Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anybody that can Help me?

Could anybody help with developing my Biography, Creating a backstory for my character is tough and I always end up with something really generic and boring. If anybody could help me with it I would be very grateful
Werah Unon said:
Sure, what do you want as a basic outline?
The only stuff I know I want is that she got into a fight and now has a large scar across her back, she also is force sensitive but doesn't fully understand it as Force sensitive chiss are rare. I also want to include stuff about how she became a pilot.
Nymeria Vizsla said:
Lets start basic, was she born into wealth or not? Was her early life -pre rp-tragic or otherwise rather good?
Her family were not rich but had enough wealth to afford a good home and a nice life and pre RP would not be tragic
[member="Jezebel Marcos"] [member="Lash"]

Lash is a great RPer and a knowledgable guy. I would recommend dealing with him about Chiss related stuff.

As far as character bios go, I'd love to work with you on it. I feel that is one of my strong points when it comes to writing, creating characters and developing them, and have helped others with it before. I am also a Writing Major in college, so shamelessly flaunting that off there >.>. Shoot me a pm if you are interested and we can get something going.
Gray Raxis said:
[member="Jezebel Marcos"] [member="Lash"]

Lash is a great RPer and a knowledgable guy. I would recommend dealing with him about Chiss related stuff.

As far as character bios go, I'd love to work with you on it. I feel that is one of my strong points when it comes to writing, creating characters and developing them, and have helped others with it before. I am also a Writing Major in college, so shamelessly flaunting that off there >.>. Shoot me a pm if you are interested and we can get something going.
Alright thanks :D
Anaki Sann said:
same but remember backgrounds can just be as basic as 3 lines.
" She was born a slave then Boba Fett killed the man who owned her and she was free and a Jedi took her to the Jedi and she became a Padawan."
Yer but that sort of backstory is just pointless, you might as well have no backstory than a sentence long one, unless you are RPing a newly created droid that wouldn't really have a backstory or something like that

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