Hand to Hand is different from saber combat and force powers in that it is a simple attack form, just like a person can be a great marksman with a blaster rifle. Of course, there are higher forms that a character might not know, such as advanced Mando or Echani techniques, but over all it is seen as something that is allowed to a large degree. After all, no matter how good you are at punching a person out, a person with the force can just do the same thing from fifty yards back.
In short, there are things that [member="Ashe Senari"] will not know(as she mentioned), but hand to hand is no where near the restriction level of sabers and force powers like what you were doing when you got in trouble a while back, [member="Hakora Feanor"].
So long as Ashe isn't doing dragons kiss Mr. Myagi wushu finger hold stuff, we'll be alright.
I also have to admit though, that things like this might be a stretch without IC training.