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Approved Species Antrillians

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  • Intent: To be used in future RP's and character creation
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: Self
  • Links: Kaz'urk Kaz'urk


Species Profile: Antrillians


Name: Antrillians

Designation: Sentient

Origins: Antrillia, a vibrant and diverse planet located in the Inner Rim. Antrillia is known for its varied ecosystems, from lush forests to expansive deserts, providing the Antrillians with a rich environment for their distinct societal roles.

Average Lifespan: 70-80 standard years

Estimated Population: Planetary

Description: The Antrillians are small, furry, six-armed creatures with brightly coloured fur. Each colour represents a specific societal role on their homeworld. Known for their cheerful and helpful nature, they have adapted to their roles with great enthusiasm and efficiency.


Breathes: Type I (Standard breathable atmosphere)

Average Height of Adults: 0.9 meters

Average Length of Adults: N/A

Skin colour: Pale under fur

Hair colour: Bright and varied; red, blue, purple, green

Distinctions: Antrillians are characterized by their six arms, which allow them to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Their fur colour is a key distinguishing trait, indicating their societal role. They have large, expressive eyes and a generally friendly demeanour. There is little physical distinction between males and females, though fur shades can vary slightly.

Races: The Antrillians have distinct cultural races based on their fur colour, which correlates to their societal roles:
  • Reds: Warriors and Miners
  • Blues: Engineers and Pilots
  • Purples: Shamans
  • Greens: Royalty

Force Sensitivity: Low (Some members are sensitive to the Force, but many are not)


  • Multi-armed Dexterity: Their six arms provide them with superior manual dexterity, enabling them to handle multiple tasks and tools simultaneously.
  • Innate Helpfulness: Antrillians have a natural tendency to assist others, making them excellent team players in various activities.


  • Overly Trusting: Their innate helpfulness can make them naive and overly trusting, sometimes leading them into dangerous situations.
  • Physically Small: Their small stature makes them less physically imposing and more vulnerable in direct combat situations.


Diet: Omnivore. Antrillians enjoy a varied diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and meat. They are particularly fond of sweet fruits native to Antrillia.

Communication: Antrillians communicate through a spoken language known as Trillan, which is melodious and filled with trills and chirps. They also use expressive body language and gestures. To communicate with members of other species Antrillians have incorporated translation devices that translate Trillian into Galactic Basic.

Technology level: Galactic Standard, with advanced technology in engineering, mining, and piloting. They have a knack for tinkering and improving existing technology.

Religion/Beliefs: The Antrillians hold a spiritual belief system that revolves around the harmony of nature and technology. They revere the planet Antrillia as a living entity and believe in the guidance of ancestral spirits, particularly the purple-furred shamans. This is dubbed 'Luminara'

General behaviour: Antrillians are highly social and cooperative. They live in close-knit communities where everyone has a role. Family life is central, with communal raising of young. They value ingenuity, helpfulness, and harmony. Antrillians are diurnal, active during the day, and known for their exuberant celebrations and festivals.

Naming Conventions

Antrillian names are melodic and often include a combination of soft consonants and vowels, reflecting their expressive and cheerful nature. Names typically have a rhythmic flow and may include trills or chirps when spoken. They often consist of two or three syllables. Each societal group within the Antrillians has its own subtle variations in naming conventions, reflecting their roles and cultural significance.

General Naming Structure:
  • First Name: Given at birth, reflecting the individual's personality or traits observed early in life.
  • Second Name: A middle name that honours an ancestor or notable figure within their community.
  • Clan Name: The family or clan name, signifying their lineage and heritage.

Naming Variations by Societal Role:

  • Reds (Warriors and Miners)
  • Names: Strong and assertive, often incorporating hard consonants.
  • Examples:
  • Male: Tarek, Zordan, Karruk
  • Female: Mariska, Joretta, Karzala
  • Middle Names: Typically honour legendary warriors or renowned miners.
  • Examples: Dur, Zek, Rax

  • Blues (Engineers and Pilots)
  • Names: Technical and innovative, often incorporating smooth consonants and vowels.
  • Examples:
  • Male: Elarin, Viro, Teklin
  • Female: Liora, Mirena, Selin
  • Middle Names: Usually honor great inventors or skilled pilots.
  • Examples: Zin, Kyl, Vex

  • Purples (Shamans)
  • Names: Mystical and flowing, often incorporating soft consonants and elongated vowels.
  • Examples:
  • Male: Lioran, Zeyrin, Pharun
  • Female: Sarenna, Yalara, Velina
  • Middle Names: Often honour revered shamans or spiritual leaders.
  • Examples: Thal, Var, Nira

  • Greens (Royalty)
  • Names: Elegant and noble, often incorporating balanced sounds with a regal tone.
  • Examples:
  • Male: Alarik, Veren, Lothar
  • Female: Elara, Marienna, Valira
  • Middle Names: Typically honour former rulers or notable figures in governance.
  • Examples: Ren, Sol, Tyra


The Antrillians evolved on the vibrant planet of Antrillia, where their distinct roles based on fur color developed as a means to efficiently utilize their environment. Their planet's diverse ecosystems necessitated a range of skills and specializations. Over time, the Antrillians' cooperative nature allowed them to build a society that harmonizes nature with advanced technology.

Historically, the Antrillians have had limited contact with the broader galaxy, primarily because of their self-sufficient and contented lifestyle on Antrillia. However, their encounter with off-world explorers led to a gradual introduction to galactic technology and culture, which they integrated into their own society with characteristic enthusiasm.

Despite their peaceful nature, the Antrillians have a proud tradition of warriors (the Reds), who protect their communities and mine valuable resources. The Blues, with their technical prowess, have propelled Antrillian technology forward, crafting innovative solutions for both everyday life and space travel. The Purples, serving as spiritual leaders, ensure the community remains connected to their ancestral roots and the natural world. The Greens, although few in number, provide wise leadership and governance, ensuring that the Antrillians thrive in harmony.

Today, while still primarily found on Antrillia, small groups of Antrillians can be found throughout the galaxy, often working as engineers, pilots, or spiritual advisors, spreading their unique blend of cheerfulness and ingenuity wherever they go.
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