a decent height Anton has a good build forged from hard work in the family business. His hair is dark and messy and tends to cover the top of his ears with tannish skin. As for the eyes, their color is brown. On his right heel is an old bite mark left by a womp rat when he was a small child. Typically wear his makeshift hunting coat along his long tan sleeved shirt and brown pants and boots.

Skilled Sharptrooper
Experienced Rider(Speeder-craft and Orbaks)
Trained Tracker/Scout

Terrible star-pilot
Poor Swimmer


Several generations ago the Sai family as refugees arrived and settled on Lothal, becoming farmers. After initial struggles they eventually built and owned a decent sized ranch near the small town of Mindoir by his paternal grandfather's generation. It was in this environment that Anton was born into. As soon as he was able Anton was put to work, learning to help out with the family ranch. When seven years old he was bitten on the right heel by a panicked womp rat one night.

From that incident he developed an intense loathing for those rodents, always taking great pleasure in blasting them as soon as he could be taught to shoot. Over the years his parents and grandfather instilled self reliance beliefs into Anton, who took those lessons to heart. When not doing chores for the family, or being taught at the local town school system Anton would often be found hunting, exploring and riding which were his main passions in life.

During the late adolescent years his pride and need to prove his own worth grew that he occasionally got himself into some fights and other troubles. Still Anton loved his family and community but insecurities continue to plague him while noticing some people were trying to take advantage of his family connections for their own benefit. This came ahead around the time when eighteen years old when he started dating an offworlder in town who called herself Sysa Zhaov.

Believing himself to be in love Anton fell for Sysa's charms, ignoring his family's suspicions. Later she convinced him that they could run away together and travel the galaxy. Falling for it Anton left home with her and headed for the city of Kothal but she drugged his beverage at a cantina, making him a violent drunk and abandoned him, leaving the planet while stealing with all his credits that he brought them both to build a life together. Only after waking and sombering up in the city's jail cell did Anton realize the bitter truth.

After the Sai family paid bail he was brought back home, humiliated and heartbroken. More than four months later Anton decided to leave Mindoir for the Capital City to join the Riflemen Militia.

WEAPONS: RHR1 Bolt Action Rifle, NN-14 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Tomahawk and Hunting Knife

Mount/Animal Companion: Brown Orbak named “Rohan”

Equipment: Holobinoculars, Commlink and Backpack with some supplies/provisions
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