Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Any Jedi/Ground Troopers/Or Pilots Want A Thread?

[member="Lira Dajenn"]

Ok then. Having a Jedi on board for fighting pirates sounds like fun.

You can join the teams in the RAETs landing in the pirate asteroid base if you like unless you prefer to fly. (Hope your dropship pilot dodges their outer defenses and uses their missiles to knock out their hanger door)

[member="Miles Varden"]

Wait, are you Republic or Omega Protectorate? Oh you mentioned alts, well if their Republic then it doesn't matter. Either works. This was a fight for the 3rd battle group, but I figured we could bring in a couple Padawans looking for a fight and give Ana some company in the pilot's seat.
[member="Lira Dajenn"]

Just don't stand in the middle of ten guys with blasters and it should be ok. . . .right? Right?

Or get caught by those traps, , , , ,I wonder if I should DM the enemies and make this bigger?

[member="Lira Dajenn"]

Actually if her goal is to not kill, she could make it her goal to arrest anyone she captures and hold the soldiers around her to the same with stun bolts. A Lt would likely just ask for orders and I could respond saying it will be like a challenge then. After all unless the enemy is heavily armored, which most pirates won't be, stun bolts will put em down just as well as blaster bolts. It'd just leave Lira in charge of stopping any folk in heavy armor.

And maybe the next time I do a massive thread she would be happier if she joined.

Because I have been trying to consider a rather fun campaign for the Republic sometime.

Where we'd take people who were up to it on an Spearhead Expedition Cruiser, and then during each step of the campaign create a new system, full of worlds or asteroids and the like, species for it if there are any, places and resources to discover if any, and any beasties or hostile enemies they may encounter. I figure it'd be a fun to add a new edge to the map, not to mention give a great story for the troopers, scientists/researchers, Jedi, and diplomats who decide to come aboard and want to play a role during each bit of travel.

Lira Dajenn

[member="Camellia Swift"]

I don't think she's leading her unit, she's brand new so i imagine she's just an attachment to the group to provide a little bit of extra support.

Also that idea sounds fantastic. Lira isn't supposed to be as heavily combat orientated as Diana was and i'de love to throw her into some politics and the like.
[member="Lira Dajenn"]

Yes, send Jedi planetside to speak peace. Would sound good. And yeah I don't imagine she is in command, but I doubt a commander would turn down such a pretty face, especially a wise Jedi's. And especially when deep down the Republic is truly good.

So yeah, if she mentioned such the response would come down to take as many under arrest as possible.

Also in response to your point, we will also take their injured as well on the Medical Frigate. While we have few people boarding their station, our ship's troop compliments are higher so we can bring them back and keep them in check.

We are the good guys, even with pirates we ought to remember that.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

By which I mean yes you're more than welcome to post!


[member="Thane Drexel"]

Post too if you want, join in the fighter combat or on the station whichever suits your fancy.
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Just weighing it up. Don't want to step on anyone's toes as a Jedi ([member="Lira Dajenn"]) and working out how best to add any value as a lone starfighter pilot ([member="[FONT=arial][SIZE=11pt]Aqulia Audax"])[/FONT][/SIZE].

Rest assured I'll be there - just need to work though in which guise.

:) :) :)

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