Grand Moff Helranth
Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
If you didn't see in the suggestions area, I, Darth Ares, proposed an official non Star Wars RP area where people who want to still RP with this website's writers can do other things alongside Star Wars. I am going to do a trial run on an RP using a fraction to craft the world. So far I just need people interested in my idea that I can bounce ideas off of as I craft it and even help if you like. I will also need an important character who can be compared to Presidet Snow from Hunger Games, but even worse. Like hunger games meets 1984.
Story this far:
The world was chaos, crime was unstoppable, and there was no order; one day this changed. A group rose up and waged war to achieve order and they won and a new order was installed. The group appointed a leader and his line reigns even to this day. The idea of order grew more and more and control became greater, people died all over the world in the world so the survivors were gathered into a utopia where they were promised paradise and better lives. Everyone alive and new borns were given a chip that was installed into the back of a person's neck. This chip was more than a mere tracker, if you didn't get it you were exicuted for treason. This chip was a part of you because inside it was nanobots. As you grew the nanobots grew and created in your body distinct veins throughout the body; the greatest break through in technology. The chips healed people and made them live longer and age slower once they reached 25. The chips did so much, yet the government was in control of them all and if you tried to tamper with them or remove them they would kill you. They also granted a super power, but only one and it was whatever the person truly desired to have, but the only way the super power was useable was if the government unlocked it and they only did this for the loyal party. If the loyal party tried to use the power against the government it meant death and out of all the powers, one was a legend that no one had obtained; Cyberkenisis, the control of mechanics and electrical items. If this legend ever surfaced, rebellion would happen and this person could unlock chips and free them from government control without death. It was an impossible power. After 300 years since the war, rumors the legend floating around again....
That is what I got. I plan to be the one with Cyberkenisis because I don't want someone to abuse it and act like the great hero with it, but merely a spark to start the rebellion.
The story is subject to change and not all powers will be possible, only practical ones that would seem possible through the chips.
Story this far:
The world was chaos, crime was unstoppable, and there was no order; one day this changed. A group rose up and waged war to achieve order and they won and a new order was installed. The group appointed a leader and his line reigns even to this day. The idea of order grew more and more and control became greater, people died all over the world in the world so the survivors were gathered into a utopia where they were promised paradise and better lives. Everyone alive and new borns were given a chip that was installed into the back of a person's neck. This chip was more than a mere tracker, if you didn't get it you were exicuted for treason. This chip was a part of you because inside it was nanobots. As you grew the nanobots grew and created in your body distinct veins throughout the body; the greatest break through in technology. The chips healed people and made them live longer and age slower once they reached 25. The chips did so much, yet the government was in control of them all and if you tried to tamper with them or remove them they would kill you. They also granted a super power, but only one and it was whatever the person truly desired to have, but the only way the super power was useable was if the government unlocked it and they only did this for the loyal party. If the loyal party tried to use the power against the government it meant death and out of all the powers, one was a legend that no one had obtained; Cyberkenisis, the control of mechanics and electrical items. If this legend ever surfaced, rebellion would happen and this person could unlock chips and free them from government control without death. It was an impossible power. After 300 years since the war, rumors the legend floating around again....
That is what I got. I plan to be the one with Cyberkenisis because I don't want someone to abuse it and act like the great hero with it, but merely a spark to start the rebellion.
The story is subject to change and not all powers will be possible, only practical ones that would seem possible through the chips.