The Forgotten One
Juran Mountains
The Phasma-class Infiltrator slid through space above the planet Alderaan. Cloaking fields activated the ship had been in orbit for some time. Right now the probing operation was to ensure that no one had detected the vessel, or was waiting for it to make a move on it. Inside the ship Darth Kentarch looked over scans and holo-projection read outs of the planet's mountain range. Satisfied with the results he turned to his droid co-pilot and with a nod of his head he spoke. "Give the signal." Darth Kentarch ordered. The droid did not respond, but instead quickly moved to a nearby terminal and sent out a scrambled and encrypted message through the comlink device. The Sith Lord had made the message himself, as well as taking the time to scramble and encrypt it. Antumbra. The message was only one word, so even if GRIM was able to find and decoded it, they would have no idea what it meant.
"Take us in." Kentarch then said. "Nice and easy, there are no patrols and the weather is clear." The droid to control of the stealth ship and descended through the atmosphere and down into the mountains. Within moments the Sith was able to make out the trees and valleys of the planet, snow covered peaks and alpine passes, the region lived up to its majestic reputation. Yet as much as the Sith Lord wanted to enjoy the view he had other priorities. The landing site he had chosen was already known to the Sith Assassins, who he briefed earlier on Operation Antumbra. Orders had been given that under no circumstances were the landing coordinates transmitted via any form of communication. After passing over several mountains the cloaked ship swung down and under some trees in a large uninhabited valley. Kentarch immediately cloaked his force signature out of habit.
The Sith Lord felt the ship set down, and moved to the landing bay doors without speaking to anyone. Quickly he exited the ship and surveyed his surroundings. It was perfect. The mountain range provided natural cover from ships from above, marching armies through this area was next to impossible and would take months. This was the perfect place to hide. He now would wait for the others.
[member="Darth Ferus"].
Juran Mountains
The Phasma-class Infiltrator slid through space above the planet Alderaan. Cloaking fields activated the ship had been in orbit for some time. Right now the probing operation was to ensure that no one had detected the vessel, or was waiting for it to make a move on it. Inside the ship Darth Kentarch looked over scans and holo-projection read outs of the planet's mountain range. Satisfied with the results he turned to his droid co-pilot and with a nod of his head he spoke. "Give the signal." Darth Kentarch ordered. The droid did not respond, but instead quickly moved to a nearby terminal and sent out a scrambled and encrypted message through the comlink device. The Sith Lord had made the message himself, as well as taking the time to scramble and encrypt it. Antumbra. The message was only one word, so even if GRIM was able to find and decoded it, they would have no idea what it meant.
"Take us in." Kentarch then said. "Nice and easy, there are no patrols and the weather is clear." The droid to control of the stealth ship and descended through the atmosphere and down into the mountains. Within moments the Sith was able to make out the trees and valleys of the planet, snow covered peaks and alpine passes, the region lived up to its majestic reputation. Yet as much as the Sith Lord wanted to enjoy the view he had other priorities. The landing site he had chosen was already known to the Sith Assassins, who he briefed earlier on Operation Antumbra. Orders had been given that under no circumstances were the landing coordinates transmitted via any form of communication. After passing over several mountains the cloaked ship swung down and under some trees in a large uninhabited valley. Kentarch immediately cloaked his force signature out of habit.
The Sith Lord felt the ship set down, and moved to the landing bay doors without speaking to anyone. Quickly he exited the ship and surveyed his surroundings. It was perfect. The mountain range provided natural cover from ships from above, marching armies through this area was next to impossible and would take months. This was the perfect place to hide. He now would wait for the others.
[member="Darth Ferus"].