Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anyone in need of an active smuggling/trafficking faction?

Hello fellow rp'ers, i have been wanting to do this for a while, but first i need the communities approval. As a smuggler, i don't really have much to do on this site for my character, mostly because of the lack of activity in other factions. This isn't something that I'm going to be selfish about and create a faction with the minimum amount of members, so i am going to ask all you wonderful people, do you think that a faction like this is needed?
There doesn't seem to be an existing fully blown Galactic Underworld faction. So anything along those lines I'd be interested in :)


The SSS is finally major and we are looking to be a major criminal empire. You should check it out to see if you are interested.
I did look at the Syndicate but it seemed a bit too politically-minded for what I'm after, also the description I read (it seems to have changed since) implied it was more of a covert-ops faction with assassins etc rather than smugglers and good old fashioned scallywags :)
Hey, I'm a scallywag, lum swigging pirate. The boss hires us as privateers, and the SSS gets a 40% cut of independent work. Not bad,considering they give you weapons, upgrades and a safe haven fromthe law.

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