Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick

[float left]

|Name| Ao'Xian
|Nickname| Ao, no one gets the tail flick right anyway
|Species| Xykan
|Homeworld| Raykka
|Gender| Female
|Age| Adult
|Length| 3.5m
|Height| Between 1m and 2.75m, depending on posture
|Weight| Excuse
|Scales| Red and Gold
|Fur| Red, Blue, and Gold
|Eyes| Blue
|Force Sensitive| One might say yes.
|Rank| Sith Lord
|Allegiance| The Sith Empire
|Current Residence| Bastion

[float right]

| + Xykan Traits |
|Shapeshifter | Resistant to Acid/Poison | Keen Senses | Paralyzing Bite | Reptilian Physiology|
| + Fast |
Though delicate, Ao combines speed and dexterity into a flowing art form.
| - Xykan Traits |
|Fragile | Sensitive to Stimuli | Cold Blooded | Shapeshifting Caloricly Expensive | Imperfect Shifting | Abnormal Physiology|
| - Path to Godhood |
While it's what she seeks, she is not a god yet- but that doesn't change the vanity, arrogance, or the enormous ego already in place.
| - Technology is Magic |
Ao'Xian doesn't understand most technology. As far as she is concerned, it works like any other magic, and does not require her attention. This can lead to hilarious, awkward, or even dangerous scenarios.

Ao'Xian's path to godhood is clear. She has found power in the Dark side of the Force.
A decade ago she left her home to study, to seek the path that would lead her back to the birthright of her people. She left everything, sacrificed what she thought she held dear to follow that thread of potential. Every step forward confirmed that choice.
Ao does not see herself as evil. But she does not pretend that the path of a predator is righteous. Simply that it is natural and in that, offers a certain goodness to the galaxy. Allow prey to breed rampant and without checks, a species grows sick and weak. Only through the predations of those sharp of fang and swift of foot can a species flourish, allowing the strong to survive. The galaxy, Ao had decided, was no different.
Having made her alliances with the Sith Empire, she settles comfortably into a position of trust and power, ready to shape and mold the next generation of Sith into something great and worthy....
Or to eat the failures.
She doesn't much care which.

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