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Approved Starship AP-89 Crux-Class Heavy Freighter

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Intent: To Create a "middle" Light Freighter for sale on the Public Market
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: MandalMotors
Model: AP-89 Crux-Class Light Freighter
Affiliation: Public
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass Production
Material: Durasteel
Description: Designed as part of the "Keldabe Strong" civilian line of products by MandalMotors, the ship boasts high modularity in the form of empty storage rooms. Including the two bedrooms and captain's quaters there are eight rooms in total, the largest being the cargo bay. Each room is equpped with necessary ports to support a medical bay, kitchen, mess, or even armory. Much faster than its "Light" cousin, the Crux is the culmination of experience from building on of MandalMotors first light freighters since the plague.

With two powerful ion engines and a top of the line solar ionization reactor, the Crux speeds past the competition due to its light frame. Despite it being labled a "Heavy Freighter" the Crux comes very lightly armed with most of its "weight" being in the engine. Set to compete in speed, handling, and performance when put up against Corellian Engineering's own heavy freighter line, this starship makes up for in speed and power than it does in its weapons systems.

Despite its focus on speed, the ship does come with two weapon hardpoints on which a variety of weapons could be added such as manned and unmaned ion and laser turrets, though doing so would reduce the speed and overall performance of the vessel itself. The first hardpoint is located on the top of the vessel, while the second is located on its belly. Over all, the Crux is a magnificent freighter by Mandalorian design.

Classification: Heavy Freighter
Role: Transport of people and goods
Height: 7.5 Meters
Width: 20 Meters
Length: 40 Meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 1
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 2

  • 2 Laser Canons
  • 1 Ion Cannon
  • 2 Weapon Hard points
  • 2 Swoop Bikes or Speeder Bikes
  • 1 Small Land Speeder or small Air Speeder
Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Standard Life Support
  • Communicatinos Array
  • Standard Navigation
  • Civilian Sensor Array
  • Standard Deflector Shields
  • Escape Pods
Passenger Capacity: 5 {Though the cargo hold and other rooms may hold additional passengers, this was not the space's intended purpose}
Cargo Capacity: 500 Metric Tons
Consumables: 1 Month
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 3 (+.5 per added Weapon on Hardpoint)
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

I'd need some idea or restriction on what sort of weapons could be put on there and a more specific example of how it would affect the ship's speed? .5 reduction? 1?
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