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Approved Ranged Weapon Apis Micro Cluster Missile System

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Manufacturer: Imperial Military Protective Services, Empire of the Lost
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Apis Micro Cluster Missile System

An Apis Launcher (Image Source: Here)

  • Advanced Sensors
  • Advanced Fire Control
  • Advanced ECCM
  • No Missile Deactivation: Effective against Missile Deactivation Transmitters because there is simply no command to deactivate them programmed in. They will continue trying to find an appropriate target until their fuel burns out, and when low on fuel, will angle themselves directly into deep space to fly into a void for millennia.
  • Singular Purpose: The Apis Micro Cluster Missile System is designed for a singular purpose, which is it excessively good at, namely being the second to last line of defense in the Clipeus Point Defense System. It is extremely effective against both incoming enemy missiles and starfighters, capable of tracking and adjusting to the maneuvers of both, either destroying them or helping to ward them off.
  • Interceptor Missile System Only: The relatively small charges on the Apis missiles and limited fuel supply mean that against anything other than opposing starfighters and missiles at a relatively short to medium range they are effectively harmless, they are point-defense missiles after all.

Believing in a multilayered approach to point defense, a defense "onion" Imperial Military Protective Services designed the Apis Micro Cluster Missile System to be the second to last line of defense before the Flashpoint Laser Defense Grid. It is designed as a short to medium range defense system to take out targets that make it past the previous, longer-range lines of defense to reduce strain on the former and provide another line of protection before the ship's shields or armor take damage.

It is chiefly comprised of advanced sensors, fire control, ECCM capable of tracking and engaging most targets that do not have express stealth systems or have stealth systems that have been exposed by other means along with custom designed micro missiles. These small micro missiles, filled with detonite warheads, are capable of being fired in swarms while being able to individually target and track incoming threats, with the goal of overwhelming shielding and armor and being able for at least some to hit targets that make sudden turns and other evasive maneuvers.

Being a relatively easy to understand concept in starship engineering, it did not take long for the various scientists and engineers of the galaxy to reverse engineer this portion of the Clipeus system, although this does not seem to particularly bother Imperial engineers due to the fact that even understanding how it works does not make it particularly easy to defeat.

OOC Notes: The fire control and sensors are not effective against Semi-Unique stealth missiles/starfighters whose positions have not been revealed by other means, merely those who have a "low-profile" as it were.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create small, short-range cluster missiles to take on enemy starfighters and missiles as part of a greater point defense system.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Imperial Military Protective Services, Empire of the Lost, The Voland Family, and eventually open market.
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Burst Fire
Material: Durasteel, duraplast, various composites, explosive materials, detonite
Ammunition Type: Missiles
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Average
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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