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Approved Tech Apex: cybernetic anatomical system

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


"I want some mean chit. Angry chompers. A smile that's one part invitation, One part threat"
—Tayl Vizsla

  • Classification: Internal organ(s), multipurpose skin replacement, various cybernetic chip(s), Fang implant(s)
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Very Low
    • EMP\Ion: High
    • Electric: Extreme
  • Bio-inhibitor chip regulates Adrenal\Dopamine output
    • Negative side effect: Artificially bottles up negative emotions
  • Extensive Sythskin surface, covering over 60% of the body
    • w\Artificial nerve ending substitutes, comparable to the real thing
  • Rybcoarse muscle substitute, covering roughly 10% of the body
    • Comparable to athletic muscle strength
  • Rubberized under-coating to defend against electrical shock
  • Armorweave lung replacement w\Cybernetic Respirator
  • Micro-shunting chip
  • Locator chip w\Bio-hexacrypt protection & GPS data, inked to a secure server
  • Diagnostic chip w\wireless data transfer
  • Durability implant
    • Mild improvements to stamina
      • Compensates for poor fitness routines
  • Bio-stabilizer implant
    • Monitors blood, synthesizes various antidotes
  • Retractable cuticle implants w\black polish
  • Retractable fang implants, features an injection system that can be loaded with various liquids
  • Full set of sharpened, reinforced-duraplast, Teeth(not including vital molars)
  • Neural Slave-circuit chip wirelessly interfaces with armor, weapons and cybernetics


  • Electrical Protection: Extensive synthskin applications have received rubberized underlays and synthetic muscle to counteract electrical shock and overload. Furthermore, The shunting chip and Lornan implant protects the entire system from electrical overload, providing the user's entire cybernetic package and brain with electric resistance.
  • Ionic Protection: Duraplast coated electronics protect the system from Ionic and EMP effects when applicable, Allowing Tayl to remain in the fight and objectively healthy even under such conditions.
  • Iron Lung: Artificial lungs lined with armorweave will never tire. Coupled with the Cybernetic Respirator, It allows the user to survive in toxic environments and those without oxygen, such as water or vacuum, for a few hours at a time.
  • Poison Immunity: Bio-stabilizer brute forces bodily antidote generation through an expansive neural-linked database, Making the user's body functionally immune to a variety of poisons and venoms.

  • Neural chip: Links the user to the entire system and armor systems via a wireless neural-link implant, allowing the user to command the entire system with thought alone.


  • Neo-venom: The bio-stabilizer implant relies on an extensive database to brute force the synthesis of antidotes in the body.

    but should a new poison be encountered or manufactured before being entered into this database, The implant will be unable to synthesize the antidote until sufficient data has been logged into the database, meaning the user may still suffer harmful affects or even death when encountering these new or just quite rare substances.


  • Fanged Troubles: Should the fang's injection implant be broken by sufficient blunt trauma, it is possible that the loaded substances may enter the user's bodily system and cause harm or even death.

    Should this substance be unrecognizable within the internal database(See; Neo-venom), The effects could be unpredictable at best, and fatal at worst.


  • Unarmored: While the various materials do provide some physical protection, The majority of the system's defenses are oriented toward electronic warfare, and are therefore still susceptible to varied physical damage, should the body itself be breached.

  • Slave to the chip: Should the neural-link slave chip become damaged(EX: severe blunt trauma to the skull), It is possible that the user could lose control over the system. While many functions, such as breathing, are otherwise automated, control of the user's armor, retractable claws & fangs, or the injecting properties of said fangs, could all be lost or malfunction unpredictably.

  • My own medicine: While the extensively reworked nervous system does allow the body to maintain functionality even under great pain, it does not in fact limit said pain. This could potentially be used against the user to prolong torture, and increases the risk of going into shock. This in turn can lead to a variety of harmful effects, such as organ failure and even death if not treated quickly.
  • Mechu-deru: Due to the extensive nature of the user's cybernetic\bionic package, A skilled Mechu-deru user could easily manipulate the majority of it's components, turning various functions against the user and even temporarily removing their control over portions of the body.
While some of the systems incorporated into Tayl's body originate from the cloning facilities on Kamino, The new "Apex" system is little more than a byproduct of the
terrible battle that resulted in Tayl's extensive injuries. Over 60% of her body suffered second degree and third degree burns at the hands of the Sith, which she only survived due to the great effort of the Jedi, Iris Arani, who had accompanied her during the events leading up to this battle.

The young Mandalorian was left humbled and broken within a bacta tank for over a month before her decayed body, drained of life by the dark side of the force, was fit to leave the vat in preparation for her surgeries.

These surgeries were performed with the assistance of the skilled slicer and cyberneticist,
Shot Sutaz, who had been assisting Tayl Vizsla in her mission for years prior to the battle.
Shot Sutaz bankrolled the entire operation as well as prosthetic augmentation required of
Aloy Vizsla, Ensuring that both Mother and Daughter had only the best cybernetics that money could buy.

Alongside the extensive reconstruction of her body, Tayl Vizsla requested a few peculiar additions; Namely retractable claws, venom injecting fangs, a row of blade-like teeth.

They thought they were sending their daughter to be repaired, but in reality, this was just the beginning of a much darker turn in the young Twi'lek's story. One that had been building up for quite some time.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

Very interesting one!
  • Please link the Teen wolf, Blade and the SWTOR's imdb links to the image Source.
  • I'm sorry, but the permission is not good. What does it refer to? What are you asking permission for? These should be on the permission's picture.
  • How the Lungs working? I mean I can easily imagine how it is able to filter/filter out the oxygen or the toxins from water or the toxic air and keep the character alive. But how it is working in vacuum? There is no oxygen there.
  • And the major problem is, it is very unbalanced. The strengths are much more powerful than the weaknesses, because all of them are your decision, if you don't want someone to hack the system it will never happen, this is the same about the locator chip. It is easy to abuse them. If you read them, you have high level resistance against Ion/EMP attacks, no one is able to suffocate or poison your character, and she is able to control the system with thoughts, which is able to heal her etc.. And the weaknesses are insignificant compared to the benefits. So please add one or two significant (and probably PvP) weaknesses which are in the light of which you don't look like an invincible terminator or warmachine.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
the weaknesses are insignificant compared to the benefits. So please add one or two significant (and probably PvP) weaknesses which are in the light of which you don't look like an invincible terminator or warmachine.

Uhm? crap. I see what you mean now, yeah. Didn't mean to make it that powerful! Just wanted a couple of funky little bonuses for things, I must have gotten carried away! I literally spent all night on it, no sleep by the time I got to strengths and weaknesses.

I'll have to get back to on that after i've gotten some sleep. so sorry!

How the Lungs working? I mean I can easily imagine how it is able to filter/filter out the oxygen or the toxins from water or the toxic air and keep the character alive. But how it is working in vacuum? There is no oxygen there.
This I believe I can answer tho!
The lung, by itself, cannot. It's just a bag for air with a filter on it basically. BUT- The wiki says that the Cybernetic Respirator can function in an Airless environment, Meaning that it most likely has some kind of oxygen tank of it's own. So I'm operating under the assumption that it'd be built into her body somewhere, probably using a system similar to a rebreather to recycle some of the air she breathes in and store it for later. It's probably not a lot, but it is something!

I'm sorry, but the permission is not good. What does it refer to? What are you asking permission for? These should be on the permission's picture.
It's meant to be permission to label Shot Sutaz as the manufacturer, which was agreed between the two of us. I only just realized that the screenshot is missing context though, so i've linked some other screenshots with the full context

Anyway, real sorry about the mess! I'll be back after I've slept to clean up more of it and tag you again when it looks ready MANIAC MANIAC
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
Let me know, when you modify the weaknesses too! And try to rest next time! :)

Yeahhhh lesson learned I guess <.<

Anyway, I've altered a number of weaknesses and even added some more. I also removed several fluff implants that might have lent too much to the strengths now that I've had time to really look into it all. Hope it all checks out!
Submission Name: EE-5 Particle Carbine
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Due IC events and faction changes, I would like to update the affiliation, reference images and any broken images\links in this and the following submissions.

Submission Name: PK-45 "Peacekeeper" hybrid pistol
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: [See Above]

Submission Name: Vizsla Dueling beskad & kal
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: [See Above]

Submission Name: Ml.II "Starfire" Plasmathrower
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: [See Above] I also want to revert the name to "Plasma-caster" as it rolls off the tongue better >.>

Submission Name: Tayl's Beskar'gam :: Unchained
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: [See Above] I would also like to update it in line with IC events

Submission Name: Apex: cybernetic anatomical system
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxxx
Reason for Factory Modification Request: I would like to completely rebalance this submission by removing certain components and altering the strengths accordingly


Submission Name: "Starfire" gauntlet plasma-caster
Link to Submission: xxxxxxxx
Reason for Archival Request: This is now obsolete due to the Mk.II variant
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
  • Altered quote
  • Rebalanced technical specifications
  • Removed several implants that could potentially give artificial strengths beyond that of a regular human(glad I realized)
  • Added flavor text\explanations to a few pre-existing implants
Ready to go!
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