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Approved Planet Antrillia

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  • Intent: To set up a custom planet for future RP's
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: Self
  • Links: Kaz'urk Kaz'urk Antrillians



Planet Name: Antrillia

Demonym: Antrillian

Region: Inner Rim

System Name: Antrillian System

System Features:
  • Suns: One yellow sun
  • Moons: Two moons, Lurra and Kora
  • Other Planets: Three other planets in the system (names: Arthon, Beltran, Ceralla)
  • Orbital Position: Third planet from the sun
  • Rotational Period: 26 standard hours
  • Orbital Period: 310 local days

Location: Located in the outskirts of the inner rim.

Major Imports:
  • High-Tech Components
  • Medical Technology
  • Luxury Goods
  • Food and Agricultural Products
  • Starship Fuel and Maintenance Supplies

Major Exports:
  • Minerals and Metals
  • Advanced Technology
  • Medicinal Products
  • Bioluminescent Plant Products

Unexploited Resources:
  • Untapped deep-sea minerals
  • Rare medicinal plants in remote forest areas


Gravity: Standard (1.0 G)

Climate: Diverse; temperate to tropical with regions of arid desert and polar ice caps

Primary Terrain:
  • Forests
  • Deserts
  • Plains
  • Mountains
  • Polar Ice Caps
  • Coastal Areas

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)


Capital City: Elaris

Planetary Features:
  • Royal Palace: Residence of the Green-furred royalty
  • Engineering Hubs: Centres for technological innovation
  • Spiritual Groves: Sacred areas for shamanic rituals
  • Mining Colonies: Resource extraction settlements

Major Locations:
  • Elaris: Capital city, political, cultural, and spiritual centre
  • Luminescent Forests: Bioluminescent forests sacred to the Purples
  • Desert Mining Colonies: Key mining operations managed by the Reds
  • Coastal Innovation Centres: Engineering and technological development hubs
  • Mountain Fortresses: Natural fortifications and additional mining operations

Force Nexus: None


Native Species: Antrillians

Immigrated Species: Small populations of various galactic species, including humans, Twi'leks, and Rodians

Population: Moderate

Demographics: Predominantly Antrillian with small communities of other species. Open and inclusive society

Primary Languages: Antrillian, Galactic Basic

Antrillian culture is highly community-focused, valuing cooperation and harmony. The society is structured around distinct societal roles based on fur color:
  • Reds (Warriors and Miners): Known for their strength and bravery, responsible for resource extraction and defense.
  • Blues (Engineers and Pilots): Innovators and builders, driving technological advancements and space travel.
  • Purples (Shamans): Spiritual leaders and healers, maintaining the balance between technology and nature.
  • Greens (Royalty): Governance and diplomacy, ensuring the planet's welfare and representing Antrillia in galactic matters.

Daily life is marked by communal activities, celebratory festivals, and a deep connection to nature. Art, music, and storytelling are integral to their cultural expression.


Government: Monarchical Republic

Affiliation: Independent, with friendly relations to nearby systems and planets

Wealth: Medium

Stability: High

Freedom & Oppression:*High freedom with minimal oppression. The society values equality, and there is an emphasis on social welfare and justice.


  • Well-trained defense force primarily composed of Reds.
  • Advanced technology developed by Blues supports their defense capabilities.
  • Focus on planetary defense rather than offensive capabilities.

Technology: Galactic Standard with specialized advancements in engineering and medicinal technology.


Antrillia has a rich history of balance between technological advancement and natural preservation. The planet was first settled millennia ago by ancestors of the Antrillians, who developed a harmonious relationship with their environment. Over centuries, they evolved distinct societal roles based on fur colour, with each contributing uniquely to the planet's prosperity. The discovery of Antrillia by off-world explorers several centuries ago led to gradual integration with the wider galaxy. The Antrillians adopted and adapted galactic technology, enhancing their own innovations while maintaining their cultural heritage.

Major historical events include the unification of Antrillia under the first Green-furred monarch, the establishment of Elaris as the capital, and the development of their unique bioluminescent technology. Antrillia's modern era is marked by peaceful progress, with a focus on sustainability, community, and technological innovation. Their balanced approach to life has made them a model for harmonious living in the galaxy.
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